THE BLACK DOMINATRIX- 37-THE DESTRUCTION OF A PUB-5 By Hamlet I stood before the 5 naked White rumps bared in front of me.In a short time they would not be White any more, but black and blue and oozing with blood all over.I held the leather crop hard in my hand determined to inflict as much pain and punishment as possible.I would not be content until all of them were literally senseless with pain! I had forced them all to lie right across the bar, with their rumps high in the air to receive the full force of the blow and with their heads over the other side.They all had to assume the Position of total Submission with their hands over their heads and their heads down as far as possible.The position itself is painful enough before the beating actually begins.I also had to make sure that their ball sacs were totally exposed to the crop as well. I walked along the line of rumps feeling and squeezing each one with my leather gloved hands.I stood beside the second in the row. 'So what's your name?' 'Bob Madame Lisa-I could hear his muffled voice the other side of the bar.' 'Well Bob I want that arse even higher up in the air than that.I want to be able to see your miserable ball sac.You see Bob I want to beat you really hard so that you can feel as much pain as possible.Do you understand?' Yyyess Madame Lisa' he replied in a shaky voice. With that I pulled half the hairs out of his arse and squeezed it with my razor sharp nails.At the same time I squeezed his ball sac and pushed his ares up as high as possible. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! With the prospect of me putting the others through an agonising hold, all the arses shot up right in the air.There's nothing I loathe more than disobedience and those old drunks knew it! When their arses were raised up to my satisfaction, I decided to pronounce Sentence.As they were all bent over the bar, I was effectively talking to 5 White arses! 'Well you bunch of drunks -the time for your Thrashing has come at last! You have just witness me beat 11 people so you know how powerful I am.I'm now going to give each of you 6 hard strokes with my leather crop.It's going to hurt like absolute Hell, but it's the only cure for your alcoholism.I am a Corrective Therapist and I know how to cure your affliction. You have all sinned exceedingly and you must pay for your Sins.You have wasted hours of your time in this stinking rathole.You have allowed your bodies to be polluted by poison.You are nothing but a bunch of useless old soaks!' You will be given 6 hard strokes each.This is the beginning of your course in Corrective Therapy.You will count every single stroke or you will get that stroke even harder.I don't care how much pain you suffer.You can spend the rest of your wretched lives in hospital-at least it will mean you will stop drinking!' Are you ready for your punishment?!' They all cried out in unison. YES MADAME LISA!' I positioned myself behind the first one. 'So what's your name arsehole!' 'Lionel Madame Lisa' he whined his arse trembling. 'Well Lionel-take this!' With one mighty stroke I hit his rump really hard. WAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKK!!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! OOOOOOOOOONEEEEE!!' he yelled. 'Lionel you obviously aren't used to being thrashed-and you have 5 more to go!' The next one was Bob whose arse I had already forced up in the air. 'Are you ready Bob? Your arse is nice and high-so you can take this!' WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! His screams were even worse than Lionel's-these soaks needed toughening up! I went to the next one in the row. 'So who are you then? I demanded. Jim, Madame Lisa' his voice was shaking. 'Not another Jim-I hope you don't meet the same fate.You'd better take this!' WAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKK! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! He had forgotten to count.The next one would be even harder than the last. 'Don't forget to count Jim-you're the one feeling the pain!' WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! OOOOONNNNEEEEEEEEE!! The top of his arse went bright purple and then blood came pouring down.God, this was fun! I went over to the next one.He really had a pale shaking arse. 'Well who are you?'I demanded. 'Bill, Madame Lisa'he was almost in tears with terror. 'Well Bill you'd better stop shaking your arse or how else can I beat it?Also your arse needs a little colour!Here goes! WAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!! ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! he cried out in abject agony.He looked as if he could not take any more. I went to the next one.I could hear him blubbering already. 'Well what's your name cry baby?' 'Ken ' he blubbered. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCKKK!! He began to blubber even more. 