THE BLACK DOMINATRIX-49- By Hamlet THE FIGHT WITH THE POLICE 3 LISA TRIUMPHANT AGAIN! I stood before the remaining Police looking so wonderful and powerful in all my red leather,PVC and latex.I could feel the fear on all their faces as they looked at me in complete wonder.Around me in a pool of blood that was getting deeper than ever were 17 dead police lying in the blood ,their bodies all broken and twisted. 'You all have a simple choice before you.I am winning this fight easily.You have to ask yourselves the serious question -do you really want to die in the most terrible pain.You see I don't just kill people.I make sure they suffer the most terrible anguish and pain before they die.Is that what you really want? If you do I will be happy to oblige as I know that I am getting stronger than ever the longer the fight goes on.You are the ones who will suffer-I will emerge unscathed!' 'Well come on -what are you waiting for? I have only my fists and legs whereas you have truncheons and are dressed in riot gear.What are you waiting for you f---g cowards?' Suddenly one of the Officers came running right towards me truncheon in his hand. 'You murderous Cow!' he screamed. I just stood there as he came running.With one swift movement I grabbed hold of his hand and with my full strength twisted it right round.He let out a screech of pain as the truncheon went flying up in the air.I caught it with one hand. 'Would you like this back?' I said laughing at him.He looked at me in sheer terror. 'Don't worry I'll use my fists instead.' With that I pulled his riot gear up and drove my fist hard into his stomach.I could hear the bones crunching beneath it. WAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!! He fell down hard on the floor grasping his broken rib cage.He was about to pass out when I decided to put the razor sharp heel of my boot driving it into his throat.He let out one gasp as the life was driven out of him. 'Well if my arithmetic is right that's 18 dead and 14 to go out of which I know 5 of you will surrender.That only leaves me with 9 more to fight.Who's next?' All of them walked backwards none of them daring to confront me. As none of them were prepared to take me on I simply pulled one of the Officers out by the hand.I pulled his visor off and with one mighty blow drove my fist hard into his adams apple. YAAAGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! As he landed on to the ground.I knelt down and drove my fist once more into the adam's apple crushing it to a pulp.Blood came spurting out of his throat as his neck went back limply.His life was at a terrible end! 'Well who's next for a good punching.I think you will do' I said as I grabbed one of the Officer's truncheons from his hand with one powerful lunge. 'Now take that visor off like a good boy or you will taste my boots in your nuts!' He hesitated at first but the sight of my high heeled PVC boots about to swing into action was too much for him.He obediently took the visor off. I then held him by the throat .With one incredible mover my fist smashed into his face.I repeated the blow again and again in a wild frenzy.Blood was pouring and streaming out in one last torrent.I dealt one more blow to the forehead.It was too much.He fell with a thud on the floor dead . ' Only 7 were left.I decided to use my incredible Ball Busting skills to finish 2 of them off.One of them tried to use his truncheon but with a one blow of my fist I knocked it off him with ease.It was if the fight had been drained out of him.I reached down and held his prick and balls in my hand. I decided to give him a really good hard wanking right in front of his colleagues.I was winning this fight so easily I decided to have some fun.I moved my latex gloved hands up and down his member squeezing his ball sac at the same time.I wanked and wanked as hard as I could making sure he felt plenty of pain.After a time he came right over my gloved hands. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! he roared as I squeezed him and wanked at the same time. ''That's a naughty boy spunking over my gloved hands,Lick it off!' I totally humiliated him as I made him lick the spunk off and swallow it.His colleagues looked in utter amazement not knowing what to do. He had to be punished for exposing himself in public.With one sudden movement I thrust my razor sharp nails hard into his throat.The nail went clean through.His face looked in horror as he fell in a dead heap on the ground.! I looked behind me.One of his colleagues made an attempt to rescue him coming up behind me with his truncheon.I was just too strong for him.I just wrenched it out of his hand and pushed him bacKwards.With one mighty lunge I stamped hard on his testicles.I brought my foot hard down on his throat.He screamed in pain as he lay there dead beneath me. Only 5 to go.In the distance I could see 5 officers together who were prepared to surrender.It was clear they were Rogers and his friends.This fight was going to be an easy victory and the remaining Officers knew it. I decided to finish it quickly.I ran towards one of the Officers.With one move I knocked him over pulling his leg back with my leg.I pulled his trousers off to expose his prick and balls .I took my knife out and began to slice.With one swift movement they were right off and I was holding them in my hands.Blood