Lisa, chapter 11 Hi everybody-its your friend Lisa again! It's now Thursday and I decided to take a well earned rest , to clean my flat, to feed the cats and to later on haVe a Lovemaking Session with Simon after we had been out for a lovely meal together. I had achieved so much in just 3 days! I was now effectively the Queen of Abingdon. I had dealt with a dirty pub lanDlord anD smashed his pub up, sorted out an alcoholic and an unfit mother and beaten almost to death an evil man who had harassed his neighbours.It was now becoming clear that I was the undisputed Queen the town I lived in .Everyone in the block of flars was petrified of me, everyone in the town knew that they had to greet me wherever I went and I would not tolerate filth or dirt anywhere.Soon I would achieve my ambition of giving Correective Therapy to almost everyone in the town. To those of you who dont know , especially my American readers out there, Abingdon is a town of about 30,000 people situated about 5 miles south of the prestigious university City of Oxford.I have lived her for about 6 years and started my first job here as a physiothrapist at Abingdon General Hospital.I was actually born in Hackney, which is a mostly Black part of London, a bit like the South Bronx.I was brought up by my mother alone and it was from her that I learnt all about Domination.She was a gigantic woman and threw my father out of the house when I was 6 years old as he was always coming home drunk.I learnt to be a Dominatrix from her and regularly beat up my little brother as I have said. I was the terror of the neighbourhood and would regularly beat up the other children in the area and at School where I was known as ' Big Bossy Lisa'. I was also very bright at school and was able to enter University of London Medical School where I qualified with top marks in my Medical Studies and became a fully qualified Physiotherapist.I obtained my first job at Abingdon General Hospital. I really enjoy living here in Abingdon-its a complete contrast from Hackney! Its a lovely old town, there are some beautiful old buildings and pretty countryside around.I have a very attractive Housing Association flat where the rent is only £40 per week-as I have written before I maintain it perfectly and there isn't a spot of dust anywhere! A visitor to Abingdon then , especially an American one(sorry Im just putting this in to get a reaction from American readers.Hamlet.), would probably say'Gee what a quaint place.Unfortunately this is a typically superficial one to be expected from tourists, especially American ones! Beneath the surface of calm, there is actually a considerable amount of crime in the area.Away from the pretty old buildings , there are Council estates where they put problem famlies and misfits like Frank and Julie. and other problem families.The centre can be quite rough at night with fights braeaking out in many of the pubs.There is a problem with drugs.There is also a serious problem of mental illness in the area which I found out from working in the hospital.Altogether this is a suitable place for Corrective Therapy! I sat on the balcony of my flat reading the local paper The Abingdon Gazette.I was becoming more and more concerned about the increase in crime in the town and was now desperate to establish my authority in the area.As I was reading my attention was drawn to the Letters Page.I saw a letter enetitled. TIME TO PUT AN END TO THIS VIGILANTE! The letter was as follows; To the Editor Dear Sir, I am writing to complain in the strongest terms about the behaviour of a Black Lady who call hwerself The Black Dominatrix.In my view the activities of this lady should be brought to a halt immediately! In the past few weeks I have found out that this bitch has smashed up a pub and beaten the owner of it the pub up so badly he is now a complete invalid. She has practised something called Corrective Therapy, that in my view has no scientific basis whatsoever and is a means of inflicting pain and suffering on another person.She has also beaten up another person so badly the likelihood he will be dead soom.She has also broken up his family and forbidden the mother ever to see her children again Who the hell gave this Black Bitch the right to do this?I am not a racist-in fact I teach foreign and Black students.Yet she seems to think that just because she comes from an ethnic minority and is clearly bigger than anyone else, that she has the right to take the Law into her hands! I believe that Corrective Therapy should be declare illegal.I have written to the MP for Abingdon to put pressure on the Government to that effect.I also believe that the full weight of the Law should come to bear on this Black Bitch (sorry to sound racist but she drives me to it!) and she should be sent to prison for her crimes .Failing that the citizens of Abingdon should have her thrown out and sent back to that slum Hackney where she comes from .There should be an Injunctiom against her ever returning to Abingdon again.Let's be rid of this sadist for ever! I have sent a copy of this letter to the MP and to the Chief Constable Thames Valley Police.I expect action to be taken against her soon! Yours sincerely. John Williams Professor of Criminology University of Oxford. TO BE CONTINUED