KIM AND THE JUDGES ATTACK THE DRUGLORDS by Hamlet There was a meeting in Rick Valance's office at Global Enterprises in Nottingham. It was a luxurious suite on the top floor of the Global Enterprise building and filled with antiques and mementos from his travels around the world. Present were Reg Shenton, and Dave Burns. Valance sat behind a large, imposing desk in a high-backed leather executive chair. He rose and walked over to the window. He was a tall man, who was always nattily dressed in designer suits. Today it was a grey Armani paired with a white shirt and a burgundy tie He stood by the window looking out. He turned and placed his hands on a large globe which was sitting on a stand. "Has the merchandise arrived?" he asked Shenton. "Arrived yesterday boss." Shenton replied. "We have checked it and it is the purest we have ever received. We could probably cut it at least one more time and still come out with a pretty good product.". "Where are we going this time?" Burns asked. "I should be checking airline schedules from Albania where it comes from.". "No, this time you don't have to worry about that." Valance explained. "This time we are selling it all to one buyer. He is coming to to East Midlands airport tomorrow from the USA. The only problem is that he insists that all three of us be there for the exchange. He claims that when he is bringing in £ Four million in cash he wants to see all the players. It makes him feel more secure. You know we have the reputation for delivering first class merchandise and have never cheated or double crossed anybody. You know also that I never get personally involved in these transactions, but for this amount of money I am making an exception. I want to set this up so that it is airtight. We can't afford any screwups. He is only bringing himself, a driver and two bodyguards. "Have Hurst drive, and get Sanders to come along as a little extra protection. The exchange will take place at our old warehouse down by the river that we used before we built this facility. It is scheduled for 8:00 PM tomorrow night. We'll bring the money back here and put in my safe with the rest on our cash from the other transactions.". The three men continued planning the exchange without knowing that everything they were saying was going straight to Kim as the day before she had bugged Valance's office. As she listened to the plan being formulated, she exulted. "Got you now, you cocky bastards. We're going put your sorry asses out of business!". She grabbed the phone and called the Judge in charge of this Operation Globaldestruction, Senior Judge Astrid Kierkegaard, and relayed the information to her. "How did you find this out?" she wanted to know. "Hordern faint du ut date?" She was astonished that after weeks of very little information the whole thing was dropped in their lap. She was suspicious. Kim told her about Roy and his total cooperation with their operation and what they had been able to accomplish. "We owe him a great big thank you when this is over. He's going to lose his job because Global Enterprises. will be out of business. If that's the case and he has done as much as you say we will find employment for him in a comparable position to the one he has now. We do have a few contacts in the business world, you know.".said Astrid. "Vi skylder ham en stor takk naar dette er over. Han kommer til aa miste starf fordi Global Enterprises. vil v�re ute av drift. Hvis det er tilfelle, og han har gjort saa mye som du sier, vil vi finne arbeid for ham i en sammenlignbar stilling som den han har naa. Vi har noen faa tengiliddi i n�ringslivet, vet du." "Thanks, Astrid. That will be a big help. All we need to do now is contact the rest of the team and set up the bust. By the way, we might get lucky and take out this hot shot druglord at the same time." "Takk, Astrid. Det vil v�re en stor hjaalp. Alt vi trenger aa tengiliddi gjoore naa er aa resten av teymi og sette opp bysten. Forresten, vi kan v�re heldige og ta ut denne heitt skott Narkotikaherren paa samme tid." Kim finished the call to Astrid. She was in a reflective mood, "We owe most of this to Roy. Without his help we would still be spinning our wheels. I started out trying to use him, but now I afraid I'm falling for him even though he is an oslander and I am forbidden from having intimate sexual relations with foreigners That is not good. It's just as well that I will be leaving the Roebuck as soon as this Operation is over. " " There's no future for him with somebody like me, in this line of work. I love it and I can't give it up. God help me, but I love beating the crap out of these lowlifes. Roy has finally got turned on by my huge muscles, but if he had seen me with those lowlifes in that alley when I deliberately busted up one of their faces to make the other talk, and the fact that I enjoyed doing it would probably sicken him. Still I will miss him when this is over. I haven't met many pleasant guys since I came to England. Most of the time I have to suck up to the scum of the earth in order to take them down. Well, enough of philosophy, I have so much work to do to get ready for tomorrow night." Astrid assembled the Norselandic ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) team Judges Erika Baarstad and Judge Frederika Dokken at 10:00AM the next morning. Kim had called in sick at the Roebuck, so no one would suspect her absence. The ROJ found the location of the exchange and selected the positions from which the would execute the arrest. Three were actually inside the warehouse up on the second level. . Kim returned to her apartment and tried to rest. She wanted to call Roy at Global Enterprises, but she didn't want to risk tipping off Valance, Burns, or Shenton. She continued monitoring their activities, but nothing else happened. The meeting with the drug dealer was confirmed for 8:00 PM. Kim drove to the gym and worked out, driving her body through a difficult workout. Anything to pass the time. At last time it was time to go. Kim drove to the esignated assembly point. The team consisted of Kim, Astrid , and Judges Erika and Frederika. . They took up their positions surrounding the warehouse and waited. At 7:45 PM a limo approached slowly and circled the warehouse two times before stopping. Four men got out. They were carrying cartons of something inside. " That's the group from Global Enterprises . The man on the left, is Valance" Kim whispered to Astrid . "Det err hour far Global Enterprises. Mennen tile venter err Valance" 'The other guy in a suit is Burns. The big man is Shenton the curly haired one is Hurst. I don't know the fourth man" ''Den andre karen i darken err Burns. Den