KIM BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF TWO COCKNEY CONSTRUCTION WORKERS by Hamlet   The construction worker stood over Kim at the Hotel Ibis in East London after he had asked Her if She wanted a drink or 'a kitchen sink' as he said in his Cockney slag. "Thanks, but no. I don't want a drink now; I only came in here to get something to eat." She replied. "Aw, come on now, luv , be sociable. Have a little tiddly wink wiv us." "I'll tell you what," Kim said. She could tell the men were becoming surly. "I'll buy you guys another pitcher, but I have to leave. I have to get up early for work .I work here as a chambermaid" "I'll bet you do." he said. "How about you have 'ave it wiv us first." he said. He stood up and approached Her. He was shorter than Her thought at least 6'2". He stuck out his hand. "My name is Bill, and this is Mike ." he indicated the other man, who was slightly shorter than him, with a typical beer bulge over his belt. She hesitated before taking his hand in Her own. "Kim " She said. Bill had a strange look on his face, 'You a foreigner where you from Germany?" he asked. "No Norseland actually " 'Where's that next to Sweden?You bleedin hookers are always foreigners!" Bill laughed. "I'm not a hooker, for your information and I happen to work at this hotel as I've told you." "That's what I thought, a bleedin hooker. How many punters do you see in a day" Jeff stated. Kim reached in Her purse and threw some money on the bar to Luisa the bar maid. "Buy these arseholes a pitcher on Me.Luisa" She said disengaging Her hand from Bill's. He had not wanted to release Her hand at first. She headed for the door. Bill and Mike looked at Her, and then Luisa arrived with their fresh pitcher of beer, so they returned to their seats, and resumed drinking. Kim wanted to phone home to Norseland.She found the battery was flat . "Dammit" She said. She walked back to the bar to put Her phone in the socket. Bill and Mike looked up as She entered. As She walked back out to Her room to make the call, Bill and Mike got up and walked to the plate glass window in the front of the bar. "Trouble with the old dog and bone (phone)?' Mike said. "Maybe we can help." Bill said. "I don't think so." She said. "Maybe you could help us out." Bill commented. "Help you out, how?" Kim had a sinking feeling in Her stomach as She asked this question. She knew what the men wanted, . "I'll bet you know how. How much for the both of us?" he asked. "I told you I'm not a hooker, so why don't you be good boys and go find yourselves somebody who is, if that is what you want.In My Nation We do not have prostitutes as our Norse Men are so attractive They can have sex without paying for it and Women enjoy sex so much They don't need to do it for money! " She said. "Why should we do that when you're right here !We've never has a Norwegian tart before?" said Bill. "Come on, honey, let's go and we won't have to hurt you." Being called Norwegian was enough to drive Her mad Bill reached out for Her. Kim took his extended arm, turned and flipped him over Her head. He sailed through the air and hit the end of the bar with his back. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! "You lousy bitch!" Mike , who had been the silent one shouted and advanced on Her with both arms outstretched to grab Her. Kim saw him coming with his beer belly leading the way. She pivoted, and brought Her right fist up in a massive uppercut with all of Her 190 pounds behind it. Her fist ripped into his belly like a runaway train at full speed. Beer bellies are strange , they are hard on the outside at first, but if penetrated, they are soft as mush. Her hard fist ploughed right through the outer ring of hard tissue, to go deep inside. Her mighty punch was nausea inducing and vomit producing as all the beer he had consumed came right back up in a near projectile spray. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! . His eyes bugged out looking as big as saucers as the beer and everything else left in his stomach splashed out onto his shirt and onto the floor of the bar. Also a wad of green looking mucus flew out of his nose. Both of his feet had lifted off the ground as Her strong fist buried deep once more in his gut. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Mike collapsed like a deflated balloon, rolling on the floor groaning and holding his violated belly with strings of mucus coming out of his nose and mouth. Two punches was all it had taken to remove him from the situation. Bill was getting back to his feet. "If you don't want what your buddy Mike got, you better get him and get out of here now" Kim said to him . "I'm gonna hurt You now, you Norwegian bitch whore, then we're gonna take you back outside and do you." he growled. He still had one hand reaching around to feel his hurting back. "No bimbo can do that to me!" he continued. Slowly he moved toward Kim who was even more furious at being called Norwegian again . He rushed Her and they collided chest to chest. Kim wrapped Her powerful arms around him and began to squeeze, putting Her chin squarely against his chest. Her powerful body flexed as She bore down on him and began to scissor him around his stomach. He began having trouble breathing, and the pain was becoming unbearable in his chest and back. She locked Her hands behind his back and her knuckles dug into his spine. With Her superior height She had lifted him completely off the ground. She could feel his ribs bending as She applied the power of Her mighty legs. he was groaning but his thrashing around had slowed considerably. Kim finally released him, and he sank to the ground. Kim remembered the fist fighting video that She had seen a short while ago. "That looked like it would be fun to do it for real." She thought. She reached down and pulled Bill to his feet. Now it was his belly's turn to be assaulted. Kim sent Her left fist blasting into his belly. TTHHUUDD!! UUUNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! went Jeff. Again, with the right. WWHHUUMMPP!! OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! One more time,the left again. TTHHUUMMPP!!! OOOOFFFF!