THE BLACK DOMINATRIX-18 Hamlet THE SCREWING OF SIMON I awoke on the Sunday morning feeling so refreshed and relaxed after my previous days exertions.i had literally slept like the proverbial log and was so happy to be back in my huge double bed.I was also happy to be back in Good Old England and back in Abingdon after the hectic but enjoyable time I had in New York.I opened the windows and then stroked Whiskas and Friskas who were lying at the bottom of the bed.Little did they know what an Invincible Dominatrix their mother really was! I walked downstairs to the living room to see the Professor all trussed uplike a chicken with his hands tied right behind his back just like he was back at the hotel.His weals did not show much sign of healing-his whole back had turned a bright red purple.It would be days before they would heal up by which time he would be due another beating.I untie him as gently as possible-it was no easy task as I had tied his knots so tightly! I gave him breakfast of toast and coffee.I let him feed himself this time which he did with great difficulty.I told him I would drive him home.I found out he was divorced from his wife and lived with his mother-this confirmed all my suspicions.His wife did not want to be married to a bag of bones and he was really a Mummys boy who could not bear to be away from his mother. I went upstairs and showered and cleaned myself all over.I really admired my body which after yesterdays fight was more muscular than ever.I piled my hair high to look really sexy.My plan to day was to visit Simon my lover and have a lovely long lovemaking or rather screwing session.I wanted to look really attractive for him .I put masara all over my faceand red shiny lipstick to look really stunning.I put on my black leather catsuit and high heeled leather boots to completely impress him.I then went into the drawer and took out my 12" rubber strapon.I had bought it recently and it was quite impressive-long thick with a pointed end.It was really hard and long and I would thrust ir right up Simons arse! I went downstairs to collect the Professor.He looked so stunned by my appearance-I looked even bigger and taller thn ever.I took him in the usual hold dragging him by the neck into the car.He just submitted totally to whatever I did to him now knowing just how superior I was.I drove him home.He lived in a large rambling mansion on the ouskirts of the town.He would have a lot of explaining to do to -why he was home from his conference 2 weeks early and why he walked around in that awkward way.As I dropped him off I sad to him 'Right Professor I have completely and totally defeated and humiliated you. You thought you could run away from me but you failed miserably.i gave you the punishment you deseved. I forced you to come back home with me.You are now my Patient and I am your Therapist. From Wednesday your treatment will begin. I also want to see you on Monday to see the Editor of the Gazette. You will publish a full and complete apology on Monday when you will accompany me to the newspaper offices where I will personally punish that bastard of an Editor who allowed such rubbish to be printed So Ill see you at 8AM sharp-do you understand?' 'YES MADAME LISA THE BEAUTIFUL BIG BLACK BOSSY BRUTAL BUSTY DOMINATRIX! he shouted out almost so that the whole street could hear. I left him standing there to face his mother. I drove back to Simon's flat which was almost next to mine. I knocked loudly on the door but there was no response. There was a window open on the side.With my athletic prowess I lifted myself up and climbed in.Nothing would keep me out!I walked through his flat which was spotlessly tidy as I expected.I walked into his bedroom.He was sound asleep and looked so angeliC.He was sleeping so soundly that he could not hear me come in. I took the strap on out of my bag.I just hoped it would fit into his anus.I then took a bottle of vaseline to put up his anus.He would be really frightened when he saw me.I then walked over to the bed and took his face in my leather gloved hand.I thrust my tongue right down his throat.He woke up almost choking.He looked at me in fear-an enormous leather clad Black Dominatrix lying right over him! 'Hello Darling Simon .I've come to make love to you I've missed you so much. We're going to spend a lovely day together with me kissing wanking and screwing you. Now Simon do you like my strapon? He had never seen anything like it - a 12" long pointed rubber strap on jutting right out of me. 'Come on darling just bend over I'm just going to put some ointment up your anus so my so it wont hurt so much when I screw you., With that I put my hand right up his anus.It was quite tight and small. I wanted the strapon to fit.After I had appiled the ointment fully I made him lie with his face in the pillow and rear end up .I grabbed his testicles and prick and began wanking him hard increasing the pressure. I placed the pointed end at the front of his anus.I guided it in and started quite gently.I then increased the movemen and made one forceful thrust so that the strapon went right to the end of his anus. OWWWWWWWWWWW1 he cried out it was painful and he had never experienced anything like this before. I increased the thrusts until I was going in and out of him like a piston.He shrieked and cried , but the more noise he made the harder I screwed him. After a while I let him go.He was absolutely exhausted as he lay face down in the bed. 'Love that was just the beginning. I'm going to spend all day screwing and wanking you.You have to understand sweetheart that though I really love you, you are basically just a sex object to me. Do you understand? 'Yes Lisa' With that I lay on top of him as I thrust my long tongue right dwn his throat for a long slow passionate kiss. God how I was going to enjoy today! NEXT EPISODE MORE SCREWING