THE BLACK DOMINATRIX-24 By Hamlet THE CURE FOR ALCOHOLISM Hello everyone it's your friend Lisa again The Black Dominatrix!I have been very busy lately as you may know travelling to New York, beating the Professor and the Editor and fighting and winning against thugs stupid enough to think they could possibly beat me in a fight! To those of you who don't know or who have not been concentrating I work full time as a Corrective Therapist.My work actually involves dealing with people who are a problem to themselves such as alcoholics and unfit mothers or people who are basically criminal, such as people who annoy and harass their neighbours. I am looking to extend my Patients-I would certainly like to include all the population of Abingdon as my Patients.I believe that really everyone needs Corrective Therapy- only some people need it more than others.As a convinced Christian and Churchgoer I believe that everyone is a potential criminal and everyone has problems.As it says in Romans 3;23'All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God'. I believe that CT is by far the most effective Therapy possible especially for alcoholism and drug addiction.It is based on the premise that the Therapist should control and direct the Patient by any means necessary, mainly by the use of physical force.The Therapist is entitled to be as violent as necessary to the Patient, even to the extent of maiming him/her or if necessary killing the Patient(as I did with Frank in a previous episode.I will tell you more about this later). CT, unlike other therapies is then based on the simple premise that the Therapist is right and superior to the Patient who is wrong and inferior in every way.It is as simple as that.If the Patient was right he/she would not need to go to the Therapist in the first place! It is far more responsible than any other therapy as the Therapist assumes complete control over the patient's life.The Therapist does not believe 'its up to the Patient' as most modern irresponsible Therapy believes. As a practioner of CT I have no use for methods such as AA(Alcoholics Anonymous).What on earth is the point of sitting around telling other people your problems?The point these people who are at AA don't realise is that it is only through pain and usually extreme pain that their alcoholism can be cured.What is worse AA believes that there is no cure for alcoholism.Read the pamphlet 'Living Sober 'p 7 'Alcoholism is an incurable fatal progressive disease'.What nonsense! CT believes that the alcoholic can and will be cured or else! If he/she is given the choice between giving up drink or a lifetime of beating and torture he/she will give up drink.The point is to kill the desire.If the alcoholic begins to associate drinking with pain, he/she will eventually begin to hate the drink and avoid it altogether.I have a good mind to go to the next AA meeting in Abingdon and take it over.I believe it is on Wednesday night.I plan to go there personally and tell that bunch of losers to stop this useless 'treatment' and sign up for CT as my Patients! As a committed Christian and Churchgoer I am totally against drink or drugs of any kind.I don't even drink tea or coffee.I believe God has given me a wonderful body and it is my duty to maintain it in perfect condition.The main reason why I have such a stunning body is because I lead such a healthy lifestyle and avoid all drugs completely.I also believe that other people as God's creatures should not drink alcohol either. If I had my way there would be total Prohibition.I would bring in phased Prohibition whereby no one could drink more than 24 units a week.If anyone exceeded that they would be prevented from drinking altogether.I would then issue an order reducing this to 20 until the final order which would be 0 units.Every pub and bar would have to do a tab on each customer that I would be able to inspect.No one could drink more than 3 pints(6 units ) in one evening.That is my aim in Abingdon-in future Episodes I will tell you how I turn Abingdon into a Drug Free Zone.My ultimate intention was to eradicate all vice-drinking, smoking and gambling.Soon Abingdon would become a Crime Free Zone! I have already smashed up one pub already and beaten the living daylights out of the landlord. ( see Episode 5- read it now !)My intention is to carry on doing this until there hardly any pubs left or if there are, they will serve soft drinks only.I believe I am the Queen of Abingdon the Instrument of Gods Will . It is my God Given duty to purify and clean the world to create a Queen Dom of Righteousness! As you may remember from reading Episode 3 (which you better had!) my first Patient was an alcoholic.His name was Christopher.His whole life had been ruined by alcohol.He was very miserable , had fallen sick and had lost his job.Other treatments had failed miserably such as AA and Rehab.In fact they had made him worse-not surprising when at AA you're surrounded by a bunch of alcoholics.In absolute desperation he had turned to CT as the Only treatment that would work. In the last Session I had beaten him soundly as well as giving him a good wanking-this was particularly necessary to check whether he was suffering from Brewers Droop! I also made him keep a record of every time he thought about drinking.My intention in the next session on Monday(after I have given a good Beating to the Editor .Episode 23) is to give him a beating for every single time he thinks about a drink.I ordered him to keep a diary in which he would write down every single time he thought about drinking ,which I will inspect in the next Session .Don't worry in 6 weeks time he will never even think about drinking ever again! Don't worry Christopher .I'm coming to get you-after my treatment you'll lead a Godly, Righteous and most importantly SOBER life! NEXT EPISODE THE TREATMENT OF AN ALCOHOLIC