THE BLACK DOMINATRIX-33 by Hamlet THE DESTRUCTION OF A PUB 1 I left Julie squirming on the floor in total agony.She would not be able to stand up for hours.I had a feeling of total exhiliration.It was the most wonderful feeling in the world,the sense of being in total control and of having another person under one's control.To be able to beat and abuse them at will is the most exhilirating feeling!I was becoming more and more excited the more people I could torture and abuse. I realised as I drove to the gym just what a busy day I had.It just showed what a powerful person I was that I could beat and torture people all day long!The noble art of Torture was the greatest skill of all-it involved the power to totally and completely overwhelm another human being! As I was driving I had a call om my mobile from my lover Simon.God how I missed him and longed to be with him! 'Hello Lisa it's me Simon.Im very sorry to bother you ,it's just that I've been through the catalogue and I think I've found a steel reinforced bed that would be suitable for us' 'Don't be sorry sweetheart.I've longed to hear from you.How are you my gorgeous.I've waited to hear from you all day.I'm so glad youve found a steel reinforced bed that would be suitable for the two of us.I miss you so much and I just can't wait to get my hands on you and give you a really good hard screwing!' 'I can't wait too Lisa though I am a bit scared.I have rung up the shop and they say they can deliver it tomorrow.I think it will take your weight and just about able to fit into my bedroom provided I take everyhting else out!' 'That's fine Simon darling.We'll go out tomorrow afternoon after they've deliverd the bed.I really can't wait to make love and fuck you senseless again We're going to leave it again for tonight as I really am afraid of crushing you and brealikg your bed as wellAlso after the last fucking I gave you I don't think your anus has healed up yet.You still need time to recover before I go to work on you again!' I really do lok forward to us making love again, though I am a bit scared of the pain Lisa-it's just youre so big and strong!' 'I know darling-of course I'm very big and strong and I get bigger and stronger every day.After all I do beat and torture people for a living so I do have to be extremely strong. 'What you need to do Simon is to do something about your strength.The problem is every time I fuck you I'm going to hurt you and may cause you permanent damage and I don't want to do that.I know you will never in your life be anywhere near as big and strong as me, it's just impossible.But you do need to take some more exercise as you are pretty weak at the moment.I suggest we go out to the gym after we have bought the bed.Don't worry I will help you in the gym-I know how inexperienced you are!' 'I would love you to help me exercise Lisa as you're so fit and I'm so completey out of shape.Please go easy with me as I haven't been to a gym for ages and you go every day. 'I was wondering what sort of day you have had-have you done a lot of beating and torturing?.It was lovely to see you beat the living daylights out of those guys yeserday.You were wonderful.You said you were going to do something about that pub where they came from.It would be great to see you in action again!' 'Don't worry you will definitely see me in action again.I have had a wonderful day of beating and torture.I have beaten and castrated and killed a paedophile, given a social worker a good thrashing for failing to do her job properly and given an unfit mother the hiding she deserves.As for that filthy pub the Cock I'm going to destroy it completely and wipe it off the face of the earth and if necessary beat anyone who gets in my way!' 'Oh Lisa please take me along.I really want to see you beat the living daylights out of some bastards.It gives me such a thrill!' 'I will take you along with me my darling Simon, but remember you will see a lot of violence and blood being spilled.It will all seem very sickening for you.Remember darling I have spent my entire life just beating and torturing people and I'm an expert.When I say I'm invincible I mean it.It is just impossible ever to beat me in a fight.The point is sweet Simon is that you have led a very sheltered life and never really experienced violence.But don't worry my gorgeous if it all gets too much for you I promise I will protect you and if there's too much violence you can always leave the pub' 'Please take me along Lisa .I want so much to see you beat as many men as possible.I know how weak I am but if it gets too much I promise I will leave the pub and stand outside like a good boy!' 