KIM'S SUPERVISOR MIRANDA TELLS HER WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO TWO CHILD ABUSERS By Hamlet (This is based on a true story) Kim walked along Lawes Rd in Stratford England after kissing goodbye to Ken Dawson the poor abused little boy. She wanted to take him with Her to the pub to see Her deal with his father but realized that She had orders from Her Supervisor Judge Miranda to beat the shit out of his father and did not want to see such him witness such a brutal spectacle. Being a Norse Woman when She beat someone up She had been taught in Her upbringing to show no mercy whatsoever to Her victim. Her orders from Miranda were to capture the father Jim Dawson in the pub the Goose and to beat him senseless by Scissoring him in the Ten Positions that She had learnt at the GCC (Gym and Fitness Centre) in Dannesborg in Norseland as She loved Scissoring more than anything else .He was going to feel the well deserved pain of Her steel like thighs around his neck for daring to abuse that poor little child. What was more She was furious that She had arrived at his house and there had been no one to greet Her. What was even worse was that he had a fierce dog a rottweiler that had attacked Her though She knew how to defend herself against a fierce dog with Her brilliant fighting skills. She could not wait for Miranda to taker him prisoner to the ROJHQ (Royal Overseas Judges Headquarters) for trial and possible execution. She could also not wait for the Mother Superior of the LLN (Leather and Latex Nuns) Senior Sister Athena to take the poor little boy into care to the safety of St Agatha Convent where he would be given months of therapy and TLC (Tender Loving Care). It was still a cold grey day still as She walked along the road. She was beginning to feel so depressed as She was still suffering badly from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and could not wait for one of those light boxes She had been recommended by Miranda. She longed once more for the tropical sunshine of Her Motherland Norseland. She thought of what She would be doming in Her Motherland on a Saturday afternoon like this. She would be with Her Partner Lars sitting on the balcony of Her flat surrounded by flowers and tropical flowers while fondling His Cock in Her hands making Him come and then massaging His balls with Her tender embrace. Why had She come to this cold country where She had arrived at a house where no one greeted Her ,where it seemed to be raining all the time and where people kept dogs in their own houses a custom that would be totally illegal in Her Nation? As She walked along She came across a newstand.She saw a headline of a paper the Evening Standard HORRIFIC CASE OF CHILD ABUSE!! She took a copy and read the front page horrified. 'Appalling failures in Britain's child protection system were exposed today as a couple was sentenced to a total of 22 years for "scalping and kicking like a football" their four-year-old daughter who has cerebral palsy. The case had echoes of the Victoria Climbi tragedy, with a judge expressing "anxieties" about social services. Samuel Duncan, 26, was given 10-and-a-half-years and Kimberley Harte, 23, 11-and-a-half-years, after "revolting abuse" in which boiling liquid was poured over the child's hands, her hair was ripped out, she was repeatedly kicked in the groin and forced to sleep naked in a locked toilet. The attacks happened only weeks after the girl was returned from foster care to the couple by Westminster social services last year. No social workers have been disciplined despite the fact the girl's family was visited or contacted 20 times, Westminster Council confirmed this evening. "The council's view is that no disciplinary action should be taken," said a spokesman. Sentencing the couple, Judge Paul Worsley QC voiced concern about failings by social services, in particular the near fatal decision to return the child to her parents against the wishes of her foster carers. He said the parents, who showed no remorse for what they had done, tortured a "loving and affectionate" child in a case made all the worse by the fact they knew they were "under the eye of social services and had every reason to show more, not less, affection to that little girl". Her physical scars may heal in time, he said, "but I doubt the mental scars ever will". The case comes four years after the most extensive inquiry - costing 3.8m - into the failings of the child protection system in British history, prompted by Victoria Climbi's death at the hands of her great aunt and the woman's boyfriend. In the case of Duncan and Harte, a court heard how social workers and doctors had accepted an explanation of how the four-year-old broke her arm weeks before she was finally admitted to hospital with her appalling injuries. By then she was in so much pain she had to be examined under anaesthetic. When the child, who cannot be named, was taken in by foster carers they referred to her as a "sunny child" who was physically capable despite her disability. Following the abuse she was left physically incapable of walking. The chair of the Westminster Local Safeguarding Children Board, said this evening: "It is clear that those staff who saw this child and her family could not have foreseen the injuries she sustained. "After the child was returned home there were at least 20 visits from health and social care professionals. "The information sharing between agencies was very good as all parties were mindful that this was a very complicated situation." But a "serious case review" by the authority's Local Safeguarding Children Board pointed out numerous, serious failings by professionals who were "too parent focused" and not sceptical enough of what they were being told by the parents. "For example, during a two month period, there were five occasions when the child was said to be 'out with her father', when a professional made a home visit. Furthermore, only minimal contact was made with the father at this crucial time," it said. Tragically, the foster carers were the only strong voices against the child returning to her parents. They spoke of "regular distress" exhibited by the child before and after contact sessions. Professionals were "generally observing quite a different and more positive