HEATHER THE OTHER BLACK SCORPION IN HONDURAS by Hamlet Originally from Jamaica, where punishment was "lovingly" administered both in the home and at school, little did Heather know that her earlier childhood years was to be the beginning and shaping of her naturally very strict and dominant persona. She was born in"�Kingston, Jamaica. Her parents migrated to Nottingham England when she was two and half years old. She was always a very active child, not wanting to make cakes in"�the Girl Scouts, but rather go outside and play"�stick ball,"�basketball"�and sprint against and beat the boys. She had always been heavily involved in sports: participating in competitive high school and college"�track and field, and playing junior high school, high school and"�college basketball. And always winning. Heather was a Lifestyle Bodybuilder and Dominatrix qualified by a lifetime of experience. As a Dominatrix she had advertised herself as Madame Heather enjoying the art of Seduction and Control whilst looking after her client's interests. She was very forceful, direct, and creative with an exploring mind and a seductive flare. Her early years of punishment of clients gave her a thirst for violence with no fear of the unknown, hence her understanding of pain and how to inflict it with maximum force on her victims. She knew how to be both teasing and ruthless. She specialized in ball-busting, Cock and Ball Torture, corporal punishment, and wanted to practice these in real life instead of just fantasy. She was a very big Black Woman, even bigger than her friend and colleague Vicious Veronica, with huge muscular arms that she had developed as a result of a lifetime of bodybuilding where she had won numerous contests, as well as a lifetime of beating up and torturing her victims. She was also highly qualified with a first-class degree in Financial Management from Nottingham University. After working only three years in the NW Bank she had been easily promoted to a Senior Manager on a six-figure salary. The new organisation she had founded with Veronica in Nottingham was called The Black Avengers. It specialised in solving problems such as helping the victims of domestic violence and those who suffered from crime in any way and would love to get even if only, they knew how to go about it! Veronica was offering them a way to seek vengeance through The Black Avengers with her tough Colleague Heather, a big formidable Black Domme who specialised in all forms of domination as well as financial domination too as a senior Bank Manager. As Black Avengers they both worked as independent contractors on a case-by-case basis. They listened to the alleged wrongdoing, decided if punishment was justified, and then administered it brutally. By their definition punishment was purely physical, usually involving extreme violence. Heather and Veronica lived to inflict pain, were complete sadists and were experts in what they did which was extreme physical punishment. Most of these bastards deserved a good beating, and that was what they normally received! As Dominatrices they admired Norseland as a gynarchy a female dominated society and the world's Policewoman As Black Scorpions the worldwide organization of Black Women dedicated to the elimination of crime, Veronica and Heather worked with the Justice League. The JL was the Norselandic international deadly anti-terrorist force They had both become honorary Norselandic Citizens and now spoke fluent Norselandic The Norselandic Government had decided to declare total War on international crime and terrorism, the WACT (War Against Crime and Terrorism). . Heather knew that Norseland was the country with by far the highest standard of living in the world and that it was the wealthiest and most industrialised nation.in the world. This enabled it to have the most advanced armed forces and security services with the best equipment, The Justice League (JL)was by far the most efficient and effective anti-terrorist force in the world. It could penetrate and destroy any terrorist or crime network anywhere making the British SAS look like boy scouts in comparison. The ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) the overseas police force also operated in every single country with impunity. What made them both so effective is that they were ruthless in dealing with criminals showing zero tolerance and no mercy whatsoever. Their policy was that all criminals must be killed mercilessly after being beaten and tortured. It was as simple as that! The country that was now targeted by the JL and the ROJ was Honduras. In recent years Honduras had experienced extremely high levels of violence and criminality. Homicide violence reached a peak in 2012 with an average of 20 homicides a day. Cities such as San Pedro Sula and the Tegucigalpa had registered homicide rates among the highest in the world. The violence was mainly associated with drug trafficking In order to rid the world of the deadly menace the Norselandic Premier Patricia Ingvoll had decided to strike at the base of the drug cartels in Honduras. Honduras was controlled by members of rival gangs with a Godfather controlling each of the 18 Departments The most powerful drug cartels were the Mara Salvatrucha and the Barrio 18. These gangs used violence and threats to enforce their power. Members of the population who did not pay their "war taxes" to the gangs for protection were threatened and often