'If you are a good boy I will take you along.I'm goung to the gym and then I will change to prepare myself for a tough fight tonight.I will then come round to collect you-make sure you're ready.Oh darling Simon I can't wait to see you again and to kiss you all over passionately.Just wait for me my darling little boy.Your Lisa will protect you! With that I put the phone down and started to get wet with the thought of kissing his sweet body all over.Afterwards I would take him along with me and knock absolute hell out of as many bastards as possible! I then drove to the gym one of my favourite places.It was almost deserted as usual.This was partl;y because of me.The sight of me with my gigantic rippling muscles was too much for the members of the gym and as a result membership had gone right down. Yet what these wimps didnt realise was that one is not really born strong or is a question of perseverance and dedicatuion.It was just that I was absolutely dedicated whereas they were not.I was prepared to spend 3 hours at a time in the gym exercising my muscles whereas the most they could manage was perhaps an hour.My religious beliefs helped me as well.I believed that I had been born with a lovely body and it was my God given duty to develop it as much as possible, to make it magnificent and strong! The other reason I really loved it in the gym was that working on the weights gave me a chance to meditate and to think about my life.I thought about all the people I had beaten today Terry, Moira and Juie and realised what a bunch of weaklings they were.It was no real challenge to beat them after all.The strength of Julie was almost equal to that of a kitten.i needed and wanted to beat someone who would actually resist!That was why I was so desperate to destroy that pub.I would go in there , order the doors to be locked and force anyone there to a fight.If they resisted so much the better, the harder they would be beaten! I stayed in the gym for over 3 hours.Once i had started on the weights and the machines I could not stop.I was in absolute top form a body building Goddess , ready to take on 30 men if necessary in a fight.I had muscles of sheer steel.It was almost as if I was pricked I could not bleed! After showering and changing, I drove to Simon's flat,longing to see my lover again.He opened the door and looked at me in awe.He had never seen me so large ,it was as if I was growing by the day. 'Oh Lisa I've missed you so much.You're the most wonderful and beautiful woman in the whole world!' I carried him over to the sofa.his body seemed so soft and tender.I then kissed him all over his face until he was soaking wet.i then brought my tongue right down his throat making sure I did not inflict the Kiss of Death on him! He then showed me the bed from the catalogue.It looked enormous sufficient to hold my gigantic weight.In fact it looked large enough to hold a hippopotamus!I could not wait to have it deliverd and to get down to some serious screwing with my strap on.! 'That,s fine my darling.Ring up the company and they can deliver it tomorrow .We don't need to go to the shop.We will be spending so many heavenly nights together.Tomorrow I wiil come round again .We will make sure they deliver or else I'll be round that shop and will give them hell.We wiil spend a lovely afternoon together in Oxford and go for a meal .Then we will spend the night togetherin heavenly lovemaking! 'Now Smon I want you to shower and look relly clean and smart for m.We're going to thatpub the Cock where those batsrds who caused trouble in the restaurant last night came from.Im going to wipe it from the face of the earth-it will be detroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah with everyone in it if necessary.Come on darlig let's get ready' Simon went immediately to wash.I then lookd at myself in his mirror, overawed by my own beauty.I looked in my handbag for my lipstick.I put on my purple shiny lipstick and deep mascara.To complete the effct I put on my leather mask that I had recently bought.I would strike terror into the hearts of my enemy.This was my fighting mask. I was dressed in black leather from head to toe.I was truly a one woman army! I shouted to Simon to hurry up.He did as I told as he did not want to get the wrong side of me.I had no time to lose.This pub had to be destroyed and destroyed today without fail. I drove therE at breakneck speed, breaking all sPeed limits.We were soon outside th pub.What a fithy hole it looked like., dingy and unpainted.I felt angry wih myself for not destroying it earlier.what was worse I could hear heavy metal music comig out of it, the very sound of the devil.I glowered at the den of iniquity in fury from my car. Right you place of immoality- YOUR END IS NIGH! COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THE NEXT EPISODES GLADLY RECEIVED TO ANYONE WITH KNOWLEDGE OF WRESTLING OR FIGHTING PLEASE CONTACT