GODDESS RAAJAH'S FIRST DAY IN FRANCE by Hamlet Goddess Raajah carried on holding the owner of the Hotel Arcal in �taples France by the neck in one of her painful chokes holds that involved rubbing her razor-sharp nails hard against her victim's adams apple determined to scare the life out of him. The point was that wherever she went in the world, not only in Grantham, she had to demonstrate her great power and authority. The man at the reception desk whom she later found out to be the proprietor of the hotel Henri was quivering with total fear realizing how stupid he was to show that arrogant attitude to her. He was squirming with pain begging her for mercy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!' 'Have mercy on me Madame! I'm in such pain! I didn't mean to upset you! 'Ayez la cl�mence sur moi la Madame� ! Je suis dans une telle douleur� !� Je n'ai pas eu l'intention de vous bouleverser !' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 'I'll let you go this time but if you ever dare speak to me like that again I will break every bone in your neck!!' 'Je vous permettrai d'aller cette fois, mais si vous osez jamais me parler comme �a de nouveau je cassera chaque os dans votre cou !!' 'Right I not only want a huge meal as I'm very hungry! I want the the best room in the hotel!' 'Le droit je veut non seulement un �norme repas comme j'ai tr�s faim! Je veux la meilleure pi�ce dans l'h�tel ! 'But Madame the best room is already occupied !'I'm very sorry..' 'Mais la Madame la meilleure pi�ce est d�j� occup�e! 'Je suis d�sol� tr�s.' 'Well tell them that I the Ebony Domina want the room and they must vacate the room immediately!' 'Dites-leur bien que je l'�b�ne Domina veut la pi�ce et ils doivent quitter la pi�ce tout de suite� ! 'But Madame they have already paid!' 'Mais la Madame ils ont d�j� pay�!' 'Then tell them that I'm the Ebony Domina and I want their room! If they have already paid then give them a refund and tell them to go somewhere else! Hurry up I'm hungry and tired!' 'Dites-leur alors que je suis l'�b�ne Domina et je veux leure pi�ce! S'ils ont d�j� pay� leur donnent alors un remboursement et leur disent d'aller ailleurs ! D�p�chez-en haut j'ai faim et fatigu� !' He ran out of the room petrified. He came back sweating 'I'm very sorry Madame but they won't move!' 'Je suis la Madame tr�s d�sol�e mais ils ne bougeront pas ! ' She was furious She would damn well make them move! 'Show me their room! 'Montrez-moi leure pi�ce!' She walked behind him. He really was a complete wimp in every way and it was clear he was petrified of her She banged on the door. A small man with a pencil moustache answered. He was dressed in his pyjamas. 'My name is Goddess Raajah the Ebony Domina and I want you to leave this room! I am going to move in five minutes!' 'Mon nom est la D�esse Raajah l'�b�ne Domina et je veux que vous quittiez cette pi�ce! Je vais bouger dans cinq minutes!' 'You can't throw us out we've paid for the room!' 'Vous ne pouvez pas nous jeter nous avons pay� pour la pi�ce ! She moved towards him ready to give him one oif her excruciatingly painful choke holds. The hotel proprietor interjected. 'It's all right I have another room for you Madame!' 'C'est bien j'ai une autre pi�ce pour vous Madame!' 'This is outrageous we are staying in this room! This Black Woman can't throw us out! Who the hell is she?' 'C'est terrible nous restons dans cette pi�ce! Cette Femme Noire ne peut pas nous lancer dehors ! Qui l'enfer est-elle ? 'She certainly can! Look how big and strong she is! She's just given me a painful choke hold and she will do the same to you if you don't obey her. Please I don't want trouble! 'said Henri shaking with fear 'Elle peut bien s�r! Regardez comment grand et fort elle est ! On me lui donne juste au starter p�nible tient et elle vous fera le m�me si vous ne lui ob�issez pas. S'il vous pla�t je ne veux pas de probl�me! She walked up to the man who was now beginning to shake with fear. Her leather gloved hand was around his neck. 'Just do as I say! If you don't leave this room in five minutes not only will I break your neck I'll throw you, your wife and all your belongings into the corridor !' 