killed simply for their disobedience. Premier Ingvoll regarded Honduras as a criminal state in the sense that she had intelligence that the drug cartels were bribing the police and military and had contacts with the Honduran Government. After all these years the Mara Salvatrucha and the Barrio 18 still operated freely in Honduras particularly .where they controlled whole areas of the country . She knew from information supplied by the Royal Intelligence Services (RIS)the best in the world, exactly who were the leaders of the Drug cartels and exactly where they lived. She decided that the only way to eliminate the Drug cartels in Honduras was to be even more ruthless than them. The Justice League would use even more force. They would literally kill every single Drug lord cartel leader. They would strike terror into the Drug cartels themselves. The policy would be that to kill a snake you had to cut off the head! . The JL and the ROJ were effectively invincible and terrorists all over the world were utterly terrified of them. They always wore black leather in order strike complete terror into their enemies. Heather and Veronica had joined Operation Kill All Druglords (KAD) led by the JL based in England. It would be carried out on this occasion by the Fearsome Five as they called themselves It was led by Senior Justice Borghild Aagaard. She was a world renowned and brilliant anti criminal fighter Heather and the other Fearless Five Veronica, Senior Justice Borghild and the two other Justices Hildur Omdahl and Kadir Roorstad walked out of the aircraft at. El Zamorano airstrip in Honduras after their flight from Stansted airport in England They were met outside by Justice Leaguers led by Senior Justice Toya Bergqvist the Commander of the Justice League in Central America and the Caribbean She was accompanied by Justice Vanda Dahlstrom and Assistant Justice Per.Frykman The JLs were dressed completely in black leather wore leather hats rather like the SS cap with the logo of a golden crown with a gun and a knife underneath.They also always wore leather masks in order strike utter fear into their enemies. Next to Toya stood Justice Vanda. Dahlstrom She was slightly smaller than her Boss but very powerful and strong. She had blonde hair as did all Norse Women and was very powerfully built. She had a wonderful curvaceous figure with huge muscles looking so impressive. Next to her stood Associate Justice Per. Frykman He looked really stunning too in his shiny black leather uniform that really revealed his gigantic bulge. He had lovely blonde hair making him so attractive Toya embraced Borgihild. 'It's so good to meet you Borgihild!' 'Det er saa godt aa moote deg Borgihild! 'Operation Kill All the Druglords has been totally successful so far Senior Justice Toya! Pilots Erika and Jan have beaten an aerial attack from US and Honduran forces. They were no match for us at all and all of them were shot down into the Caribbean Sea!' 'Addgerdd DrepaallafIIkniefni har v�rt helt vellykket saa langt Haattsetturreettur Toya! Flugmenn Erika og Jan har slaatt et luftangrep fra amerikanske og honduriske styrker. De var ikke noe match for oss i det hele tatt, og alle ble skutt ned i det karibiske hav! ' 'We had a similar success Borghild. The three of us using guns, rockets, and knives have fought off and defeated a whole division of the Honduran Army! We must have killed at least fifteen of them They were no match for us either' said Toya. 'Vi hadde en lignende aarangur Borghild. Vi tre som brukte vaapen, raketter og hniifar har kjempet av og beseiret en hel deild av honduranske h�r! Vi maa ha drept minst femten av dem. De var heller ingen kamp for oss.' 'They never are Toya. We Norselanders always win! 'said Borghild. 'De er aldri Toya. Vi Norselanderen vinna alltid!' 'Well Borghild we have taken over the town of El Zamorano and effectively put it under Norselandic control. It will be the centre of all our Operations. We have commandeered the local hotel.' 'Vel Borghild, vi har overtatt byen El Zamorano og aahrifariikt satt den under Norselandsk stjorn Det vil v�re sentrum for alle vaare addgerddirr. Vi har kommandert det addarhootel.' After they had eaten Toya addressed all seven of them. 'Today we will split into three teams.' 'I dag vil vi dele opp i tre lag.' 'Borgihild will operate on her own from the capital Tegucigalpa where she will take out the Godfather Jos� Jimenez personally, the evillest drug lord in Honduras'. 'Borgihild vil starfa paa egen haand fra hovedstaden Tegucigalpa hvor hun vil ta ut Gudfaren Jos� Jimenez persoonulega, den mest onde narkotikadrigen i Honduras.' 'Kadir will team up with Veronica and will take out the Godfather of Barrio 18 Marco Regalado in La Ceiba Atl�ntida Department.' 'Kadir vil slaa seg sammen med Veronica og vil ta ut Gudfaren til Barrio atten Marco Regalado i La Ceiba Atl�ntida stjoornardeild' 'Finally, you Hildur and Heather will operate in western Honduras San Pedro Sula the second largest city where you will take out the Godfather of Mara Salvatrucha Enrique Luis Santaana,' 'Til slutt vil du Hildur og Heather starfa i det vestlige Honduras San Pedro Sula, den nest stoorste byen hvor de vil ta ut Gudfaren til Mara Salvatrucha Enrique Luis Santaana," MAY GOD BE WITH YOU ON YOUR DIVINE MISSION HEATHER AND HILDUR! 'KAN GUD V��RE MED DEG PAA DIN GUDDDOOMUR LEIDDANGUR HEATHER OG HILDUR!' Any comments to norselandic@hotmail.com TO BE CONTINUED