Lady Rochester Lady Rochester sat at Her desk in the Justice Leaugue Headquarters in Tokyo. She looked so impressive and beautiful as usual in Her black leather Justice League Uniform.It was 7 AM and She was already at Her desk. She lived and breathed work. She was a Justice Leauguer 24 hours a day 7 days a week. She expected the same kind of commitment from Her 3 Crimefighters Dionne, Tachibana and Amrita.She would tolerate nothing less! She thought of the day before and what a wonderful success it had been. She had personally dealt with a bad debtor Yamashita and his attorney Kenda by beating them severely, joined by Her wonderful Enforcer Amrita.They had been tied them up severely using the techniques of Japanese Rope Bondage that She loved to practice.Both of the prisoners were still in the Dungeon having spent the night in the most excruciating torment trussed up like animals with their heads down on steel beds probably unable to sleep even a wink! Afterwards Lady Rochester and Amrita had gone round to Yamashita's ' house. Lady Rochester was a qualified Accountant and Valuer.She had been through all Yamashita' possessions and it was clear they were not enough to realise the debt. . She had ordered a firm of bailiffs that were connected to the JLB to remove all his possessions and clean out his house completely. The only way to realise the debt was to sell the house.The Bank would get its money and costs from the sale while Yamashita would have to put the rest of the money into a special Account.If he ever misbehaved again the Bank would seize the rest of his money. Yamashita would emerge from the Dungeon not only needing medical attention, as would Kenda ,after the torture he had endured. but homeless as well! She had taken full colour photos of both of them trussed up in the Dungeon for an advertisement in the Manuchi Shimbun that would go out today.It read as follows: THE WAR AGAINST BAD DEBT This is what will happen to you if you fail to make repayments on a loan or a mortgage or represent anyone who does! What happened to these 2 will happen to you.You will be taken to My Dungeon ,beaten mercilessly just like them and tied up in Japanese Rope Bondage .I will then take your possessions to realise the debt including your house if necessary. SO BE WARNED! I know every bad debtor and how much they owe exactly. THere is no escape .Even if you leave the country my Enforcers and I will pursue you relentlessly! I will be contacting you at once if you are a bad debtor.If you are having difficulty making repayments through financial problems you must contact Me IMMEDIATELY! Do not go to An attorney or a debt councilor.I am the only person you will see about your debts! Don't ignore debt.It will not go away and I will not go away! LADY ROCHESTER THE MANAGER THE JUSTICE LEAUGUE BANK WARNING YOUR PERSONAL POSSESSIONS HOME HEALTH AND SAFETY ARE AT SERIOUS RISK IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON A LOAN FROM THE JUSTICE LEAUGUE BANK As She sat at that desk She realised that it was not enough to do something about bad debts .She also urgently had to extend JLB business.She sat there studying figures and saw how small the JLB was compared to all the other Japanese banks the big four the Mitsubishi, the Sumitomo, Mizuho and the Nomuro She was determined to have as many people in Japan have Mortgages with the Bank as possible before She dealt with the Yakuza .In particular She wanted those with the highest salaries to transfer their to the Bank. As well as that She wanted everyone applying for Mortgages to apply to the Bank. Finally She would send out letters to every homeowner in the arrears 'requesting' them to transfer their mortgages to the Bank and to open Accounts. She had targeted the person with one of the largest salaries and biggest mortgage in the Tokyo. His name was Shigeru Togo. He was a company attorney with strong connections to the Yakuza probably earning about ##746324.He had a huge mortgage of and owned a farmhouse 30 KMS north east of Tokyo near Kashiwa.She a was determined that he should open an Account with the JLB and to cease his connections with the Yakuza.She was determined that the Bank should get his money! She decided to write to him as follows: THE JUSTICE LEAUGUE HEADQUARTERS TOKYO Dear Mr. Togo It has come to my attention that you do not have an Account or Mortgage with the JLB. Naturally I take a very serious view of this .I am requesting that you complete the enclosed forms and transfer your Account at once and take out a Mortgage with the JLB immediately!I am also demanding that you cease representing the Yakuza and representing them in court Please would you complete the enclosed forms. The Mortgage we can offer is far better than your existing one with the Sumitomo Bank .Our interest rates our far lower and we give you a free valuation . I am quite serious about this and request that you respond to this letter at once.I am quite prepared to discuss this with you in a reasonable way, but if reasonable discussion does not work then I am quite prepared to take a more physical approach. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely LADY ROCHESTER THE MANAGER WARNING YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY IS AT RISK IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT A GENEROUS OFFER MADE BY LADY ROCHESTER THE MANAGER She had sent the letter the other day and received an immediate response. Dear Lady Rochester I have no intention of having anything to do with your Bank at all ,so leave me alone.We are living in a free country Japan, not a dictatorship like Norseland and I can bank with and have a mortgage with anyone I want. I know your reputation for violence as a Norse Woman . If you try to enter my premises or use force on me I have hired a Security company to protect me. Please will you leave me alone and stop making threats against me. Yours Shigori Togo She had written an immediate response. Dear Mr. Togo I am in possession of your rude and offensive letter. I know this is a free country, but I expect you to use your freedom in a sensible way to open an Account with the JLB that will give you a far better service than your existing bank. It looks as if reasonable persuasion does not work with you in which case I will take a more physical approach. I will be visiting your premises without warning in the next few days and will persuade you to open an Account and Mortgage with the JLB I suggest that you get rid of that Security company and stop wasting your money ,as they will be no protection at all from me and one of my Crimefighters. I look forward to seeing you soon. Yours sincerely LADY ROCHESTER THE MANAGER