HELGA AND BERGJOLT DECIDE TO TAKE VENGEANCE by Hamlet Bergjolt woke up in her flat feeling so happy after her first successful Mission as an Enforcer for the Bank of Loving Control and Domination .She desperately wanted some more action. She was a big Norse Woman though she was not quite as big and tough as the Manager and Senior Enforcer Helga ,but she knew that with constant practice in the gym ,she would perfect her fighting and bodybuilding skills until she might actually become even stronger than Helga herself. There was a knock on the door. It was Helga Helga walked right over to her and kissed her on the cheek 'Bergjolt I have some very alarming news .It's just that I've bought a copy of the Grantham Journal and there's a very disturbing story about a bunch of thugs who attacked some Papians in the town centre We need to deal severely with the thugs who carried out this outage. We are Norselanders and we are the Mothers and Protectors of the Papians who our children are and always have been!' 'Bergjolt Jeg har noen veldig oognvekjandi nyheter. Det er bare det at jeg har kjoopt en kopi av Granthamtiimaritl, og det er en veldig urovekkende saga om en haug med kjeltringer som angrep noen PapIeren i sentrum. Vi trenger aa haandtere alvorlig med kjeltringene som bar ut dette avbruddet. Vi er Norselanden og vi er moodre og beskyttere av Papieren som barna vaare er og alltid har v�rt!' 'That's outrageous Helga .I can't wait to read it!' 'Det er opproorende Helga. Jeg gleder meg til aa lese den!" They both sat next to each other on the bed. 'Please could you translate for me Helga as my English is not as good as yours Helga and I have just arrived in this country' 'Vennligst kan du oversette for meg Helga da engelsk ikke er saa god som din Helga og jeg nettopp har kommet til dette landet ' Helga read and translated as follows. 'Five Grantham men were given suspended sentences after taking part in violent incidents in the town centre.' 'Fem menn fra Grantham fikk betingede dommer etter aa ha deltatt i voldelige hendelser i sentrum;' 'They are now free to walk the streets again even after a Judge described their behaviour as "disgraceful".' 'De staar naa fritt til aa vandre i gatene igjen selv etter at en doomari beskrev deres oppfoorsel som "skammelig".' 'This followed a series of incidents in the town starting on Guildhall Street and ending ninety minutes later in the Market Place in June of this year. Yet all five admitted offences arising out of several different incidents of violence. And yet all have escaped immediate jail sentences.' 'Dette fulgte en rekke hendelser i byen som startet paa Guildhallgata og endte nitti minutter senere paa Market Place Markaddsstaddur i juni i aar. Likevel innroommet alle fem lovbrudd som skyldes flere forskjellige tilfeller av vold. Og likevel har alle roomt umiddelbare fengselsstraffer.' 'The first violence took place when a victim was attacked outside Oscars Bar.' 'Den foorste volden fant sted da et offer ble angrepet utenfor Oscars Bar' 'One of the defendants, Jim Dawkins, walked across the road, picked up a bottle off a table and beckoned the man Peio Pouana the owner of the Papian restaurant the the Pineapple Heaven in the High St. Dawkins then squared up to him before David Havers punched him to the head knocking him to the ground in what the prosecutor in the case described as "a sucker punch." 'En av de tiltalte, Jim Dawkins, gikk over veien, plukket opp en flaske fra et bord og vinket mannen Peio Pouana, eieren av den Papiske veitingastaddur Pineapple Heaven Ananashvellur . ii djjooddgootunni Dawkins, og kvadret seg da mot David Havers slo ham i hodet og banket ham i bakken i det paatalemyndigheten i saken beskrev som "en sogskaal." 'While the victim was on the ground, Dawkins threw the bottle at his head and Jim Davis kicked him in the head before the victim managed to get inside the club' 'Mens offeret var paa bakken, kastet Dawkins flasken mot hodet paa ham, og Jim Davis sparket ham i hodet foor offeret klarte aa komme seg inn i klubben.' 'Afterwards there was further violence outside The Bank pub during which the manager was punched in the face and Dawkins produced a police-style baton'. 'Etterpaa var det ytterligere vold utenfoor Puben Bank, der lederen ble slaatt i ansiktet og Dawkins produserte en stafettpinne i politistil ' 'Later the violence moved on to the Market Place where Derek Patterson carried out a series of assaults after first attacking two more Papians Mr Popuna's sons Tanielo and Maako who were coming out of the Late Lounge Bar. 'Senere gikk volden videre til Markaddstorg der Derek Patterson utfoorte en rekke overfall etter aa ha angrepet ytterligere to Papianere, herr Popunas soonner Tanielo og Maako, som kom ut av. Seinnsetustofubar' Patterson, Davis, and others also went on to attack the Pouana brothers who were knocked to the ground, kicked, and punched. 'Patterson, Davis og andre fortsatte ogsaa med aa angripe Pouana-broodrene som ble slaatt til bakken, sparket og slaatt.' 'Davis repeatedly punched Tanielo Pouana to the head and he fell to the floor and kicked the victim while he lay on the floor unconscious.' 'Davis slo Tanielo Pouana gjentatte ganger i hodet og han falt paa gulvet og sparket offeret mens han laa bevisstloos paa gulvet' Davis continued the attack with his partner Sean Lavery , 'Davis fortsatte angrepet med sin feelagi Sean Lavery' After the trial at Lincoln Crown Court all five were found guilty. 'Etter rettssaken ved Lincoln Kroonudoomstooll ble alle fem funnet skyldige.' 'However, the defence barrister Sir Boris Gove pleaded with the Judge Justice Willamson stating all 5 had mental problems and should be given another opportunity before facing jail sentences which would affect their careers 'Forsvarsadvokaten Sir Boris Gove boonnfalt imidlertid Reettl�ti Willamson om at alle fimm hadde geddr�n vandamaalog burde faa en ny mulighet foor de ble utsatt for fengselsstraffer som ville paavirke deres karriere.' 'Also, he stated correct police procedures were not followed as none of them were properly interviewed under caution.' 'Han uttalte ogsaa at riktige politiprosedyrer ikke ble fulgt, da ingen av dem ble ordentlig r�tt vidd undir forsiktighet.' 'This is disgusting Helga what's even worse is that lawyer who defended those criminals We don't allow defence lawyers in our Nation, if the Judges bring a case against someone he/she is guilty it's as simple as that!' 'Dette er motbydelig Helga. Det som er enda verre er at advokaten som forsvarte de gl�pamenn . Vi tillater ikke forsvarsadvokater i vaar Nasjon. hvis Dommerne anlegger en sak mot noen han / hun er skyldig, er det saa enkelt som det! Helga responded in fury I am going to contact the owner of the Pineapple Heaven restaurant now! 'Jeg skal samband eieren av Ananashvellur naa¬' LET'S TAKE BLOODY VENGEANCE LA OSS TA BLODIGE HEVN!! Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com