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! He was racked with agony and nausea was flooding him. She had delayed several seconds between each belly busting punch to allow him the time to suffer the full effect of each of them. She thought to Herself. "It is fun. I should do this more often." He was hunched over, holding his aching gut which Her hard fists had turned to soft mush. Kim clenched Her right hand into a rock-hard ball and sent it smashing straight into his nose. PPOOWW!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! She could feel the nose break as blood spurted out around Her fist and ran down the front of his shirt. His blood now stained his shirt, and ran down both sides of his face from his shattered nose. It was now nearly flat, with the cartilage clearly broken causing agonizing pain, causing tears to form involuntarily in his eyes and now his smashed nose started to swell. She took hold of his shirt with Her left hand to keep him from falling. SSMMAASSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Mike's mouth was Her next target and She raised Her fist up over his head to change the angle of the punch to protect Her knuckles. Her iron fist tore his upper lip wide open, and buckled two of his front teeth back snapping them off at the gum line. Now Her fist beat a tattoo against his face. Cuts and bruises began to appear. Still She pounded away, as She began to feel a strong sexual tension building toward a release as Her fist turned Jeff's face to hamburger meat. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Kim stopped as She realized that Bill was out cold and the only thing holding him up was Her left hand wrapped in his shirt. She turned loose of his shirt and him fell to the floor. Blood was pouring from his broken nose and his torn lip as well and the hole where his two front teeth had been. Kim leaned down and admired Her fistic work. "That really was fun!" She said to Herself." Her knuckles were skinned, and hurt where they had made contact with his teeth, but by punching down at an angle into his mouth She had avoided any real damage to Her hand. Some of Her blood was mingled with Jeff's on Her fist. Mike was groaning still on the floor trying to recover from the monumental belly punch he had received. "I knocked Bill out, but I don't know which punch did it. Now I want to find out if I can knock Mike out with one punch." She thought. She walked over to the moaning Mike. "Hi there, Mike. I am going to do and experiment and you get to be the guinea pig, How about that?" He couldn't answer, of course. "Stand up here for Me." Kim grasped him under his armpits and lifted him to his feet. He was standing with his back to Her after the lift. "Next, you have to turn around." She said, grasping his shoulders and turning him to face Her. "Now I have to get your jaw into the right position." He still had no idea what was going on. The pain in his belly was still overwhelming, the result of Her savage belly punch. She took Mike's jaw in Her left hand and tilted his head to get the proper angle that She wanted. "I'm certainly strong enough to knock him out with one punch." She thought as She flexed the biceps of Her right arm and a huge ball of muscle exploded upward. After admiring Her own muscle for a few seconds, She turned Her attention back to mike. He was obviously still dizzy and nauseated from the sadistic punch he and absorbed in his belly. She set Herself and launched Her right fist in a titanic punch at his jaw, which was in exactly the position She had wanted it, to allow Her maximum punching power. CCCRRRAAAKKKK!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Her fist crashed into his jaw at full power. Kim had stepped into the punch to get not only Her huge arms an shoulders into it, but the power of Her muscle laden legs as well. Neither Mike nor his jaw had a chance. It broke with a loud crack and two teeth came flying out of his mouth along with a fine spray of blood. He spun around and fell across Bill's prone body. Mike lay there with his jaw dangling at a very strange angle. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!1 "Well, he's out and it looks like his jaw is broken." Kim said as She gazed down with a great feeling of satisfaction at the two unconscious men. "I'll bet they don't bother any more women for a long time!" A large crowd had now entered the formerly deserted bar as they looked in awe at Her. Luisa applauded in admiration. fighting skills. The Hotel manager Mr. Lewis cane over and looked in horror at the carnage in the bar "What the hell happened?" he asked. "They got into a fight and knocked each other out." Kim answered. He believed Her story that is until he saw the skinned knuckles of Her right hand tinged with blood. Luisa went over to him. 'They were annoying Ms Andersson and called Her a hooker. She was completely in the right! Those two are a complete nuisance anyway as you know Mr. Lewis' The manager smiled to himself and thought. "Sure, they knocked each other out. 'I WISH I COULD HAVE SEEN IT ALL!!' Any comments to