'Faites juste comme je dis! Si vous ne partez pas cette pi�ce dans cinq minutes non seulement Je casse votre cou je vous lancerai votre femme et toutes vos affaires dans le couloir� ! 'OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!NON!! he wailed in agony as her razor-sharp nails began to dig into his neck. She let him go as he clutched his neck almost in tears. She walked away to collect her belongings from the car. She returned within five minutes to find they had vacated the room. She knew that her authority just could not be resisted and that she would be feared wherever she went in the world. She had the best room in the house with a king size bed. a large bathroom and full en suite facilities all to herself! She was starving hungry and rang door room service and spoke to the proprietor Henri. 'Henri I'm starving I want a three course meal. I want a potato soup, a steak very well done with chips and salad and fresh fruit for dessert. I also want a carafe of your best house wine! I want it in two minutes or else' 'Henri is affam� je veux un trois repas de cours. Je veux une soupe de pomme de terre, un steak tr�s bien fait avec les frites et la salade et le fruit frais pour le dessert. Je veux un carafe de votre meilleur vin de maison ! Je le veux dans deux minutes ou bien' 'Certainly Madame it will arrive at once!' 'Bien s�r la Madame il arrivera imm�diatement� !' She didn't have to wait long as a maid arrived carrying a large trolley She shouted at her. 'Put the trolley in the corner and get out!' 'Mettez le charlot au coin et sortez!' The poor maid ran out of the room crying absolutely petrified. Goddess Raajah was really famished and tucked into the meal that was really delicious She finished everything and ate it all in about 5 minutes. Just as she had finished eating, she had a call on her mobile 'Hello Raajah it's your friend Olivia!' 'Oh Olivia I haven't seen you for some time How are you?' 'Fine Raajah I just wanted to contact you and join you in France. I've just spoken to Chevelle and she says you have gone to France to deal with Sir Graham'. You see I do know that bastard was one of my clients and I want my revenge on him!' Goddess Raajah knew Goddess Olivia to be an expert Black Dominatrix. She was enormous physically and a really gorgeous Blackazon. She had huge breasts and an enormous arse that she used for facesitting. She excelled in wrestling winning every single match easily against any opponent. She liked to refer to herself as the' Ebony Dominatrix '. She was also an excellent fighter being naturally very strong and excelled in all the martial arts. Goddess Raajah was so glad to meet her as she really needed some companionship in France as Olivia was such great company. 'So, you know Sir Graham how is that?' 'Well he used to come to me as my client. He doesn't want anyone to know about it of course. He loves face sitting and used to come to me for regular sessions . 'Anyway, one day I decided to really smother him. I had my arse on his face and was grinding it into him hard. I could hear him begging me to get off him but I really decided to teach him a lesson and decided to nearly suffocate him. When I eventually got off him his face was almost purple and he was choking and sweating all over. Suddenly he got up from the floor and ran out of my house shouting. 'I'm not paying you f-----g nigger bitch, you almost killed me!' 'I was furious and ran after him but I slipped up on the stairs and he managed to get into his car and drive off just in time before I was able to beat the shit out of him.' 'I really want to get my revenge on him! No one calls me a f------g nigger bitch and doesn't pay me for my services and get away with it!' 'Great Olivia We will deal with the bastard together! You can sit on his face while I can perform CBT (Cock and Ball Torture) on him. We can change over and take turns' We will make him a cripple for life!!' 'Where can I meet. you in France Raajah so we can both attack his house and beat up his goons together? I can't wait for some action! I've actually booked a flight on Ryanair from Stansted Raajah . It arrives in Tours at 1.20 pm tomorrow Can you meet me at the airport?' 'Certainly, Olivia I can't wait to see you!' 'LET'S BEAT THE BASTARD TOGETHER!! Any comments please to Norselandic@hotmail.com