LANA JOYANN'S SUBMISSIVE SLAVEANT AND PROPERTY by Hamlet JOYANN ON THE SUPERSONIC BERCHTA AIRCRAFT Joyann decided to take a break from the depressing news of war and kidnapping from the land of her birth The Congo, where she was desperate to restore complete order and to establish the Norselandic Queen Dom of Righteoussness. She looked next door and there was small gym provided where she could exercise her wonderful Black body to prepare for the fighting that lay ahead of her. This Berchta aircraft was not only the fastest aircraft mankind had ever known it was also a veritable flying palace with every facility imaginable. The gym itself was quite small but it contained an elliptical cross trainer a treadmill and a cycling machine too. She decided to take off her skin tight black leather cat suit and knee length boots and exercise naked to reveal her incredible body .She would then eat her breakfast, have a shower, take a, rest and then have a short sleep before the aircraft would land on the Carrier QGS Queen Andromache off the coast of Congo Brazzaville. . She got on the treadmill and was soon running away furiously admiring her voluptuous frame that seemed to grow bigger and more muscular every day .God she really could not wait for a fight in a few hours' time and bust some Congolese necks and put that bastard of a terrorist leader to the most dreadful death possible who had kidnapped the Norselandic doctor and aid worker! Just as she was exercising Lana her Papian slavant came in with a trolley that was laden high with her breakfast. She was starving as Lana looked at her never having seen a naked Black Woman in her life. She was a full of amazement at Joyanne's sheer size and power. From now on Joyann had been told by Manita to speak to her and to her Colleagues in Norselandic at all times. This was also a good opportunity for her to practice her Norselandic in which she would have to become fluent 'Your Mistress is an incredible sight isn't she Lana? 'Din Elskerinne er et utrolig syn, er hun ikke Lana? 'Yes Madame Joyann ' 'Ja Mevrouv Joyanne' she replied being so short and diminutive herself and yet so attractive in her long flowing black silky hair and her tight sahini that she wearing. 'Well Lana this meal had better be delicious or else! You will be cooking every meal for me from now on especially when you will have the honour of serving me your Black Scorpion Won't that be such a privilege? 'Vel, Lana, dette maaltidet burde v�rt deilig ellers! Du vil tilberede hvert maaltid for meg fra naa av, spesielt naar du vil ha �ren ava servere meg din Svartur Sporddrekinn Vil det ikke v�re et slikt privilegium? 'Yes Madame Joyann' she almost stuttered in fear and awe of her Mistress. 'Ja Mevrouv Joyann' Joyann had been warned by her Colleaugue Justice Manita not to be too friendly with these Papians. 'You can go now Lana. From now on you will be summoned by me whenever I want your services as my personal and private slaveant and my property ! 'Du kan dra naa Lana. Fra naa av blir du tilkalt av meg naar jeg vil ha dine tjenester som min personlige og einkaaddila braelloom og min eiendom! Yes Madame Joyann!' 'Ja Mevrouv Joyann!' Joyann sat down to eat her meal. It was so beautifully cooked and it was clear Lana was desperate to please her Mistress. She consumed everything in less than a few minutes. Joyann looked outside the cabin. It was still pitch dark and she had no idea where she was as she was really travelling at three times the speed of light .Yet the the flight was so smooth and comfortable. Soon she fell into a deep mind blissful sleep on her king size bed resting her naked gorgeous curvaceous body. She was suddenly awaked by a message on the intercom from Senior Airline Officer Laura. 'Joyann and Manita We have arrived off the coast of The Congo and are soon going to land on the Carrier QGS Queen Andromache! Get yourselves ready!' 'Joyann og Manita Vi er kommet utenfor kysten av Kongo og drar snart til land pa Flytjandi Reginas Gyddja Skip Dronning Andromache! Gjoor dere klare! She leapt out off bed and had another shower. She put makeup all ever her lovely face with plenty of mascara over her eyes. She then dressed back in her black leather cat suit and high heeled boots and tight leather gloves to make herself look so formidable and powerful ready for action! She looked outside and could see the vast brightly lit hulk of the Queen Andromache as it lay so majestically on the Atlanic Ocen lighting up the darkness around it. Joyann had read that it was now the second largest Carrier in the world next to the QGS Princess Xena. It easily outclassed its rival the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower with a length of 10 KMS.It had 120 super deadly Cheetah aircraft compared to 85 on the American carrier, all of which were superior in speed and fighting power ready to sink the US carrier to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The Carrier was 50 stories high rising like a gigantic floating skyscraper above the Ocean Suddenly the Berchta aircraft hit the deck of the Carrier with an almost deafening noise and shot down the enormous runway that seemed to go on forever .At last it came to shuddering halt on the deck .She could see the starry night over the Carrier and the vast Ocean in the distance.The local time was 9.30 PM. A voice came on the intercom. 'Greetings Joyann and Mnita .This is Very Senior Commander Melissa Bloodspiller the Commander of the Queen Andromache! You have arrived off the coast of the Congo Joyanne Your birth place!' Hilsen Joyann og. Dette er veldig Eldri Kommandoor Melissa Bloodspiller av Dronningen Andromache! Deren haren ankommet utenfor kysten av Kongo Joyanne, ditt foodested! 'WELCOME TO THE QUEEN ANDROMACHE! VELKOMMEN TIL REGINA ANDROMACHE! TO BE CONTINUED Any comments to