JOYANN AND THE DIVERS PREPARE TO ASSAULT THE CARRIER by Hamlet The news of the proposed attack on the US carrier Dwight D Eisenhower off the coast of the Republic of Congo spread across the world. Nothing like this had ever happened in history, a country telling an aircraft carrier to leave the Exclusion Zone or face being blown up! The action had the full support of the Norselandic Government and Premier Patricia Ingvoll who was determined to teach the USA a lesson it would never forget. Most of all with the demise of the Soviet Union Norseland was the rival Super Power the world's Police Woman and Gynarchy and the Nation had to be recognised as such! The US Government did not know how to respond. They knew that in quantity the US Forces were far greater than the Norselandic forces and that Norseland was much smaller in size and population Yet in terms of quality of equipment and training the Norselandic forces were in many ways far superior. The US Government did not want to face a full-scale attack on its carrier sink to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean with all its crew killed! What' more they knew that the Norselanders could rely on support from the Black Scorpions an elite group of tough Black mainly Afro American Women fighters such as Joyann .They were quite prepared to launch a campaign of total terror in the USA and the rest of the worl that would make Al Qaeda look like boy scouts in comparison. Meanwhile the crew of 2000 of the USS Dwight D Eisenhower waited in terror for the attack to take place They knew there was nothing they could do about it. All the aircraft on the carrier were in at the US base Niger Air Base 201 in Niger that was 2400 KMS away. Even if the US Air Force tried to rescue them the the advanced radar on the QGS Andromache would track them down and the brilliant Cheetah fighters of the RNAF would blast them out of the sky! Yet what they dreaded most of all was an attack by the JL (Justice League) The very name of it terrified them as they knew it to be by far the best fighting force in the world. One Justice could easily kill 50 of them without difficulty. Anyone with a Grade 1 in Gym Kata the Norselandic martial arts was totally invincible. Haley the Commander of the carrier made an announcement on the Intercom 'Now hear this! This is your Commander speaking. The orders from Washington are that we stay here and resist any attack on us that will surely be coming in a few hours' time. You must shoot first and aim when they attack. Do not try to engage the Justice League in unarmed combat as you will almost certainly lose. Remember they are the best fighters in the world! We will outnumber them as there are so many of us and it appears there are only 6 Divers who will attack us' ' May God be on our side as we're sure as Hell going to need Him!' Meanwhile Joyann and the Divers were preparing for the forthcoming attack. They were training in the huge pool that lay in the basement of the gigantic carrier QGS Andromache. . Joyann practised with her Colleague Manita and Mimi and Laurena who were both really experienced Divers themselves. She really enjoyed being in the water with Dagmar especially when he held her in his arms with his huge bulge next to her. At the same time Joyann was a really brilliant Diver and Swimmer herself. She loved bathing in the in the local gym swimming poll that lay so close to her home. Brooklyn,she had a Grade 1 Certificate in surfing and Grade 2 certificates in swimming and scuba diving as she practiced regularly on the coast of Long Island. It was because of her diving and swimming skills that she had been chosen to join the Royal Divers Unit. At school she was a champion swimmer and martial artist and had been given the name 'Joyann the Shark', especially as all her school companions were so afraid of her The Divers practiced all day diving and swimming, simulating the conditions that they would face underwater when infra-red lights would be attached to their Divers' outfits to guide them through the water. At 8 PM Commander Brigitte allowed to stop as they had trained so hard. They had a hearty evening meal of steak, fries and salad. They were all getting to know each other so well and were really enjoying each other's company while Joyann longed for her first experience with a Norse Man of being penetrated by Dagmar's enormous Cock!. They then were allowed to relax for two and a half hours before the Final Briefing at 11.30 PM. Joyann went back into her room and decided to have a short sleep. She stripped off her rubber diving suit and lay on the short bed naked. She knew that the greatest fight of her life lay ahead in which she would take on over 200 sailors possibly. Again, she felt so pleased again to be a member of the JL the most elite fighting group in the world. She was soon woken up on her mobile by a phone call from Commander Brigitte. 