KIM ASSSERTS HER AUTHOTITY IN A PUB AS SHE CONFRONTS A CHILD ABUSER by Hamlet Kim at last found the Goose pub in Stratford London England after asking for directions on several occasions. She was becoming angrier and angrier as coming from a tropical climate in Norseland. She could not put up with this cold grey climate much longer. Also She was seething with rage after hearing the news about that poor little girl who was abused. She could not wait to get Her hands on another child abuser Jim Dawson the father of that poor little boy Ken whom She had left back in the house. She walked inside. All the eyes were turned on Her as She walked in with Her height of nearly 7 feet, Her long leather trench coat, leather gloves and high heeled boots Her dazzling blonde hair completing the incredible effect. The fist thing She noticed as She walked in was the terrible noise of people seemingly talking at the tops of their voices. She was also overwhelmed by smoke a smell of cigarettes that was completely unfamiliar to Her and made her feel quite sick since in Her Nation cigarettes were banned. In Her Nation tobacco was an illegal substance completely just like heroin. She also noticed almost all the customers were men. What a contrast with bars in Her Nation where the clientele would be overwhelmingly Female and Men would be accompanied generally by Women who would buy drinks for them all the time and take care of them. What's more no one seemed to be eating which again was something amazing for Her in that in Her Nation it was only permitted to drink if one was eating too. People here seemed to go out to drink to get drunk something that would be illegal in Her Nation . In Her Nation one was only allowed 21 units of alcohol a week which was only 10 pints of beer! She still had Her Alco Card in Her purse. It could be purchased at any shop for NM 420(£21) rather like phone card and the user could only spend the equivalent of NM 42 a week on alcohol.If one tried to spend any more the card would be declined rather like a credit card.Also the card was programmed so one could not spend more than £4(NM 80) in one day. What was more people were ordering drinks at the bar and there was a whole queue of people waiting to be served .In Her Nation one was served by Barpersons or Marshals at the table as They were called. They were a professional body and like all bodies were controlled and dominated by Women. They had distinct uniform of red leather and wore Stetsons. They would be expert at serving people after a three year training period and a drink and a meal would be on the table within a few minutes of the customer's arrival. They had course to be treated with respect and has to be addressed as Madame or Sir and Their orders had to be obeyed without question. She walked up to the bar almost choking completely on the smoke feeling sick with the repulsive smell of the cigarette smoke. The noise was deafening as people seemed to be getting drunker than ever.This country really had a drink couture where people could not enjoy themselves unless they were completely drunk. Eventually a barman came up to Her. He was dressed in rather a scruffy way wearing an old tee shirt and jeans.This would be an outfit that would be illegal in Her Nation where one had to look smart at all times. She had never been served before in Her life by someone wearing jeans and She was quite disgusted by his appearance. 'Well luv what can oi get you!' 'I'll have an orange juice and a plate of fries!' He was astounded by Her size and officious manner. 'Right luv you mean chips! That will be £2.30.' She did a quick calculation .That was NM46 a bit cheaper than in Her Nation. She looked around and could see two men sitting next to Her ogling Her. She could overhear their conversation in broad Cockney. 'Oil like that sort (woman) over there! She's bleeding tasty! Like the leathers too!' 'Bleedin' 'ell look at the georgie bests (breasts) on 'er.Look at the size of 'er she's built like a brick shithouse!' One of them came up to Her. His breath was stinking of booze. He moved his body right up to Her but was conscious of how much taller She was than him. The smell of his breath was revolting. It smelled as if someone had shitted into him a vile combination of cigarette smoke, beer and sweat. 'Oi darlin' where yous from?' Are you a kraut(German)? The smell was disgusting as he breathed into Her face. 'I'm actually from Norseland and you'd better get away from Me now before I twist your bollocks off! 'She said whispering in his ear. 'So you're from Norway didn't we play you people in football?' 'No I'm not from Norway you ignorant pig! I'm from the other size of the world and We did actually beat you in a friendly match 3-1 last month you stinking walking beer barrel!' With that She moved Her leather gloved hand hard down his crotch and twisted hard. He let out a piercing scream as he fell screaming onto the floor. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ' SHE GOT ME CODS THE F------G BITCH!!!' The whole pub went silent as everyone stared in amazement. Just then the landlord a big fat man with a large beer gut came right up to Her. 'Look ere you f--------g foreign cow you don't treat me friends like that I'm gonna bar you!' She twisted around and with one move grabbed him by the collar in Her powerful leather gloved hand digging Her razor sharp nails into his neck as he too yelled with pain. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 'Look here you big fat ugly arsehole . I'm staying right here and I'm not moving a centimeter do you understand?' YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! he roared as the whole pub went silent looking in horror as the two men were screaming with all their might. 'Right arsehole I'm looking for someone called Jim Damson, where is he?' 'Oive never 'erd of the geezer(man)!!!! ' he groaned in agony as Her nails tore into his throat. 'Well now it's quiet in this pub so I will make an announcement.'She said as She continued to hold him by the neck. She then let him go as he too fell on the ground clutching his violated kneck. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! 'WHERE'S JIM DAWSON?' She shouted across the pub, everyone recognizing Her strong Norselandic accent that sounded like German. Suddenly another fat man with a large stomach and greasy hair steepped forwards. 'Oim Jim Dawson who the 'el are you?' he said trying to sound tough. 'I'm Kim Andersson the Woman who was supposed to be staying with you from Norseland!' 'Oh yeah! Oi fopwt you was coming tomorrow!' 'You've obviously got no sense of time Jim. Also neither you nor your wife were at home to greet Me when I arrived which is unforgivable rudeness. Also you have fierce dog that attacked Me .I easily managed to beat him off but I'm arranging for that monster to be put down. What's more your house is a shithole, stinks of dog's pee and I'm not staying there tonight for one night!' 'What's even worse you have left your poor son at home while you go to watch football! You seem to think watching 22 men kick a ball around a dirty field matters more than a human being! His face is covered in bruises and he looks completely neglected and abused, You're going to pay for this you bastard! I'm going to Scissor you in Ten Positions right in front of everyone in this pub and then you will be arrested by My Supervisor Judge Miranda Haarderqvist!' He began to sweat profusely in front of everyone in the pub. Suddenly he shouted out though he was in complete fear of her superior size and strength 'Why don't you f""k off back to Norway you bitch!!' She was furious at being called Norwegian again when She came from a Nation thousands of mile from Norway! She ran towards him and kicked him hard in the groin with the pointed toe of Her boot. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!AAAAAA!!' he yelled as he leapt in the air and fell on his back joining the other two men on the floor, clutching his violated testicles. She stood right over him. 'PREPARE FOR THE HEAD SCISSORS!!!! Any comments to