was everywhere.It was already nearly 4 "deep on the ground.He then passed out. I decided to end his life once and for ever.I opened his mouth wide and stuffed the prick and balls right down his throat hard.I could hear the groans of pain as he began to choke to death.Suddenly his face slumped over as his life left his body. I then decided to use my incredible legs and thighs that were actually stronger than any truncheon.I moved towards one of the Officers who was a female Officer.She just stood there holding her truncheon not knowing what to do.I ran towards her at full speed and kicked hard.The steel toe of my boot hit her chin with full force .Her face literally went right behind her shoulders almost dislocated from her body.She let out a terrible scream of pain and landed with a thud on the ground.Death was immediate! I moved swiftly and with astonishing speed drove my boot with full force into the solar plexus of the next Officer.He doubled up and as he came forwards I kicked him hard right into the face.Blood came spurting out of him as he landed in a dead heap on the ground. I was moving with the most incredible speed.I was thoroughly enjoying myself as I was becoming stronger than ever.I turned around to face another Officer.He made a feeble attempt to hit me with his truncheon.With one movement I knocked it out of his hand.It went right up in the air.I caught it with my hand.He stood there absolutely petrified! 'Don't worry Baby I won't use this .My legs are stronger!' With that I drove the toe of my boot straight into his testicles. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! He doubled up in absolute agony and fell hard onto the ground.I was showing no mercy at all.With one mighty move I brought the heel of my boot right down into his adam's apple.I could feel my heel pierce straight through the skin like a knife.One more death as the blood came out in a fast stream! 1 more left to fight! This was becoming a complete massacre.I was winning easily and becoming more powerful with every fight .I was absolutely incredible.In less than 5 minutes I had taken out 3 Officers with my amazing fighting skills.! I would show no mercy at all.I did nor even want the remaining 1 to surrender.I just wanted to kill them! There was only 1 Officer left to fight!Rogers and his friends were standing in the distance ready to surrender at once. I moved towards one of the Officers .He made a pathetic attempt to use the truncheon.I brought my fist hard down on his hand and the truncheon flew in the air.I kicked him hard in the stomach as he landed on the ground.I soon had his head pinned between my steel like thighs.I twisted around and with one easy movement broke his neck .He was dead instantaneously as I heard the loud crack of broken bone. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKK!!! Just as she spoke the 5 other Officers fell straight onto the ground.They cried out almost as one. 'HAVE MERCY ON ME LISA A WRETCHED SINNER!' The fight was over. I was completely and totally victorious.I gazed at the sight of 27 twisted and mangled bodies lying in the forecourt of the Police station in a deep river of blood.I had beaten and killed all of them.I was truly a Super Woman stronger than ever .I believed at that moment as I stood over the 6 Officers lying prostrate in the Pose of Submission before me that I was the greatest fighter in the world! I stood over the 6 Officers who had surrendered. 'Which one of you is PC Rogers?' The one on the end stood up meekly.He knew that he had to demonstrate complete submission to me or else. 'I am Madame Lisa' he stood up. 'Right Rogers you have seen beyond doubt what an incredible and invincible fighter I am .You have done what all the Officers should have done-surrender and spare yourselves being killed.' 'Thank you Madame Lisa Your fighting skills are incredible.You won that fight hands down.We are so pleased you have spared your Subjects in your Queen Dom!' 'To show your complete submission I want all 5 of you to lick the blood and dirt off my boots.Do it properly and don't stop until I order you to.Right come on 3 on the left boot and 3 on the right.Get cleaning those boots now!' They immediately began their work as good Subjects and licked and licked.They knew that if they stopped for one instant it would mean instant beating and possibly death. My next step was Wilson.I was determined to torture him in a way that made the tortures of the Inquisition look like child's play. I called out on my loudspeaker. 'Wilson I know you're in there.I have just one a complete and total victory.I have totally defeated your entire Police Force single handed.Now it's your turn.Come out and give yourself up you sniveling coward!' He called back on the Intercom 'Please Lisa I was only doing my job.Just spare my life and I'll tell the rest of the Thames Valley Police to leave you alone!' 'There is no way I am going to spare your wretched life.Why should I kill your whole Police Force and spare you, you piece of detritus!As for the rest of the Police force I'm not the slightest bit afraid of them.I won today and I will win again.I am now in charge and they'd better accept it!' I'm coming after you Wilson!' YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CANT HIDE!' Any comments or suggestions to Any illustrators out there please conyact me!