THE BLACK DOMINATRIX-56 by Hamlet THE TORTURE AND DEATH OF THE INSPECTORS - 5 LISA THE EXECUTIONESS! I stood over the mangled and broken body of Wilson.He lay there in a bloody heap completely dead in his own blood.I really savoured my victory as I stood over him pushing his head down hard with the heel of my boot.Blood was flowing down now from every single orifice of his body and the floor was now awash with his blood. I pushed my heel harder into his neck and was so proud of my wonderful victory.I had totally defeated him at every turn.It was a continuous story of defeat and humiliation at my hands.I had humiliated him verbally over the phone.His attempt at having me killed ended up in absolute failure as I had beaten , killed and dumped at the Police station the 2 Police officers he had sent to kill me.He had kidnapped Simon but I had rescued him easily.I had won an easy victory over 30 Police officers who thought they could arrest me ,after I had smashed through the Police station on my Harley Davison. He had tried to escape from me but his attempt had ended in miserable failure with me capturing him and tying him up in the Police station.Finally I had put him through the most appalling mental and physical torture anyone can endure .It was one complete victory after another! Now it was time for me to finally torture and kill his colleague Seenan.The big fat turd sat there his face bowed in humiliation and fear.Like Wilson I had totally defeated and beaten him .He thought he could escape from me by hiding in his house ,thinking stupidly I would never find him.I had broken into his house and given him a good hard beating.The greasy idiot did not realise that no one can escape from me the Black Dominatrix!Even if he had left the country I would have found him and beaten him! He had harmed my Darling lover , my property Simon .For that I hated him even more than Wilson.God how I would enjoy putting him through the most terrible pain and death it was possible to inflict! As I walked over to Seenan I noticed Wilson's widow sitting shaking with terror at the sight of her dead husband lying prostrate at her feet.I hated the blonde bimbo too.The mere fact she was married to that arsehole Wilson was enough to make me loathe her.What was more she was a blonde bimbo! I walked over to the cow and grabbed her by her died blonde hair.I put my rubber masked face hard into hers.At the same time I twisted her miserable nipples with my razor sharp nails.Tears of sheer agony rolled down her face. 'Well you bloody bimbo you've just had a ringside seat at your husband's execution!I hope you enjoyed watching my torture skills!Don't pretend to care -you want to get your hands on the Life Insurance money you mercenary cow!Well I'll tell you one thing.-you won't get one penny of it!As soon as that cheque arrives you will tell me at once.If you don't ,you'll be dead meat you stupid bimbo.I want every penny of it for the trouble I've gone to torturing and killing your husband.' 'After that you will sign up for Corrective Therapy which you desperately need.At the end I will decide what to do with you.I might cripple you for life or I might even kill you too.It all depends on your progress.Here is a taste of the pain you will suffer during the Sessions!' With that I gave her a ringing slap across the face.Her head spun right round and it looked as if it was going to come off her shoulders.Blood came spurting out of her nose.She had to have a foretaste of what was to come! I left the stupid cow tied to the chair, her head bowed and tears and blood coming down her face.I would deal with her later! I walked over to my arch enemy Seenan.He sat there tied to the chair with the rubber ball in his mouth shaking like an epileptic.He was half dead anyway.Killing him would be no trouble at all.The very sight of his revolting body with its layers of fat made me feel quite disgusted!I could not wait to wipe him right off the face of the earth for ever! I pulled the rubber ball out of his mouth.Saliva and blood came pouring out. 'God I really can't wait to kill you Seenan.The sooner you are wiped clean off the earth's surface the better for everyone .You really must have one of the most hideous bodies on earth!' 'Pleash have mershy Madame Lisha' he mumbled. I grabbed him by the hair and pulled a tuft of it by the roots. 'Look her you piece of vermin.If I ever hear your stupid ridiculous voice ever again I will cut off your tongue.Do you understand?' YAAAAAAAGGGGGGHH! YESH MADAME LISHA! he bellowed as I pulled out more of his hair as if I was pulling out grass from the ground. 'I really love you to suffer you fat turd! Well before I kill you I will disembowel you in the most painful terrible way I can.Don't worry in less than an hour's time you will be well and truly dead!' I untied him and he almost fell forwards.I picked him up and threw him hard over the chair.I tied his hands securely to the legs of the chair with rubber bands.At the same time I tied his legs securely to the other legs of the chair.He was exposed right in front of me ready for a good hard disemboweling.I would love ripping his guts right out of him! I held the strap on in my hand ready to push it in as hard as I could.God I was getting wet with the rubber tightly under my legs, ready to make him suffer as much as I could! 'Keep that arse still!If you move an inch I'll cut you to shreds!' I shouted.He knew he had to obey as I meant exactly what I said. My strap on had a pointed end with a razor tip .It was an instrument of torture not lovemaking now.It would rip the insides of his arse wide open. With one mighty lunge I forced it hard up his anus. