LADY ESSEX'S FIRST CONFRONTATION IN CHINA by Hamlet Lady Essex threw her enemy Li's broken and bloody body right across her Hardanger bike. His whole rump was just a terrible bloody mess after she had given him a damned good thrashing of 20 terrible strokes. She had tied him securely to the back of the bike, his head going first and then his legs to the sides with his bloody rump right up in the air for all to see. She spoke to her two Colleagues Judge Lynna and Madame Kiaana who had just dumped their respective victims Cheung and Hu on the ground still screaming with pain and clutching their arses in abject misery. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! They both wailed in utter torment. She turned to her two Colleagues. 'It's getting late. Rather than go back to Hong Kong I thought we would explore some of the country in China . I would like to spend the night in Guangzhou (Canton as it is normally pronounced) the nearest city which is about 80 kms north.' 'Det blir ganske sent. Heller enn aa dra tilbake til Hong Kong tenkte jeg at vi ville gjoore det utforske noe av landet i Kina. Jeg vil gjerne aa einni noottu i Guangzhou (Kanton som det venjulega uttales) den n�rmeste byen som er omtrent aatti km ord.' 'I will just contact Senior Judge Diva to tell her our movements as she is in charge of you Lynna. She will arrange for a truck two have there three bastards taken to Hong Kong for imprisonment and flown to Norseland for execution.' 'Jeg vil bare kontakte Eldridommer Diva for aa fortelle henne om bevegelsene vaare naar hun er ansvarlig for deg Lynna. Hun vil ordne med en lastebil to habr der tre bastarddur tatt til Hong Kong for fengsling og flooyet til Norseland fyrir henrettelse.' 'We will return to Hong Kong via Macau as I have heard it's even worse for criminals and Triads than Hong Kong .Don't worry we will find hotel accommodation easily in Guangzhou .If they refuse or say they don't have enough beds we will just force them to give us a room .Won't that be fun?' "Vi kommer tilbake til Hong Kong via Macau, da jeg har hoort at det er enda verre fyrir gl�pamenn og triader enn Hong Kong. Ikke bekymre deg for at vi lett finner hotellovernatting i Guangzhou. Hvis de nekter eller sier at de ikke har nok senger, vil bare tvinge dem til aa gi oss et rom. Vil det ikke v�re morsomt? 'It certainly will! Lady Essex 'said Madame Kiaana!' 'Det vil det absolutt Dame Essex!' ' I really want to see some more of China itself not just Hong Kong .I would love to see Guangzhou however you pronounce it!' "Jeg vil virkelig se noe mer av Kina selv, ikke bare Hong Kong. Jeg vil elsker aa se Guangzhou, men du uttaler det! ' Lady Essex called Diva on her mobile at the JLJHQ in Hong Kong. 'Hello Diva. I'm just ringing to tell you that we have won a wonderful victory over the Triads here. We have killed so many Triads! I have also captured and beaten the Triad leader Li. and Kiaana and Lynna have captured two leading Triads I am determined to beat these evil Triads for good!' 'Hallo Diva. Jeg ringer bare for aa fortelle deg at vi har vunnet en fantastisk seier over triadene her. Vi har drept saa mange triader.! Jeg har ogsaa fanget og slaatt Triad-lederen Li. og Kiaana og Lynna har fanget to ledende triader, jeg er fast bestemt paa aa slaa disse onde triadene fyrir fullt og allt.' 'That's marvellous news Lady Essex. I knew you would be totally successful. Madame Eva and I really miss you. As a Chinese. she really wants to get her hands on the Triads.' I will send a truck at once to haver these these three bastards taken to the JLJHQ for imprisonment. I will execute them there personally rather than have the trouble of spending them to Norseland.' 'Det er fantastiske nyheter Lady Essex. Jeg visste at du ville v�re helt vel heppnadd Madame Eva og jeg savner deg virkelig. Som kineser. hun vil virkelig faa hendene sine paa triadene. ' Jeg vil senda en lastebil med en gang for aa hive disse tre j�vlene som ble foort til Hoofuddstooddvarreettl�ti for fengsling. Jeg vil henrette dem der personlig heller enn aa ha vandr�ddi med aa tilbringe dem til Norseland.' 