Lady Seductress 4 by Hamlet Hello everyone-it's Lady Seductress again. I thought I would take a short break from Corrective Therapy to tell you a bit about My personal life. As you may know from what I have already told you about Myself I am a huge 6'6" Black Woman of mixed race. I like to be called Madame 6VS- the 6 VS being -Venomous Vicious Victorious Vindictive Violent Voluptuous ! I live alone in quite a small flat with My 2 cats.I keep it spotlessly tidy.I spend 2 hours every day making sure there is not a speck of dirt anywhere-even the cats are spotless! I follow a rigid diet as I m a real health fanatic.I live on fruit juice , fresh fruit and vegetables and plenty of salad.I make sure I wash My meat thoroughly before eating it.I only cook in olive oil or low fat margarine. I won't take drugs of any kind and that includes any alcohol, tea or coffee. I also make sure that the block of flats I live in is spotlessly tidy.I do not tolerate mess of any kind from the residents.I have imposed a cleaning rota and woe betide anyone who does not keep to it!I am also Chairman of the Residents Association.I collect the Maintenance Money and there is real trouble if anyone fails to pay.This money is for the upkeep of the block of flats and I make sure the flat are maintained in perfect condition.I do not tolerate any misbehavior from the Residents and that includes failing to do the cleaning or making any noise.All stereos must be off by 10 PM nd everyone in bed by 11 PM. I once caught one of the residents still watching TV at 11.15 PM.I was furious and told him in no uncertain terms that I did not make rules for fun an that he was disturbing the other residents.I also said next time I would give him a good face slapping he would never forget and would smash the TV to pieces and forbid him to watch TV again.I ordered him to go straight to bed and stood over him while he took his clothes off and went into bed.I switched the light off and told him never to cause any trouble again.Noone but no one messes with Lady Seductress! As I have said before I love physical exercise.After a session of Corrective Therapy I normally spend at least 3 hours in the gym.I am now an expert at all the weights and have in fact developed muscles of steel.I excel at any sport whether it is jogging, pole vaulting or tennis.In fact I have just played an experienced player and beat him easily 6-0, 6-1, 6-1.It was so easy I just hit the ball with My massive muscular arms that are even bigger than Serena Williams.The poor wimp just could not hit them back nd in fact broke his racket twice trying to do so. I excel at all forms of fighting and know I just cannot lose fight no matter who or how many I fight against.I have just acquired My Black Belt in karate and am now going on to the higher level in Taekwondo.I am still giving Self Defence classes and show My pupils how to defeat any opponent. So you see as a CT I am not just dominant at work. I am very dominant in My personal life too.I just loathe bad or ignorant behaviour of any kind.In particular I hate it if people don't greet me in the mornings on the train or the bus.Where I originate from in the West Indies it is considered very rude to fail to greet people,I expect the same-I cannot stand this English habit of ignoring other people.I recently got on a train and everyone naturally said Good Morning Maam except this one bastard.He was reading his paper and just ignored me.I was livid.I walked over to him and just ripped the paper away from him.I shouted at him 'How dare you ignore me you ignorant bastard!Are you blind or something?I then grabbed him by the neck and threw him off the train at the next stop.I turned round to the other passengers and said' Does anyone else want to ignore me? 'NO 'they all called out in terror. I also can't stand dirty places in particular dirty pubs, As I have said before I do not drink alcohol at all and will only drink fruit juice.I do occasionally go with friends I used to work with. I recently went to this pub and found the place absolutely filthy -there was ash all over the tables and floor and it was clear the tables had hardly ever been cleaned. There were dirty glasses everywhere-it was revolting! I had just come back from the gym and was dressed in black leather jacket and skin tight leotards and calf length boots. I decided to do something about it and walked over to the landlord.He looked pretty filthy himself dressed in smelly old jeans and a tee shirt I grabbed him by the neck and dragged him over to the table.I would make an example of him right in front of My friends.I held him in the neck and throat grip-one of the most painful tortures of all.He was literally crying like a little baby with pain.I dug My nails hard into his throat and neck and enjoyed ev ery moment of it.I shouted in his face. 'Look here you bastard I can't stand dirty pubs so you had better get this place cleaned up.I will give you until tomorrow and if the place has not improved to My standard not only will I break glasses and chairs but I will break you up as well.Do you understand?' 'YYYESSS ''he cried. 'Yes Madame Lady Seductress 6VS- and do you know what the 6VS are?' 'NNOOO MADAME LADY SEDUCTRESS 6BS Vicious Victorious Vindictive Violent Volatile ! Voluptuous! Don't forget as every time I see you you will repeat it.You get one wrong and you get a good hard Belly Punch-understood! 'YYESS MADAME LADY SEDUCTRESS 6BS' I had put the fear of God in him .I then turned round and saw 2 bastards standing by the snooker table.I walked straight over to them. 'Right you bastards Would you like the same treatment?' Nnnoo' they mumbled. I grabbed both of them by the throat .I then gave the first one a ringing slap across his face. SLAAAAPP He yelled out in agony and almost fell to the floor.It was like being hit by a cricket bat.The other one then tried to leave, but it was hopeless.I was fUrious with him for trying to escape from me.I gave him 2 hard slaps across his face SLAPPPP SLAAAAPPP He fell down on the floor yelling in agony. 'Right from now on you are barred from this pub-I dont want to see you within 10 yards of this place ever again. NOW GET OUT!!! YYYESS LADY SEDUCTRESS' I have never seen 2 men run as fast in My life- one of them nearly tripped as he ran out of the door. I went up to the landlord again and grabbed him by the neck. 'This place had better be spotless by tomorrow evening or I will not only Break every bottle and glass but will break you as well-is that understood? YYESS 'he stammered out of his wits with fear. YES WHO?' YES MADAME LADY SEDUCTRESS' AND WHAT ARE THE 6 VS?' ! 'He shouted back with all his Force! VENEMOUS VICIOUS VICTORIOUS VINDICTIVE VIOLENT VOLUPTUOUS! With that I strode out ready to pay another visit to this place of iniquity! TO BE CONTINUED PERSONAL LIFE 2