'Joyann it's 11.20 PM you are summoned to the Final Briefing' 'Joyann, klokka 23.20 er du innkalt til Lokayfirlit.' 'Yes, certainly Commander Brigitte' 'Ja, absolutt Kommandoor Brigitte' She got up at once and changed back into her shiny black rubber uniform. She realised that in only 35 minutes the attack on the carrier would begin. In the Briefing Room Brigitte stood in front of the divers looking really impressive in her skin tight black rubber 'Ladies and Gentleman We are about to attack the carrier in half an hour. Commander Haley has been given one last warning from Commander Melisa which I will read to you' 'Damer og herrer Vi er i ferd med aa angripe flutningsaddili om en halv time. Kommandoor Haley har faatt en siste advarsel fra Kommandoor Melisa som jeg vil lese deg ' 'To Commander Haley 'You now have half an hour to leave the Exclusion Zone If you do not your carrier will be sunk it's as simple as that. Resistance is futile as your crew will never be a match for the RDU. Your only course of action is to leave and leave now! 'Til Kommandoor Haley � "Deren har en naa en halv time til aa forlate Uutilokunarsv�ddi. Hvis deren ikke vil din flutningsaddili bli senket, er det saa enkelt som det. Motstand er nytteloost, da mannskapet ditt aldri vil v�re en kamp for Reginas Kafaraeining . Det eneste handlingsforloopet ditt er aa forlate og dra naa! Kommandoor Melissa Bitchasdottir Reginas Norselandsk Sjooher 'A reply has been received as follows Et svar er mottatt som foolger 'To Commander Bitchasdottir 'I have absolutely no intention of leaving. We will not submit to threats We are in international waters and we will remain in our position. and refuse to leave' 'Jeg har algerlega ingen aaform om aa forlate. Vi vil ikke underkaste oss trusler. Vi er i internasjonalt farvann, og vi vil forbli i vaar stooddu. og nekter aa forlate.' ' Kommandoor Haley A reply has been sent as follows 'Et svar er sendaa som foolger 'Kommandoor Haley The RDU will attack your carrier at midnight if you do not withdraw at once from the Exclusion Zone! RK vil angripe flutningsaddili din ved aa middn�tti hvis du ikke trekker deg ut av Uutilokunarsv�ddi paa en gang!' 'Kommandoor Melisa Ladies and Gentleman 'I want you to put on your full uniforms and all your fighting equipment to prepare to attack. You will travel to the carrier on the Sub Aqua which is ready for you outside! 'Jeg vil at du skal ta paa deg alle einkennisbuuninga og alt kamputstyret ditt for aa forberede deg paa aa angripe. Deren vien l reise til flutningsaddili paa Sub Aqua som er klar til duuu utenfor! Joyann put on her rubber hood that just showed her mouth around her waist. She put on her knives rubber chords and her knuckledusters to make herself look absolutely terrifying for her opponents. Around her back she carried a Mahseer machine gun the most deadliest and most advanced in the world. Brigitte rang up Nairobi King the Black Scorpion JL spy and member of the US Navy who was on board the carrier. As a member pf the JL she had learnt to speak Norselandic fluently 'Nairobi it's Brigitte here. We are about to attack in half an hour Could you tell me what the situation is?' 'Nairobi, det er Brigitte her. Vi er i ferd med aa angripe om en halv time. Kan du fortelle meg hva aastand er der?' 'The crew here are all petrified of the forthcoming attack Brigitte. Haley has posted guards all around waiting for the attack I'm near the turret here and can see Haley in the distance.' 'Mannskapet her er forstenet av det forestaaende angrepet Brigitte. Haley har settar inn vakter rundt og ventet paa angrepet. Jeg er i n�rheten av taarnet her og kan se Haley paa avstand.' 'Good work Nairobi When we attack, I want you to move in and arrest the top officers with me. A helicopter will arrive to take you away to safety. We will take them back to this carrier for torture and interrogation.' 'Godt arbeid Nairobi Naar vi angriper, vil jeg at du skal flytte inn og handtooku de ooverste offiserene med meg. Et dyrla vil ankomme for aa ta deg med i sikkerhet. Vi vil foore flutningsaddili dem tilbake til denne fyrir pyntigar og avhoor. ' 'Wonderful Brigitte I can't wait for the fight to begin !' 'Fantastiske Brigitte, jeg kan ikke vente til kampen add byrja!' Brigitte turned to Joyann and the 4 Divers 'COME ON DIVERS LET'S ATTACK AND SHOW NO MERCY!! 'KOMA PAA KAFARI SOM SKAL ANTAKE OG VIS IKKE MIKLUI! Any comments to TO BE CONTINUED