THE BLACK DOMINATRIX-19 By Hamlet SIMON SCREWED SENSELESS After I had given Simon a long slow sensuous kiss, I started to wank him again and whispered in his ear 'Ooh Simon I love you so much.I have really missed you Darling-just lie back while I make love to you.I'm going to spend all day with you my Darling kissing, wanking, fucking and screwing you with all my strength .Your body is so gorgeous and smooth.I don't want to hurt you my sweetheart, but you must understand that lovemaking is very enjoyable but can be very painful.You must understand I am a very powerful strong woman and your quite a weak little man. I am a Fucker and you are a Fuckee-you must just lie back and let me do exactly what I want to do.And remember because I am a Fucker, I Fuck and you get Fucked.You must also concentrate on my pleasure-as a Fucker it is my pleasure that matters more than anything -not yours though of course I still want you to enjoy yourself.Yet if at the end of the Session you are aching all over I don't really care-it is MY pleasure that matters.You'd better be clear about that Darling because if you're not I have ways of making it clear! 'Yes certainly Madame Lisa' 'It's alright Simon -you don't have to call me Madame you're not a Patient you're my Lover.It's just that you'd better give me pleasure or your arse is going to feel from my leather strap!' I had to let him know that in the lovemaking session as everything else I was totally in command. I then pulled his legs right back.I could hear a loud cracking as I pulled them back until his feet were level with his face.I thrust the strap on into him with full power and then increased the movements.I really felt that if I carried on screwing him like this his anus would soon be split wide open! OWWWWWWWWWWW! he cried out.His scream could be heard across the block of flats so I thought it best to gag him. I eventually moved the strap on out.It was soaking wet from the vaseline and having been up his anus.I had been wanking him continuously so his prick was really red and sore.Still as I had said it was my pleasure that mattered and he would have to carry on until I decided I had enough. I then lay right across him my huge body straddling his small one.I took my mammaries out of my leather jacket and pushed them right into his face.He began to get redder and redder as I was nearly suffocating him. ''Come on Simon lick with all your power.Lick don't suck!.My breasts are huge and I don't want you to suffocate.Don't you know how to lick a woman's tits properly?. He carried on licking for all he was worth frightened of what I would do if he did not give me complete pleasure.I held his face against my giant breasts for at least 30 minutes alternatively ordering him to suck and lick.By the time I came off him his face was raw red and soaking.It was clear that he was getting dizzier and more faint -this was the effect prolonged fucking did have on a Fuckee! I then positioned myself above him and took his swollen prick in my hands. 'Now lets see whether you can fuck me!' With that I pushed his prick up my huge vagina.With my powerful muscles I held him tighter and tighter and at the same time squeezing the ball sac with my razor sharp nails.he was in agony! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! he yelled.The neighbours could definitely tell what was going on. 'Simon Darling you are actually supposed to enjoy sex!' I rode on top of him bouncing up and down on his prick and digging my nails into his ball sac.This really was fun! 'Come on Darling -now turn by your side'I said as I got off his prick.He positioned himself by the side. 'Right Darling you've had enough of the strap on .How about the fist!' With that I drove my leather gloved fist hard up his anus.It took several attempts to get the whole hand right up there ,but I could feel the end of his orifice with my fingers.Again he let out a scream so I had to hold his mouth with my hand.I just lay by his side feeling all over his orifice for the next half hour. I carried on screwing him for the next 2 hours.I screwed him in the Doggy Position, the Front Forwards Position and the Sideways position all of which I had tried before.I also screwed him in the Lap Position , sitting on the bed while I positioned him on my lap and forcing the strap on into him. I was getting more and more excited and thoroughly enjoying myself.By the end I was pulling im round like a rag doll-he was putty in my hands.By the end I knew I had really hurt him.The problem was as the Fucker I was just far too big and strong for him.I was getting totally carried away.By the end of it he slumped on the floor.He was almost unconscious.Blood was now pouring oust of his anus.His whole body almost every inch was covered in bites and scratch marks. 'Oh you poor Darling you really are in pain.I told you that lovemaking can be very painful especially as the Fucker I am so much bigger than the Fuckee .Come on my Sweetheart let your Mummy Lisa take care of you' With that I carried his little body in my huge arms into the bathroom.I put him down and gently wiped the blood away from his anus and the various cuts and bite marks.I put on my latex gloves and wiped right up his anus applying lotion for the wounds.I then out a but plug uphis anus to control the flow of blood.I treated him like a poor little baby and I was his Mummy. I then gently lifted him up and put him to bed.I gave him an injection and kissed him full down his throat.I would be coming back again to screw him again but I had to understand his limitations.I knew I had really screwed him senseless! I looked at my watch -it was 5 PM and the Church service was in an hour's time.I had to change from my cat suit into the more sober outfit of leather dress and jacket.In future Lovemaking Day would have to be Saturdays.I couldn't screw on the Lords Day.I would take Simon with me to Church on Sundays where he would watch his Mummy and Lover singing in the Gospel Choir! I left his flat feeling so good and relaxed ready to sing heartily in Church! TO BE CONTINUED