'What I was thinking was that after you have done your business in Guangzhou you could head for Macau We will both need you there. Crime there is worse than Hong Kong as many criminals leave Hong Kong and go to Macau that is just across the water.' 'Det jeg tenkte var at etter at du har gjort forretningene dine i Guangzhou du kan ta turen til Macau. Vi vil begge trenge deg der.Gl�pur der er verre enn Hong Kong da mange kriminelle forlater Hong Kong og drar til Macau det er rett og slett over vannet. ' 'We'd love to Diva. We will go anywhere in China to take on the Triads and no criminal is safe from us!' 'Vi vil gjerne Diva. Vi vil dra hvor som helst i Kina for aa ta paa oss triadene og � ingen gl�pamaddur er trygg fra oss! Just as they were about to depart Lady Essex spoke to the crowd once more in fluent Chinese. 'People of Shenzhen!' 'Just remember as I said We will be back. We are your new Rulers and you must regard us Norselanders as your superiors in every way. As I said we will return. More of us will come back to you from Norseland.You must regard the JL (Justice League) and the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) as your Police. We have authority over your Chinese Police completely!' ''请记住我所说的我们会回来的。我们是您的新统治�...,� ��...须在所有方面都将北欧人视为您的�级。正如我说的,� ��们会回来的。我们更多的人将从北欧回来。您�...须将JL( 司法同盟)�'�(皇家海外法官)视为您的警察。我们完�...�� ��权管您的中国警察!" "Sh�"nzh�n r�n!" ''Qǐng j� zh� w�' su�' shu� de w�'men hu� hu�l�i de. W�'men sh� n�n de xīn t�'ngzh� zhě, n�n b�xū z� i su�'y�'u fāngmi� n d�u jiāng běi'�u r�n sh� w�i n�n de sh� ngj�. Zh�ngr� w�' shu� de, w�'men hu� hu�l�i de. W�'men g�ng du� de r�n jiāng c�ng běi'�u hu�l�i. N�n b�xū jiāng JL(sīfǎ t�ngm�ng) h� (hu�ngjiā hǎiw� i fǎguān) sh� w�i n�n de jǐngch�. W�'men w�nqu�n y�'u qu�n guǎn n�n de zh�nggu� jǐngch�!" ' What is more you must show love and respect for The Queen Goddess. Just remember no one of you are safe. Just as these two from the crowd were beaten so anyone of you can be beaten that understood?' 此外,您�...须表现出对女王女神的爱�'���。请记住,没有 人是安�...�的。正如人群中的这两个人被殴�"一� �,� 们中的任何人也可以被殴�"。明白吗? 'Cǐw� i, n�n b�xū biǎoxi� n chū du� nǚw�ng nǚsh�n de � i h� zūnzh�ng. Qǐng j� zh�, m�iy�'u r�n sh� ānqu�n de. Zh�ngr� r�nq�n zh�ng de zh� liǎng g�r�n b�i �udǎ yīy� ng, nǐmen zh�ng de r�nh� r�n yě kěyǐ b�i �udǎ. M�ngb�i ma? 'YES, MADAME LADY ESSEX! 'they all called out as if one. '是的,女士夫人艾塞�...�斯! 'Sh� de, nǚsh� fūr�n � i sāi k� sī! Within a short time a truck had arrived to take the three bodies back to Hong Kong The three Norse Women turned norh. They soon left Shenzhen and were travelling across open countryside The farmers were still ploughing their lands and rice paddies and could clearly see the three huge leather clad Women roar down the road dressed total in shiny black leather. Soon they were riding along the estuary of the Pearl River on which Guangzhou was situated. They were soon outside the town of Human. It was here that the Opium war of 1839 had begun. Lady Essex and the Norse Women were the new invaders, even more ruthless than the British then. She had read all about the war, how the British forced the Chinese to accept opium whether they liked it or not and how an Imperial official Lin test tried to take action by dumping all the opium in a beach near Human that led to the British sending in a warship. What hypocrisy Lady Essex thought that the British refused to take opium themselves and yet forced the Chinese to become junkies!The Norselandic actions were quite different. Their aim was to destroy criminality, not to encourage it by forcing the Chinese to become drug addicts, to bring prosperity and order and to create a true worldwide Queen Dom of Righteousness! As They roared down the road at over 120 KMs per hour Lady Essex clearly saw a huge police road block with the police in the distinctive green uniforms of the PSB or Police .There were at least 100 of them all armed blocking the road in front of her. Lady Essex slowed down her bike and walked forwards. A Police Inspector walked towards Her in the road. 'My name is Inspector Hang of the Guangdong Province Police. You three are under arrest for violating the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China.' 