'Why did I hit you then Ken?' 'Because I forgot to say Madame Lisa, Madame Lisa' Don't forget again Ken-you're in enough trouble already!' CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNEEEE!!! Right you old soaks you're getting the next 3 in quick succession.You'd better count fast!' 'Lionel you're first!' I ran towards his rump at full speed. CRAAAAAAAAAAACCKK! CRAAAACKKK!CRAAACKKK! TWOOOOO!THREEE! FFFFOURRR! 'Bob you're the next one-rump right up! CRAAACCKK!CRAACKK! CRAAACCKK! TWOOOO! THREEEE! FOURRRRRRRRRRRRR!! He sCreamed with all his might.The sound of screaming had become almost unbearable. 'Jim you'd better remember to count or you're not going to have an arse left' CRAAAAACCKK!CRAAACKK!CRAAAAAAAAAAACCCKK!!! TWOOOOOOO!!THREEEEEEEE!!FOURRRRRRRRRRRR!! His screams could be heard from a mile away.It was clear he was the weakest of all and probably would faint soon.Blood was now flooding out of his anus. 'Bill you're next-rear end high!' CRAAAACKKK! CRAAACKKK! CRAAACKKKK!! TWOOOO!THREEEEEEE!! FFOURRRRRRRRR!! Again his bellows were merged with the others to produce the most terrible crescendo of noise! 'Ken arse up high-and stop that blubbering its getting on my nerves!' CRAAAACK! CRAAACKKK! CRAAACCCKKK!!! TWOOO!THREEEE!FFFOURRR!! The noise of groaning and screaming was now almost unbearable.I was seriously considering gagging them all! 'Right boys you've got 2 left each-one on the bottom of the arse and the other on the ball sac.Just be grateful to me for your treatment that I am saving you from the curse of drink!' 'Right Lionel arse even higher .I want a clear view of that scotum!' WAAAACCCKKK! YAAAAAAGGGGGGHHH! FFFFFFIIIIVVVEEE!! 'Now for your balls! WAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKK!! SSSSSSSSSSSIIIXXX! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHH!!!! He screamed and screamed for all he was worth until he had no voice left and was just an unconscious heap over the bar. 'Bob you're next-keep still!' NOOOOOOOOO!!! he yelled. WAAAAACCCKK! WAAAAAAAACKKK!! FFFFFFFFFIIIIIVVVEEE! YAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! SSSSIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXXX!!! He bellowed and fell backwards rolling around the floor.I picked him up and threw him across the bar. 'Jim you're next -remember to count this time!' WAAAAAAACCCCKKK!!! FFFIVVVVVVVVVE! WAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCKK! The pain was so terrible he flew forwards over the bar.I had to pick him up by his hair and throw him back over the bar. 'Right Bill-let's have a good look at your balls! NOOOOO!! he screamed as the crop came down WAAAAAAAACCCKK!! FFFFFFFFIIVVVVE!! WAAAAAAAACKKKKKKK! SSSSSSSSIIIIIIIXXXXXXX!!! Ken you're next-make sure you count properly! WAAAAAAACCCK! He had forgotten to count and would get the next one even harder. WAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKK!! 'PLEASE MADAME LISA NOT ON MY BALLS!' 'Shut up Ken-you speak only when you're spoken to! WAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKK!! I could hear his balls snap as he flew forwards and hit his head on the other side of the bar.I dragged him back over the bar. The thrashing was complete .Justice had been done once more .I had administered over 30 strokes and loved every minute of it! I had never seen such a sight of complete torment in all my life.I ordered all 5 old soaks to stand in front of me, but they were all incapable of standing up.They just fell onto the floor in a heap.Bob had lost so much blood he had fainted.Ken had also fainted.Bill was shrieking in agony.Jim was writhing all over the floor clutching his arse and testicles.Lionel was screaming with all his might.I had just put them through Hell and their screams were the sounds of the Damned of Hell! 'Right you bunch of drunks-that was your first taste of Corrective Therapy.You got exactly what you deserved and I have no regrets whatsoever .You need to be cured of your alcoholism and a good hard thrashing is the only cure!I will call an ambulance to take you all to hospital.I will visit you tomorrow to check on your wounds and to sign you up for more Corrective Therapy.I don't care if you spend the rest of your lives as cripples, if it means you don't touch another drink!.' I called the hospital on my mobile.I ordered them to come at once-they knew that they had to obey immediately.They also probably realised that a new ward of the hospital would soon have to be opened for all the people I had beaten and tortured. After the ambulance had arrived I began my work of demolition.As I had said, all the tables and chairs had been smashed in the fight.I was now determined that absolutely nothing would remain in this shithole.I started with the bottles.I picked up the first one and hurled it through the window.I carried on breaking every single