MADAME GIA'S GENERAL RULES OF CORRECTIVE THERAPY by Hamlet Dear Simon, WHAT IS CT? Corrective Therapy or Neuro Linguistic Corrective Therapy, as I explained explained in my previous letter Simon is based on understanding the pattern you have for certain behaviours and then changing them using physical force and extreme violence if necessary. Careful and thorough work with you as my client is done to identify the patterns and the reason for those patterns and then to break them completely using varying techniques that involve corporal punishment and driving out all the ghosts of the past by making you feel extreme pain if necessary as a means of changing your behaviour forever! GENERAL RULES 1. I expect you to arrive on time exactly for our appointment on Monday 13th January at 8AM. You will receive one stroke of my crop for every second you are late 2.You will bring any medication you are taking which I will examine in detail. 3.. You will wash thoroughly before arrival, as I will want to examine every orifice in your body thoroughly before the Session begins 4. You will show me total obedience and submission, as I am your Therapist and Mother and you are my client, slave and little baby. 5.You will address me as Mother Gia at all times as you will become my pathetic helpless little baby. 6. You will expect physical punishment as part of the Therapy for your own good. I will decide what punishment to give you based on your needs, state of physical fitness etc Just realize it is being done for your own good as part of a relationship of Control and Loving Domination (CLD) and submit to whatever punishment I give you. I look forward to seeing you on Monday you useless pathetic worm! Yours in total Domination MOTHER AND MADAME GIA HAARDERVAARD SENIOR CORRECTIVE THERAPIST AND REFLEXOLOGIST