picture from within assessment or contact sessions, and it was these views that prevailed". The girl had been in care because of domestic violence between her parents. Her "agony" came to an end only when her horrified grandmother discovered what was going on and called the police. The couple of Maida Vale, west London, first admitted three counts of child cruelty on the basis they failed to seek medical treatment for their daughter. Then, following a cut-throat defence during which they blamed each other, they were convicted of three charges of causing grievous bodily harm with intent between February 1 and March 18 this year. The case is the latest in a string of cases that have caused questions to be asked about social services' decisions. In 2005, Ukleigha Batten-Froggatt, a six-year-old who was on the 'at risk' register, was strangled by her mother's boyfriend in their flat in north London. In 2003 Toni-Ann Byfield was shot in north-west London while in the care of Birmingham social services. Referring to today's case, police said they had never seen such shocking injuries. "These were horrific injuries," said Detective Sergeant Tony Smith from the child protection unit, "some of the worst injuries I have seen." Her ordeal had caused her to regress with regards to her disability, but, according to Detective Sergeant Smith, she is now doing far better. "When I met the young girl she was in a terrible condition. But I'm now happy to report that she's improved dramatically with the care that she's now receiving." But Ron Lock, author of the independent case review, said: "It is quite contrary to the Victoria Climbi case in that risks were clearly identified and believed to have been addressed to a level that it was safe to return the children to the care of their parents. Defence counsel for Duncan, said her client was still denying attacking his daughter. Nevertheless, the once would-be footballer, who was deserted by his father as a child, was someone who could learn from his mistakes and one day feel remorse. Harte's barrister said the mother - who had also had an "appalling" upbringing - would "never stop blaming herself, feeling pain for losing her child and for the fact her future as a mother will always be in question. "At times this young woman is almost overwhelmed and crushed by her sense of guilt," she added. ' Kim felt so furious when She had read this. She was about to give a good Scissoring to a child abuser and now wanted to kill these two abusers too! She was so angry that She decided to call Her Supervisor Judge Miranda.She was desperate to speak Norselandic too ˜Judge Miranda it's Kim. I'm very sorry to trouble You again but I have just read this story of these two bastards who tortured a poor little girl Do You know all about it?' 'I certainly do Kim and the Norselandic Government has also heard all about it. Our Premier Patricia Ingvoll has protested to the British Prime Minister Blair all about this case but he has said that he is powerless to of anything about it. She has responded that She will send in the ROJ and the LNN to deal with these bastards!' 'Thank God for that Miranda! What I cannot understand is why did they only get 10 to 11 years? Why weren't they put to death?' 'I understand Your anger Kim. Unfortunatey the death penalty has been abolished in this country .That's the trouble with the law in this country .Everything is weighted in favour of the criminal! What's even worse is that Duncan and Harte will only get 6 years and then be free to have children and abuse them again. That's why I am sending in the Nuns to deal with them!' ˜That's wonderful Miranda! What I found even more reprehensible is that the Social Services did nothing about it and visited the family on several occasions as well and could not find anything wrong. In fact the child was returned to Duncan and Hart by the Social Services!!' 'That is quite right, that is always happening in this country and is criminal negligence. That is why the Nuns are going to do something as well about the Social Workers involved holding them to be criminally negligent too. There is a saying 'evil exists because good people do nothing.' 'What I also cannot understand is that these criminals have defence lawyers. What is a defense lawyer?' 'In this country unlike Our Nation there is something called the 'presumption of innocence' that means that a criminal is innocent until proved guilty which is why so many criminals go free. All criminals are entitled tom a defence lawyer .As You know as a Judge because of the powers given to Me by The Queen Goddess mean that if I arrest a criminal that criminal is automatically guilty and I can put that criminal to death Myself. I am the Judge Jury and Executioner!' 'That is quite right that is because You are a Judge means the Judges are always right. That is why there is almost no crime in Our Nation .' Kim came from a Nation where the Judges (Police) were treated with the utmost respect and obedience and Their very word was Law and had to be obeyed without question. Criticism of the Judges was unkown and it was almost impossible to complain against Them. Like all institutions They were Female dominated with 90% of Judges being Women. (SEE JUDGE DREDD COMICS WWW.2000ADONLINE.COM 'So what are You planning to do Miranda?' 'I have an excellent Nun Sister Marlona assigned to this case. She will go to the prisons Duncan and Harte are held Wormwood Scrubs and Holloway. She will order the prison Governor to had then over. If they refuse She and Her Partner Sister Avalona will use force and take them to the Convent where they will be tried by the Catechision Court and almost certainly will be sentenced to death by strangulation with a leather chord by Sister Marlona personally.' She and Sister Avalona will also capture the Social Workers responsible as well as the defense lawyers who will also be taken by Her and punished severely at the Convent .' 'As for the little girl she will be taken to the Convent to be looked after by the Nuns where she will need years of TLC and therapy to overcome her terrible ordeal.' 'Now I want You to go to the pub and deal with that child abuser. Once You have taken him captive You will call Me so that I can arrest him.' 'SCISSOR HIM MERCILESSLY!!!' Any comments to