KIM BEGINS TO BEAT THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF A SECURITY GUARD AFTER HUMILIATING THE HOTEL MANAGER by Hamlet Kim sat in the office of the Manager of the Ibis Hotel in Stratford East London Mr Lewis. She realised that She was in for the possible sack and was in definite trouble for beating up two construction workers and another customer a wife abuser. It was a lovely day outside as the sun streamed in to reveal Her gorgeous physique. She was looking as big amend muscular as ever as the Norse woman She was .She was dressed in a skin tight silk blouse a tight leather skirt and high heeled calf length boots a uniform She had chosen for Herself not being the typical chambermaid's uniform at all .She was not a typical chambermaid being someone who did not take any nonsense from customers at the hotel even if it meant losing Her job unlike the many submissive Ecuadorian and Filipino workers who did exactly as they were told by the Manager. Behind Her stood a big fat security guard called Geoff. He thought he was so tough. He was employed to rough up any employees like these foreign workers who got a bit out of hand. She had seen him making sexual advances to them and she felt so disgusted just looking at him. He was not going to have the slightest effect on Her, as She could not wait to get Her fist into that big fat belly and do some serious belly punching!. The Manager was getting so furious that She did not seen to be paying the slightest attention to him. He was seething with rage as She just carried on looking out of the window as if he did not exist .Who the Hell did this f---g Norse Woman think She was! 'Do you know that you beat up two-construction workers in the bar and they are both in hospital and one may be a cripple for life?' 'Excellent and maybe I will make the other one a cripple for life as soon as he gets out of hospital!' 'You mean you have no regrets at all?' 'None whatever! They called Me a Norwegian hooker and they were insulting Me .I'm Norselandic not Norwegian and anyone who calls Me a Norwegian hooker gets what is coming to them!' She put Her hand down Her leather skirt right in front of Mr.Lewis to fondle Herself as She remembered with glee how Mike, the silent one shouted and advanced on Her with both arms outstretched to grab Her. She had seen him coming with his beer belly leading the way. She had pivoted, and brought Her right fist up in a massive uppercut with all of Her 190 pounds behind it. Her fist had ripped into his belly like a runaway train at full speed. Beer bellies are strange just like the one on the security guard behind Her She thought; they are hard on the outside bat first, but if penetrated, they are soft as mush. Her hard fist had ploughed right through the outer ring of hard tissue, to go deep inside. Her mighty punch was nausea inducing and vomit producing as all the beer he had consumed flowed all over the floor! God She would love to beat him again! 'And what about that American tourist he may be a cripple for life too!' 'Excellent and that is a lesson for everyone who tries to beat their wives! If any guest treats his wife in the same way they get the same treatment!' God She was outwitting him completely all the time in the argument and had an answer for everything he said the bloody Norsi bitch he thought! 'So you have no regrets?!' 'None at all! I heard him slap hid wife hard across the face. . I saw him then drive his fist into her belly. I also saw her fall to her knees holding her stomach. He hit her across The face back and forth, backhand and forehand. She was crying and begging him to stop.What did you expect Me to do?' 'Well you still did not have to beat him black and blue!' 'Of course I had to he had to be taught a lesson!' She began stroking underneath Her leather skirt again with Her fingers as She remembered Her first blow. She had said. "You might find I'm a little more trouble than she is. I've told you I'm a Norse Woman and a Valkyrie and We're the toughest people on earth and no one messes with Us. Why don't you go buy your stupid drinks and leave her alone?" Kim had maintained Her strong grip on his arm. Suddenly Fred as he was called had swung his other arm, his left at Kim's head. She had managed to dodge out of the way. Fred had swung again, this time with his right arm. Kim had grabbed it, and using his own power threw him face first against the wardrobe. His face smashed into the side of the wardrobe and he bounced back and fell. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! "Big tough man trip and fall down?" Kim had asked in a most inviting voice. 'Look Ms Andersson you're sacked toured not working here again! Geoff show her the door and get her out off here!' Geoff walked up to Her and put his hand on Her shoulder. 'Come on luv you're goin outside wiv me!'he said in his Cockney accent 'I'm going nowhere you fat pig and I'm staying in this hotel in this job! ' She stood up and Geoff saw She was actually at least one foot taller than him! 'Why don't you throw Me out Geoff?' Allowing Her knees to be very relaxed and slightly bent She brought her fist upward and turned Her broad shoulders using all the power She possessed, pivoting upward by pushing with Her powerful legs as She drove Her rock hard fist upward slamming it into his fat belly. His eyes widened as the soundOOUUUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!! came from deep within his throat as he stumbled forwards. The flow of puke began to spill out of his mouth. The smell of beer and regurgitated food filled the air of the room. Her pretty silk gown was covered with puke as he dropped to his knees in agonizing pain. She reached out and took him by the collar of his shirt as She gritted and ground Her teeth while lifting him to his feet. She released his shirt drilling Her fist hard into his jaw putting Her shoulders mixed with Her body weight into the punch. SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!! She felt his jaw as it collapsed under Her powerful punch. He stumbled and fell to the floor making a thumping noise as his body hit, rolling over on his face. Little did he know, She was just getting started. The feel of power with each blow had begun to excite Her. It was impossible She thought, to stop at this point. The thought of him placing his hands on those poor Filipino and Ecuadorian women upset Her even more as She reached down again placing both of Her hands under his armpits lifting him to his feet. Meanwhile Mr Lewis the Manager sat at his desk looking horrified realising he was next! 'Come on 'I'VE ONLY JUST STATRED GEOFF!!!'