bottle,I was working myself up into a frenzy as I threw one bottle after another against the windows.Not one bottle and not one pane of glass would remain standing! I looked at the floor, surveying my handiwork.It was just a mass of broken glass, broken tables and blood that formed a river at least 3" deep running into the pavement. I then walked into the toilet.It was the most repulsive sight I had ever seen.This place should have been destroyed months ago! The bowl was covered in shit and there was shit on the walls.The floor was covered in urine.The stench was appalling.With one mighty kick I smashed the toe of my boot hard against the bowl.I kicked and kicked it until the floor was a pile of broken china .I then kicked all the pipes in until the floor was running with water. I walked outside.As soon as I left the entrance I saw a large crowd gathered outside.They had heard the groans and screams and the sounds of me smashing up the pub.They were clearly overjoyed that I had destroyed this filthy hole that was such a public nuisance.A loud cheer came from the crowd as I walked towards them in all my incredible leather wonder. Amongst the crowd was Mr. Choudry, the owner of the Dalraj restaurant.It was as a result of going to his restaurant that I had found out about the trouble from this pub. He ran towards me and stared to lick my boots even though they were covered in blood and vomit from the fight. 'Oh Madame Lisa you are wonderful-you are a Goddess sent from Heaven!I had so much trouble from that pub.The noise was terrible and drunks would come into my restaurant and call me a f-----g Paki and break glasses and plates.Please Madame Lisa you can eat at my restaurant for free from now on!' I was quite angry with him as I picked him up from the floor. 'Don't worry Mr. Choudry the trouble is over.I have smashed everything up in that pub and from today that pub will not exist any more. You should have reported the trouble as soon as it started.I would have come round and destroyed that pub months ago.I believe that Evil exists when good people do nothing.I will gladly eat at your restaurant for free.But be warned if you ever see trouble again and fail to report it I will punish you and may even destroy your restaurant too!' He held his head in shame as he knew as usual that I was absolutely right.I turned to the crowd. 'The same applies to you.I have destroyed this pub just like I destroyed that evil bastard Frank.I will not tolerate evil anywhere .That means if any of you fail to report crime I will deal with you severely as well. I am Madame Lisa the Beautiful, Big.Black,Bossy,Brutal and Busty Dominatrix .My Queen Dom of Righteousness will soon be established here in Abingdon and I will be your Queen and you will be my Subjects.In my Queen Dom there will be no place for dirt or crime,They will become things of the past. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?' They all cried out in joy. ' YES MADAME LISA!' 'Right one last task remains .This place must be burnt to the ground.Not one brick will be allowed to remain!' I rang up the Fire Brigade and ordered them to come at once.Fortunately the pub was detached from the rest of the houses and the fire would not spread. I then walked towards the car.Simon was sitting in the front seat still trembling with fear.I kissed him on the lips. 'Don't worry ny Darling -it will soon all be over.Come outside and watch-this will be much better than Guy Fawkes night!' He went outside and stood with the crowd.I went to the boot and took out a large can of petrol and took a box of matches from my handbag. I walked past the crowd straight into the pub.I then poured petrol over every single square inch, reserving half the can for that repulsive toilet.As I left the floor was nearly 4" deep in a mixture of petrol, blood and broken glass. As I left I lit a match and tossed it into the pub.There was a massive explosion as flames went up in the air.AS I walked out the flames had reached nearly 20' in the sky.These were truly the flames of righteousness! The crowd grew larger than ever as more cheers went up.Tomorrow I would order a demolition company to bulldoze the place so that not even one speck of dust would remain.Reporters were coming from the Abingdon Gazettte.I would order them to take full colour pictures as a warning against all dens of iniquity. I looked at the crowd.They looked so overjoyed at the prospect of becoming my Subjects soon as the Queen Dom would be established.As the flames went higher and higher, I stood next to Simon caressing and kissing him gently.As I watched my total triumph, I thought of the words of the Bible from Isaiah; 'I will create a new Heaven and a new Earth.The past will be completely forgotten.There will be no more tears or sorrow' ANY COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS TO