THE CAPTURE OF THE PROFESSOR by Hamlet I was now getting wet with excitement. I was also getting angrier than ever. If I didn't beat that Professor soon I would surely just beat the first person I saw.It was now becoming obsessional.I realised that I needed to administer a beating in the same way as a drug addict need a drug. Unfortunately the traffic was terrible in Brisbane that evening.The taxi driver explained that there had been a heavy rainstorm the day before and the streets were flooded. I told him if we weren't at the hotel within 5 minutes I would personally take him out of the cab and cane him in the middle of the street .This of course put the fear of God into him-I've never seen anyone suddenly drive so fast in their lives! We seemed to break every speed limit as within 4 minutes we were outside the Marriott Hotel. I literally ran into the hotel foyer as fast as I could.At the desk was another blonde bimbo-I seemed to find them everywhere! 'Which room is Professor Foulkes in ?' I shouted. 'I'm sorry Maam, but he has given instructions not to tell anyone which room he's in' she said in a really snotty voice. I grabbed the cow by her blouse ripping it open and exposing her breasts. 'If you don't f---g well tell me now which room he is in. I will personally strip you naked and then cane you right in front of everyone in this hotel!' Her manner suddenly changed.'Please, please don't hurt me-he's in Room 230'she began to cry uncontrollably. I ripped her bra off and exposed her pathetic little breasts that looked so small compared to My mammaries. 'He'd better be for your sake.And by the way you'd better take some silicone for those breasts.You've got a lot of catching up to do!' I literally ran up the stairs to the second floor cracking the cane by My side.I arrived at the second floor.At the end of the corridor I saw 2 big fat gorillas standing outside Room 230.It was clear that the Professor had hired 2 gorillas to protect him-he was really terrified of Me and knew I was after him! They both looked really revolting like characters straight out of some gangster film about the Mafia.I knew that they were absolutely no match for me.I walked straight up to them. As they looked at me, especially at My huge breasts protruding forward they knew also that they stood no chance in a fight against a Domme like Me. 'Right you guys.I'm going to make it easy for you. I realise you don't really want a fight with me-for your own safety , just get out of My way and let me get the Professor!' 'Sorry lady -we know you're Lady Seductress -we've been told to protect the Professor from you' 'We'll try protecting him now Why don't you try fighting me now?'' I stood there for about 10 seconds.The gorilla then tried to take a swing at me.Needless to say it completely missed.I ducked out of the way and with Full force put the full weight of My fist hard into his ribs' immediately followed this by bringing up My powerful muscular knee hard into his testicles.The crunch of bone and the snapping of testicles could be heard right down the corridor. YAHHHHHHHHHHH! he yelled as he went flying in the air right across the room and hit his head hard on the door of the room across the corridor.He was out cold. The other one did not know what to do whether to run or not.I decided to do a forward kick on his jaw. I came running towards him at full speed as if I was doing the long jump and then My boot went forward until the heel connected against his chin. There was a loud crackling noise of broken bone as he went falling in a heap right down the stairs.I could hear a loud piercing yell as he hit the ground floor in an obviously unconscious heap. AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH! the sound of his pain reverberated across the hotel.Soon a small crowd of guests had gathered outside the Professors room.Once more a crowd watched as I was totally victorious! I looked outside Room 230-it was the Professor himself!He had come to give himself up, knowing he had been utterly defeated in his attempts to escape from me.He realised that his protectors had been no use whatever-one lay right across the corridor with blood oozing from his head running across the carpet. The other was certainly lying in an unconsious heap 2 floors down! The Professor must have been one of the weediest men I have ever seen. He was at least 2' 6" shorter than me, balding , thin , with glasses and a little pencil moustache. almost felt guilty givng him a good thrashing. 'Right arsehole the end has come for you-did you really think you could escape from me-I told you you could run but you could not hide and I meant it.Now youre going to get a full session of Corrective Therapy.I'm taking you back to England with me tomorrow-you bastard you really are going to suffer for that f--g letter you wrote!' With that I grabbed what was left of his hair.I then took a dog collar from My belt and tied it tight around his neck until his face went bright red. 'PPlease Lady Seductress' he stammered 'I know I did wrong I'll pppay you anything you want -just let me go for God's sake. I gave him a ringing slap cross his face. 'Don't try to bribe me you arsehole.You're getting your punishment and you're going to suffer. That slap is just the beginning And it's LADY SEDUCTRESS!' 'Yyess Madame Lisa' he stammered tears of pain rolling down his stupid face. I dragged him by the chain down the stairs the residents watching in total Amazement when we reached the ground floor we saw the body of the gorilla slumped across the floor.He had sufferd such a fall that almost every bone in his body was broken. One of his legs had been twisted right round, blood was pouring in a river across the carpet and bits of teeth and bone were all over the carpet beside him.The kick I had given him was so powerful that he could not possibly survive unless emergency surgery was performed on him immediately. I led the Professor through the foyer. The blonde bimbo was there again -she had presumably obtained a new bra. She looked in total amazement at the sight of an enormous Black Woman leading a White wimp by a chain. 'Right you cow -get me a taxi to the George Williams now-Foukes is checking out The taxi arrived within a few minutes.The driver looked at us astonished at what he saw. 'Look lady. I don't want no kinky stuff in here' he said in his broad Australian accent. I grabbed him by the neck and put the cane around his throat. 'Look her arsehole- if we're not at the George Williams in 5 minutes you're getting A stroke across your backside for every minute we're late! He was becoming redder and redder and almost choking to death. 'Yes lady' he spluttered 'I was only joking-you're really hurting me-please Let go!' He drove off like the proverbial 'bat out of hell'. We actually reached the George Williams in 6 minutes, but I let him off the one stroke. I decided to handcuff the Professor he looked so pathetic and utterly defeated-that's The truth of all these pompous asses when they are beaten, they really are beaten! I walked into the foyer with him.The man behind the desk looked absolutely aghast as I led the professor by the chain past the reception. We walked past the bar when suddenly one of his fellow criminologists shouted out to us 'Hey John.I didn't think you liked hookers' guess you're having a good time in Brisbane!' I was absolutely furious.I walked straight towards the bastard and hit him hard across the face with My cane.Blood began to spurt out across the floor as he writhed in agony. 'Don't you dare to call me a hooker you f---g piece of trash!' I then turned to the others in the bar. 'IS oes anyone else want similar treatment or the treatment the Professor is going to get-a damned good hard caning?' 'NNNOO!' they all called out. 'NO LADY SEDUCTRESS!' I shouted as I brought the cane down hard across the table. 'NO LADY SEDUCTRESS 'they all called out terrified I was going to give them the same treatment. I left the bastard crying on the floor,He would certainly need surgery or his face would be disfigured for life. I dragged the Professor into the lift. He was shaking with fear as I hit the cane against My boot eager to use it on his arse. I pushed him into My room. I unlocked the handcuffs. His wrists were now sore and bleeding 'RIGHT PROFESSOR I WANT YOU BOLLOCK NAKED AND STANDING TO ATTENTION NOW! I screamed. NEXT EPISODE THE BEATING OF THE PROFESSOR