KIM BEATS A GUARD DOG AND THEN COMFORTS AN ABUSED CHILD by Hamlet Kim carried on banging on the door of 22 Lawes Road in Stratford East London becoming angrier and more frantic than ever. She had just arrived in England from the warmth and beauty of Her Motherland Norseland. Nothing seemed to really be going right for Her. Not only was it cold and grey a condition She hated especially as She suffered badly from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) but also because She had to deal with a stroppy taxi driver who wanted to charge Her £100 for the journey and insisted in speaking to Her in some incomprehensible Cockney rhyming slang. She had of course dealt with him in the way She knew how by grabbing him by the hair and threatening to slash his tyres. She had also been invited to the house and She had come at the right date and yet no one would open the door to Her! Although She had plenty of money and could afford to book into a hotel .She was still furious that She had come all this way to face a house where the residents were not in and did not realize She was coming! Eventually She could hear a dog coming right to the door. It was barking furiously at the door and She could feel the door hit against her The dog seemed to be going wild barking for all it was worth .She could hear the screams of what sounded like a child inside 'Victor comes away from the door please!' The dog carried on barking wildly. Then suddenly and without warning the door opened She watched as a huge rottweiler went straight for Her going straight for Her boot heels Being a tough Valkyrie She knew how to defend Herself against anything, even a wild animal as there were plenty of then in Her Nation. She had been attacked by a mountain tiger before in Her Nation and had managed to defend Herself! She dodged right out of the way of the dog so that it missed Her completely. She moved with lightning sped as She ran towards a stick that was on the ground. She picked it up and with deadly force smashed the end of the stick across the face of the animal. Blood came pouring out of its nose. At the same time She kicked hard into his stomach as it fell to the ground letting out a piecing yell that could be heard right down the road. YAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The dog knew that it had met its march and ran with full speed back into the house totally defeated! She realized once more that She was victorious and that even a rottweiler could not touch Her. As She stood there a little boy came running out. This was obviously the son Ken Dawson. He looked so small and week and pale. He had short brown hair and She noticed that he had bruises all over his face. He came running towards Her. 'I'm err terribly sorry Miss that was our dog he's really fierce his name is Victor, he's our guard dog. You really stood up to him!' he said in admiration. She bent down and held him warmly in Her leather clad arms. She really loved children. Her Sister Carla had two children two little boys and Kim loved to invite them round to the house and take them for drives in Her car. Child abuse was non existent in Her Nation as the Nation was so well policed and the population was so well educated and Eugenics was also practiced whereby only those who were fitted to be parents were allowed to have children. A prospective Mother would have to go through a rigorous series of tests before She was allowed to have a child and if She failed She would have to have a compulsory abortion. The SO(Social Officer) could also decide which parent was best suited to have the child because there is no such thing as marriage in Norseland only Partership and partners do not live together . The SO could decide that child should be brought up in a National Orphanage .This is because the in Norseland all children are the property of The Queen Goddess and the State not the parents. The Government firmly believes in spreading Eugenics across the world as part of the Matriarchal Empire in order to eliminate crime .The chief practitioners of the science are the Sisters of Mercy(SOM) or the Leather Nuns as they are known who are part of the State Church the Royal Lutheran Church .Their aim is to open up orphanages for the children of unfit parents , prisons for criminal and sterilization clinics all over the world where criminals unfit patents and the mentally defective would be forcibly sterilized (See later episodes Athena the Sister of Mercy) (Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention. The purported goals have variously been to create healthier, more intelligent people, save society's resources, and lessen human suffering. Earlier proposed means of achieving these goals focused on selective breeding, while modern ones focus on prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering. Opponents argue that eugenics is immoral and is based on, or is itself, pseudoscience. Selective breeding of human beings was suggested at least as far back as Plato, but the modern field and term was first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1865, drawing on the recent work of his cousin Charles Darwin. From its begiining eugenics was supported by prominent thinkers, including Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw, and Winston Churchill. Eugenics was an academic discipline at many colleges and universities. Developments in genetic, genomic, and reproductive technologies at the end of the 20th century, however, have raised many new ethical questions and concerns about what exactly constitutes the meaning of eugenics and what its ethical and moral status is.) 'You� poor darling Ken! Why are you all alone in the house? Did you not know that I was arriving? My name is Kim and it's lovely to meet you sweetheart!' She said as She gave him a long Welcome Kiss on his neck. 'Oh yes my dad did say that some lady from some foreign country I've never 'eard of was going to stay with us! It's very nice to meet you Kim. You don't mind me saying but You are really so big!' he said looking up to Her in admiration and wishing She was his mother. 'I don't mind you saying that! We Norse Women are the largest people on earth far bigger than your men. How old are you darling Ken ? You can call Me Kim! Don't be so scared of Me. I know I am big and tough as you can see. I dealt with your dog and beat him off easily but I can also be loving and gentle too!' 'I'm 8 Kim! We don't study geography much at school so I don't know where your country is. I'm so glad you've arrived!' he said feeling so happy in Her presence. It was clear the he wanted someone to show him lots of tender loving care (TLC) as it was clear he was getting none at all. She looked at his face it was covered in bruises What's more he looked so pale and thin. She would definitely find out how he got those bruises! 'Come on let's go into the house. I want to know what's happened to your mother and father.' He opened the door as She carried both cases so easily in Her hands that the taxi driver had hardly been able to carry at all. As soon as She entered the door She was overwhelmed but the terrible stench of dog faeces and urine. The whole corridor looked really dirty as if they had never hoovered the floor at all. She did not want to walk any further. She could not understand this unhygienic foreign habit of having animals in houses. In Her Nation it was illegal to have a dog or cat in a house as the country or the garden were the only places for animals! 'So� where are your father and mother Ken? 'Well my father's gone to the football to watch West Ham play at home. I think he's in a pub called the Goose now. Mum's gone off shopping and won't return until later tonight as she goes off to the bingo on Saturday nights.' Kim began to feel completely disgusted. So these people allowed an 8 year old boy to be alone in a filthy house with a dangerous dog while the father was in the pub and then going to watch a football match and the mother was out going to the bingo! The poor boy looked so miserable and undernourished. She was sure that the bruises were caused by the father though of course he would deny this. This would be totally unheard of in Her Nation! If a child was left alone with a dangerous animal and the SO found out the parent would almost certainly be sent to a Detention Centre (DC) for at least 10 years of hard labour and the dog would be out down immediately. I would like to contact your father now .Do you have his mobile number?'?' He produced a dirty scrap of paper on which the number was written. She dialled the number and a man with a Cockney accent answered. 'Oil who's at?' 'It's Me Kim. I've just arrived from Norseland. Why weren't you in the house when I arrived? Why do you leave your son on his own in a with a dangerous dog whom I have just given a good beating to?' 'Oi fowt you was coming tomorrow. I 'ope you 'aven't hurt Victor!' He was obviously more concerned for his dog than his own son! 'I certainly have! He tried to attack Me so I gave him a good beating!' 'I'M COMING TO THE PUB NOW!!' Any comments please to