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! he bellowed.His screams could be heard right across Abingdon.They were like the screams of Hell itself. I had not quite penetrated the length of his anus, so I thrust it in once more even harder. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! he bellowed even louder.The whole room seemed to shake with the noise. Blood came flooding out in torrents from his anus and was gushing across the floor.His anus was now split wide open. I forced my fist and hand right up his exposed anus.I pushed harder and harder until I had penetrated into his bowels.I dug hard into him with my razor sharp nails feeling his innards.He was beside himself with sheer agony but I still pushed harder.At last with one powerful grip I had his innards in my hands and was ripping them out. As I withdrew my hand I pulled the innards and intestines one after the other right out.Blood, shit, bile and intestines were now all over the floor and were beginning to pour out in one disgusting mess.God what a stench as the stinking contents of Seenan's insides spread themselves all over the floor in one repulsive heap! I untied him and turned the repulsive tub of guts round to face me.It was clear that life was leaving his body and he would soon be dead. I took my knife out.I held his miserable prick and balls in my hand.With one quick slice I brought the knife right down.I sliced right throught them as blood shot up right through to the ceiling. I took hold of the prick and balls and made him open his mouth wide.With one movement I shoved them hard down his throat until he was choking, just like I had done to Wilson. I then took out my rubber gas mask.This would be his instrument of death. I forced him down on the floor.I ordered him then to fill up the gas mask with all the innards , bile and shit that lay on the floor.He was almost unable to move and was still choking but he did as he was ordered as always.He crawled on the floor ,like an animal, filling up the gas mask as he had been told to do. I then threw him back on the chair.I picked up more of his shit and intestines from the floor and rammed them hard down his throat.He was really choking now almost unable to swallow.I was so enjoying his suffering as I was going wet between my legs.I was getting so aroused and excited as I was revelling in his suffering! I then picked up the gas mask that was full of his innards and tied it securely around his head.I tied the rubber straps harder and harder.Underneath I could hear him choking.Now he was going to suffocate in the gas mask deprived of all air supply.I tied it tighter than ever.The temperature under there must have been well over 100 degrees and it was getting hotter than ever every second.I held him there for at least 5 minutes. I then let go.With one loud crash he fell like a dead weight hard onto the floor into his own blood and shit and innards.He lay there face down with the gas mask still on, prostrate before me. SEENAN WAS WELL AND TRULY AND ABSOLUTELY DEAD! Any comments or suggestions gratefully recived to Hamlet I stood over the mangled and broken body of Wilson.He lay there in a bloody heap completely dead in his own blood.I really savoured my victory as I stood over him pushing his head down hard with the heel of my boot.Blood was flowing down now from every single orifice of his body and the floor was now awash with his blood. I pushed my heel harder into his neck and was so proud of my wonderful victory.I had totally defeated him at every turn.It was a continuous story of defeat and humiliation at my hands.I had humiliated him verbally over the phone.His attempt at having me killed ended up in absolute failure as I had beaten , killed and dumped at the Police station the 2 Police officers he had sent to kill me.He had kidnapped Simon but I had rescued him easily.I had won an easy victory over 30 Police officers who thought they could arrest me ,after I had smashed through the Police station on my Harley Davison. He had tried to escape from me but his attempt had ended in miserable failure with me capturing him and tying him up in the Police station.Finally I had put him through the most appalling mental and physical torture anyone can endure .It was one complete victory after another! Now it was time for me to finally torture and kill his colleague Seenan.The big fat turd sat there his face bowed in humiliation and fear.Like Wilson I had totally defeated and beaten him .He thought he could escape from me by hiding in his house ,thinking stupidly I would never find him.I had broken into his house and given him a good hard beating.The greasy idiot did not realise that no one can escape from me the Black Dominatrix!Even if he had left the country I would have found him and beaten him! He had harmed my Darling lover , my property Simon .For that I hated him even more than Wilson.God how I would enjoy putting him through the most terrible pain and death it was possible to inflict! As I walked over to Seenan I noticed Wilson's widow sitting shaking with terror at the sight of her dead husband lying prostrate at her feet.I hated the blonde bimbo too.The mere fact she was married to that arsehole Wilson was enough to make me loathe her.What was more she was a blonde bimbo! I walked over to the cow and grabbed her by her died blonde hair.I put my rubber masked face hard into hers.At the same time I twisted her miserable nipples with my razor sharp nails.Tears of sheer agony rolled down her face. 'Well you bloody bimbo you've just had a ringside seat at your husband's execution!I hope you enjoyed watching my torture skills!Don't pretend to care -you want to get your hands on the Life Insurance money you mercenary cow!Well I'll tell you one thing.-you won't get one penny of it!As soon as that cheque arrives you will tell me at once.If you don't ,you'll be dead meat you stupid bimbo.I want every penny of it for the trouble I've gone to torturing and killing your husband.' 