store madder errs Shenton, den corollate hare err Hurst. Jag keener like den fjord madder " " 'The sellers are here" Astrid whispered. " Now all we need are the buyers and the party will be complete". "Selgerne er her "Alt vi trenger er kjoopere og festen vil v�re heill" At almost exactly 8:00 PM another limo approached. One man got out and went inside. He spoke briefly with Valance, then three other men got out of the car and went inside. Two of them were carrying aluminium briefcases. As soon as they were inside, Astrid got on the radio. "All the chickens are in the coop. We move in fifteen minutes. Erika and Frederika be sure you're wearing your ROJ jackets and bring your flashlights. If the lights go out, we want to be able to see." "Alle kyllingene er i kjuuklingakofa. Vi flytter om femten minutter. Erika og Frederika er sikre paa at du har paa deg ROJ-jakkene dine og tar med lommelyktene dine. Hvis lysene slukker, vil vi kunne se." Inside the warehouse the transaction was going smoothly. After the usual introductions and minimal small talk, the dealer asked to test the cocaine. "This is some real good shit." he said. The cartons were moved toward him. Burns asked for the money. Even here Valance tried to stay in the background. The two men with the dealer snapped open the aluminium briefcases. They were full of money. Burns nodded and they closed the briefcases. "You want to count it?" asked the dealer. "We trust you." Burns said. "To try to cheat is bad for business. Besides, we know where to find you." he added ominously. As the men were concluding suddenly a voice from the darkness shouted. "Everybody stay right where you are! This is the ROJ and you are all under arrest. Place your hands on your heads and step back.". 'What the f--k is going' on here??" snapped the dealer. "We're as much in the dark as you are" answered Valance. The dealer's two bodyguards suddenly produced Mac 10 machine guns and opened fire in the direction of the voice. Then they all drew weapons and ran for cover. Hurst also had a Mac 10 and her sprayed the lights plunging the warehouse into pitch blackness. The ROJ agents began to return fire. On Astrid's command they turned on their high powered twelve-volt flashlights, bathing the area in light again. "You are surrounded, there is no way out! Surrender now.!" Astrid shouted. The ROJ answer was a volley of automatic weapons fire. The Judges up above were firing down. One of the bodyguards and the man called Hansen were hit, and fell to the floor. Hurst was wounded. The ROJ riddled the area with bullets. Astrid thought she heard a voice. "Cease fire." he said into the radio. "We give up." the voice said. "Please stop shooting". "Throw out your weapons and come out with your hands on your head!" Astrid shouted. There was a clatter of metal hitting the floor as the drug deaers complied. "Let's go!" Astrid said into the radio. The Judges Erika and Frederika moved in and started rounding up the cocaine connection on both sides. "La oss gaa!" All at once Kim got a sinking feeling in her chest. "Where is Valance, Shenton, and Burns?". "Hvor er Valance, Shenton og Burns?" No one could find them. "Spread out and search the area." Astrid ordered. "Breidda ut og sook i omraadet!" Kim raced outside. All she could see was the taillights of a car disappearing around the corner. Running around the building, she found a hidden entrance that they did not know about. The three men had escaped through it. "I know where they are going!" Kim thought. She remembered the statement on the tape that the cash from their cocaine dealers was in Valance's office safe. She sprinted to her car and took off bound for the building. She grabbed her radio and passed that information on to Astrid. "We'll get there as soon as possible." she told Kim. "Keep an eye on the building and make sure that they don't leave before we get there.". "Vi kommer dit saa snart som mulig! Hold ooye med bygningen, og soorg for at de ikke forlater foor vi kommer dit!." Kim drove into the Global parking lot and saw the limo parked by the entrance. She got out of her car and ran to the entrance. The same security guard was on duty. "Did Valance, Shenton, and Burns come through here?" she asked him. He refused to answer. Kim showed him her ROJ badge, and told him if he didn't want her to execute him for obstruction, he had better answer fast. "They went up to Mr. Valance's office." he told her. "Stay here and make sure they don't leave!" she ordered him. She got on the elevator and headed for the top floor. When she got there, she could see down the hallway that the door to Valance's office was open, and the lights were on. She moved cautiously down the hall to the open doorway. She could hear the three men debating about what to do. Kim stepped through the open door, and very calmly said "OK, gentlemen, this is the end of the line, raise your hands where I can see them. This is the ROJ and you're under arrest." All three froze. They were surprised that a ROJ Officer would have known where they had gone. Kim moved further into the room. She could see Valance and Shenton, but where was Burns? Too late, she saw Burns was levelling a .357 Magnum at her. He fired and Kim ducked, the bullet crashing into the wall behind her. Her pistol flew from her hand when she hit the floor. She leaped at Burns who was trying to bring the magnum to bear on her. Her foot hit his gun hand driving the pistol across the room. Kim grabbed his gun hand, his right hand with both of hers. She jerked Burns towards her, bringing her right knee slashing up into his belly. As he started to fold up, Kim slammed the point of her right elbow directly behind his right ear. She released Burns' limp body and let him fall to the floor. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Valance, who must have lost his weapon in the wild scramble back at the warehouse, was trying to find Burns' gun. Kim attacked him from behind with a hard kick to his ribs. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Valance dropped to his knees, then got to his feet. He looked at Kim and said, "Alright bitch, come on, I can take you without a damn gun!". He was a big man who was no stranger to fights. Kim took a step back and removed her ROJ leather jacket. She faced Valance wearing her shirt and leather running shorts. When he got a good look at her, she could tell he wasn't as sure he could take her as he was before. They circled each other warily, each waiting for the other to make the first move. "Quit fucking around Reg and kill the bitch." Shenton shouted. Stung by those words, Valance charged at Kim. 'IL'L KILL YOU NORSI WITCH!! Any comments to