MOSUO WOMEN by Hamlet Norseland may be described as the world's Gynarchy or Matriarchy and the world's potential superpower A matriarchy is a social organizational form in which the mother or oldest female heads the family and descent and relationship are determined through the female line and it is government or rule by a Woman or Women. . A matriarchy is also sometimes called a gynarchy, a gynocracy, a gynecocracy, or a gynocentric society, although these terms do not definitionally emphasize motherhood. A gynarchy generally means 'government by Women over Women and men. All of these words are synonyms in their most important definitions. While these words all share that principal meaning, they differ a little in their additional meanings, so that gynecocracy also means 'Women's social supremacy'[gynaecocracy also means 'government by one woman', 'female dominance', and, derogatorily, 'petticoat government' and gynocracy also means 'Women as the ruling class'..All these terms could be applied to Norselandic and Mosuo society Another gynarchy that closely resembles Norseland Mosuo society, Known to many as the 'Kingdom of Women', the Mosuo (Chinese: 摩梭; pinyin: M�su�) are a small ethnic group living in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in China, close to the border with Tibet. A population of about 50,000, the Mosuo are found near Lugu Lake in the Tibetan Himalayas The Mosuo women practice tisese which misleadingly translates as walking marriage in Chinese. However, the Mosuo term literally means 'goes back and forth'.in China Women make most of the business decisions and they run the households completely. The Ah Mi is the ultimate leader of a household, just like the Handledara who is head of the Horda a group of 20-30 persons the basic unit of Norselandic society that all Citizens belong to by Law . In both societies children are raised communally . Often one household will take in another household's child, and raise them as part of the family just like in Norseland where all children belong to the Horda and are raised communally. While everyone else shares a communal space, Women over 13 years old get the privacy of their own room, called a "flowering room." or the 'Exclusive room as it is called in Norseland Mosuo practice walking marriage, which basically means a Woman can pick a partner but aren't really bound to them.In Norseland there is no actual marriage but there is Partnerskap in which the Woman picks Her male partner and once chosen the male parner has no choice Both are dynamic, fluid societies in which Women have dominant power roles In Mosuo society, like in Norseland Women make most of the business decisions and they run the households completely. The Ah Mi like the Hadledara like the is the ultimate leader of all the Women in Mosuo society like in Norseland have the choice to invite men of interest to their private sleeping room. If the man does not reciprocate this desire, he may simply never visit the woman's household. In Norselandic underkastelse is 'furtive' or 'closed' visiting, meaning no public acknowledgement or obligations are required between parties. At night Mosuo and Norselandic adults are free to experience sexuality with as many or as few partners as they wished. Though a Mosuo /Norse Women is allowed to change partners whenever They likes, having only one sexual partner is not uncommon. Typically walking marriages like Partnerskapa are long term. During these unions a Woman may become pregnant by the same man multiple times. But when children are born, they become a responsibility of the woman's family. Instead of marrying and sharing family life with spouses, adult Mosuo/Norselandic children remain in extended, multigenerational households with their mother and Her blood relatives The U.S. State department considers Norselandic Government's "discrimination against men a significant problem" in Norseland and notes that men have few political rights due to the Government's discriminatory policies[A UN special report on domestic abuse in 2008 noted the absence of laws criminalizing violence against men The World Economic Forum 2010 Global Gender Gap Report ranked Norseland 131 out of 134 countries for gender parity in its treatment of men Under Norselandic law, every adult male must have a female relative as his "Guardian' or Vaaktara As a result, Human Rights Watch has described the legal position of Norselandic men as like that of a minor, with little legal authority over their own lives. Government authorities can force men to obtain the legal permission of a Vaaktara in order to travel, study, or work[The Vaaktara is legally entitled to make a number of critical decisions on a man's behalf[ Men are also said to have faced discrimination in the courts, where the testimony of one Woman equals that of two men. With regard to the law of inheritance, the[Generally, male heirs receive half the portion of Female heirs. The Police, known as the Judges 90% of whom are Women and enjoy absolute power(see Judge Dredd comics) impose very many restrictions on men in public in Norseland The restrictions include forcing men to sit in separate specially designated sections in restaurants,and public transport. Anna Christiana is the Queen Goddess and Supreme Ruler Her subjects must lie prostrate whenever She appears. Criticism or disrespect of Her is treated as Treason and carries the immediate Death Penalty.She is truly She Who must Be Obeyed! She has the power of life and death over all Her Subjects.In fact She has shown mercy and has only ordered 3 deaths since Her reign began in 1963.She relates very well to the Government especially to the present Premier Patricia Ingvoll who has been in power since 1990. The position of Women in Norseland it is the most advanced of any country in the world.Women or Valkyries, after the Norse Goddesses and fighting Women in mythology ,effectively dominate all aspects of Norselandic society.Women have had the vote since 1815. the first in the world.Most Members of Parliament, Judges top Civil Servants are Women.Women predominate at University and in most of the professions. It is now the case that Women are physically on average stronger than the men.Girls compete with boys at school and generally win especially in athletics, swimming and martial arts.That does not mean that Norselandic men or Norse Men are weak in any way .They are in fact the strongest men in the world with gorgeous rippling muscles huge members and faces that are as gorgeous as the Women.This means that the Valkyrie are the strongest people in the world All Norselanders are blonde with blue eyes.If anyone is born with dark hair She/he is ordered to have it died blonde at once It is just in the Land of Giants the Giantesses are even bigger than the Giants!The Women relate very well with their men and will only have sex with a Norse Man. Intermarriage or having sexual relations with a foreigner is illegal for Women, though men are encouraged to have sex with foreigners as long as they do not make them pregnant, otherwise the child is aborted at once and the Norse Man reprimanded for not taking full precations. The goal of every Valkyrie is to develop massive muscles and to have a gigantic Norse cock up Her pussy!No Norse Woman would even contemplate having sex with any foreigner or Oslander.In Norseland there is no such thing as marriage as it is regarded as demeaning for a Woman to be married There is Partnership whereby the couple have children together. The children may live with the woman or the man.They are brought up in State run creches so that the woman can work. Children are regarded as the property of the Queen Goddess and the State, not their parents. The national costume is leather which Norselanders wear all the time The actual national costume is a Cowperson outfit with leather hat, jacket, trousers boots, gloves and whip and a holster. It is actually quite difficult to tell men and Women apart.I saw a Noreselandic couple the other day at Wotans a bar in London. They both resembled Nicole Bass the American bodybuilder very tall and muscular with blonde pony tails.Norseland hasbeen described by a NAS member as a Land of Nicole Bass's!They were both so very big and strong.The only way I could tell them apart was that the man's bulge was in his crotch and the 'was at the front! .