'After that you will sign up for Corrective Therapy which you desperately need.At the end I will decide what to do with you.I might cripple you for life or I might even kill you too.It all depends on your progress.Here is a taste of the pain you will suffer during the Sessions!' With that I gave her a ringing slap across the face.Her head spun right round and it looked as if it was going to come off her shoulders.Blood came spurting out of her nose.She had to have a foretaste of what was to come! I left the stupid cow tied to the chair, her head bowed and tears and blood coming down her face.I would deal with her later! I walked over to my arch enemy Seenan.He sat there tied to the chair with the rubber ball in his mouth shaking like an epileptic.He was half dead anyway.Killing him would be no trouble at all.The very sight of his revolting body with its layers of fat made me feel quite disgusted!I could not wait to wipe him right off the face of the earth for ever! I pulled the rubber ball out of his mouth.Saliva and blood came pouring out. 'God I really can't wait to kill you Seenan.The sooner you are wiped clean off the earth's surface the better for everyone .You really must have one of the most hideous bodies on earth!' 'Pleash have mershy Madame Lisha' he mumbled. I grabbed him by the hair and pulled a tuft of it by the roots. 'Look her you piece of vermin.If I ever hear your stupid ridiculous voice ever again I will cut off your tongue.Do you understand?' YAAAAAAAGGGGGGHH! YESH MADAME LISHA! he bellowed as I pulled out more of his hair as if I was pulling out grass from the ground. 'I really love you to suffer you fat turd! Well before I kill you I will disembowel you in the most painful terrible way I can.Don't worry in less than an hour's time you will be well and truly dead!' I untied him and he almost fell forwards.I picked him up and threw him hard over the chair.I tied his hands securely to the legs of the chair with rubber bands.At the same time I tied his legs securely to the other legs of the chair.He was exposed right in front of me ready for a good hard disemboweling.I would love ripping his guts right out of him! I held the strap on in my hand ready to push it in as hard as I could.God I was getting wet with the rubber tightly under my legs, ready to make him suffer as much as I could! 'Keep that arse still!If you move an inch I'll cut you to shreds!' I shouted.He knew he had to obey as I meant exactly what I said. My strap on had a pointed end with a razor tip .It was an instrument of torture not lovemaking now.It would rip the insides of his arse wide open. With one mighty lunge I forced it hard up his anus. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! he bellowed.His screams could be heard right across Abingdon.They were like the screams of Hell itself. I had not quite penetrated the length of his anus, so I thrust it in once more even harder. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! he bellowed even louder.the whole room seemed to shake with the noise. Blood came floodin out in torrents from his anus and was gushing across the floor.His anus was now split wide open. I forced my fist and hand right up his exposed anus.I pushed harder and harder until I had penetrated into his bowels.I dug hard into him with my razor sharp nails feeling his innards.He was beside himself with sheer agony but I still pushed harder.At last with one powerful grip I had his innards in my hands and was ripping them out. As I withdrew my hand I pulled the innards and intestines one after the other right out.Blood, shit, bile and intestines were now all over the floor and were beginning to pour out in one disgusting mess.God what a stench as the stinking contents of Seenan's insides spread themselves all over the floor in one repulsive heap! I untied him and turned the repulsive tub of guts round to face me.It was clear that life was leaving his body and he would soon be dead. I took my knife out.I held his miserable prick and balls in my hand.With one quick slice I brought the knife right down.I sliced right throught them as blood shot up right through to the ceiling. I took hold of the prick and balls and made him open his mouth wide.With one movement I shoved them hard down his throat until he was choking, just like I had done to Wilson. I then took out my rubber gas mask.This would be his instrument of death. I forced him down on the floor.I ordered him then to fill up the gas mask with all the innards , bile and shit that lay on the floor.He was almost unable to move and was still choking but he did as he was ordered as always.He crawled on the floor like an animal filling up the gas mask as he had been told to do. I then threw him back on the chair.I picked up more of his shit and intestines from the floor and rammed them hard down his throat.He was really choking now almost unable to swallow.I was so enjoying his suffering as I was going wet between my legs.I was getting so aroused and excited as I was revelling in his suffering! I then picked up the gas mask that was full of his innards and tied it securely around his head.I tied the rubber straps harder and harder.Underneath I could hear him choking.Now he was going to suffocate in the gas mask deprived of all air supply.I tied it tighter than ever.The temperature under there must have been well over 100 degrees and it was getting hotter than ever every second.I held him there for at least 5 minutes. I then let go.With one loud crash he fell like a dead weight hard onto the floor into his own blood and shit and innards.He lay there face down with the gas mask still on, prostrate before me. SEENAN WAS WELL AND TRULY AND ABSOLUTELY DEAD!