'You have entered our country and illegally beaten and assaulted our citizens You have killed our citizens too. I am charging you with murder and assault You are under arrest. If you resist you will be shot! All our marksmen are trained to kill!' 我叫广东省警察�...督察。� 们三个� 侵�中�人民�...��'�国的主权而被�。" "您进�...�了我们的国家,非法殴�"�'�殴�"了我们的�...�民。� ��也杀了我们的�...�民。我指控您�有谋杀�'��"�击罪。您被�� ��如果� ��,� 会被枪杀!我们所有的神射手都经过训练可以杀死! 'W�' ji� o guǎngd�ng shěng jǐngch� tīng dūch�. Nǐmen sān g� yīn qīnf� n zh�nghu� r�nm�n g�ngh�gu� de zh�"qu�n �r b�i b�"." "N�n j�nr�le w�'men de gu�jiā, f�"ifǎ �udǎ h� �udǎle w�'men de g�ngm�n. N�n yě shāle w�'men de g�ngm�n. W�' zhǐk�ng n�n f� n y�'u m�ushā h� g�ngj� zu�. N�n b�i b�". R�gu�' nǐ dǐk� ng, nǐ hu� b�i qiāngshā! W�'men su�'y�'u de sh�n sh�sh�'u d�u jīnggu� x�nli� n kěyǐ shā sǐ! She walked forwards looking so impressive in her shiny black leather towering above him. She spoke confidently in fluent Chinese. 'I am Justice Lady Essex Sternsson.These are My Colleagues Madame Kiaana Roberts from and the Judge Lynna Crossing.' 'We have come to destroy the Triads and all criminality in China totally. Our presence here is totally legal under the Chinese Norse andic Treaty (CNT) agreed by your Government.' 是大法官埃塞�...�斯·斯特恩森女士(),这些是我的同事� �亚娜·罗伯茨夫人()�'�琳娜·�...�罗斯法官。 � ���中国北欧�'�北欧条约》(CNT),在此存在完�...�合法 Sh� d� fǎguān āi sāi k� sī·sī t� �"n s�"n nǚsh� (Essex Sternsson), zh�xi�" sh� w�' de t�ngsh� kǎi y� n� ·lu�b�c� fūr�n (Kiaana Roberts) h� l�n n� ·k� lu�sī fǎguān (Lynna Crossing). ' It gives the Norselandic Government through the JL and the ROJ free rein to destroy all criminals in China. Our Mission is to kill every single Triad. Our Mission is to also deal with anyone who sympathises in any way with the Triads or resists arrest You must also remember we are now the world's Superpower and Police Woman. We come to bring the benefits of our civilisation to you and to help you rid yourselves of , crime and evil forever under our Rule, unlike the British who came here 180 years ago!' '它通过JL�'�ROJ给予北欧�"�府自�"�控制权 使命还在于与任何对黑社会同�...的人�"交�" 或�'绝逮�您还�...须记住,我们现在是世界�...级大国, 帮�您永远摆脱我们的统治之下的�罪�'�邪恶,这与180年�来 到这里的英国人�同!" 'Tā t�nggu� JL h� ROJ jǐy�" běi'�u zh�ngf�" z�y�u k�ngzh� qu�n xiāomi� zh�nggu� su�'y�'u de zu�f� n. W�'men de r�nw� sh� shā sǐ měi yīg� sān h� hu�. W�'men de shǐm�ng h�i z� iy� y�" r�nh� du� h�"ish�hu� t�ngq�ng de r�n dǎjiāod� o hu� j�ju� d� ib�" n�n h�i b�xū j� zh�, w�'men xi� nz� i sh� sh�ji� chāoj� d� gu�, nǚ jǐng. W�'men l�i w�i n�n h� w�'men d� i l�i w�nm�ng de hǎoch� bāngzh� n�n y�'ngyuǎn bǎitu� w�'men de t�'ngzh� zhī xi� de f� nzu� h� xi�'�, zh� y�" 180 ni�n qi�n l�i d� o zh�lǐ de yīnggu� r�n b�t�ng!" 'If you cooperate with us, we will give you the wonderful benefits of the New Order. If you do not, we will kill as many of you as possible and will impose burdens and terror on you that will make the Treaty of Nanjing 1842 look benevolent in comparison!' 负�...�'�恐怖使� 看起来像�京1842年条约 �"较仁�...�!" "R�gu�' n�n y�" w�'men h�zu�, w�'men jiāng w�i n�n t�g�ng xīn chǎnpǐn d� měimi� o hǎoch�. D�ngg�u. R�gu�' n�n b� zh�y� ng zu�, w�'men jiāng shā sǐ jǐn kěn�ng du� de r�n, b�ng shījiā f�dān h� k�'ngb� shǐ nǐ k� n qǐl�i xi� ng n�njīng 1842 ni�n ti�oyu�" bǐji� o r�nc�!" 'I also warn you that even if you do manage to imprison us in Guangzhou, the Justice Leaugue will attack you with full force freeing Us and causing total mayhem and destruction. Thousands of your people will die! It will be a massacre! Large sections city of Guangzhou may be destroyed in the process!' 'You have a simple choice!' 'LET US PASS OR ELSE!!!!' Leaugue大法官将�...���"�击您,以��"�我们并� 成�...�面的混乱�'�� �坏。数以�计的人民将死!这将是一场大� 杀!在此过程中,广州大片城市可能被摧毁! "W�' h�i jǐngg� o n�n, j�shǐ n�n qu�sh� jiāng w�'men qi�j�n z� i guǎngzh�u, Leaugue d� fǎguān jiāng qu�nl� g�ngj� n�n, yǐ sh�f� ng w�'men b�ng z� och�ng qu�nmi� n de h�"nlu� n h� p�hu� i. Sh� yǐ qiān j� de r�nm�n ji� ng sǐ! Zh� jiāng sh� yī chǎng d� t�shā! Z� i cǐ gu�ch�ng zh�ng, guǎngzh�u d� pi� n ch�ngsh� kěn�ng b�i cuīhuǐ! "Nǐ y�'u yīg� jiǎndān de xuǎnz�!" "R� ng w�'men t�nggu� h�ish� f�'uz�!!!" Any comments to TO BE CONTINUED