GEMMA'S LETTER TO STEPHEN by Hamlet Royal Health Clinic Fullerby Horncastle Lincolnshire LN9 6BJ CASE REFERENCE AO -46421123865 October 10th 2019 Dear Stephen, I am writing to inform you that from today I am your Personal Health Ranger and Personal Supervisor. I will be responsible for your healthcare physical and mental as well as supervising your diet and all your personal life. You are no longer under the care of the Central Hill Surgery in Grantham. I have seized all your personal and confidential health records which are no longer confidential, in the surgery. I have notified Dr Philibert your GP and Grantham Hospital that from today you are no longer under their care and that from today you are forbidden to see or visit them ever again. I am operating from the Royal Health Clinic which opened on October 1st and which lies approximately 30 miles north east of Grantham. It has by far the most advanced medical and gymnastic facilities in the world outside Norseland . You will be attending there for your hernia operation where you will be staying over in the ward for two nights on Nov 11th to Nov 12TH.You will be transported there by helicopter ambulance that will land in front of your flat and will take you to the RHC in less than 15 minutes. Loving Health Domination involves a relationship of your submission and my domination in which I as your Personal Health Ranger (PHR) am superior in every way physically and mentally to you as you under my total control. You in turn will totally surrender your life life to me knowing you will receive my Tender Loving Care in return. Activities and relationships within a LHD context are characterized by the participants taking on complementary, but unequal roles; thus, the idea of informed consent of both the partners is essential. You must therefore sign a Statement of Health Consent Once this occurs Consensual non-consent, also called meta-consent and blanket consent operates which , is a mutual agreement to be able to act as if consent has been waived. It is an agreement where comprehensive consent is given in advance, with the intent of it being irrevocable under all circumstances. This often occurs without foreknowledge of the exact actions planned. LHD focuses on all of the needs of a you as a person, not just a medical condition. LHD HRs like me work with the you to understand how your everyday life is affected by your personal circumstances, including your physical and mental health conditions, but also any other issues or problems that are important to you When the Health Team received your details a member of staff, called a Personal Health Ranger such as me, is appointed to contact you. I will arrange to meet you to get to know you intimately and find out how I can help and control your life. As your PHR (or Domme) I will meet with the you regularly as my patient or sub and soon after the first appointment I will help you to set Goals and plan a way to help you reach those Goals. Then you and I will work together, following each step of the Action Plan until the Goals are met and the you learn to surrender your life completely to my absolute control. Finally, I will review what you have achieved and make sure that what I have decided is making you feel happier and more self adjusted under my supervision. You will learn the importance of totally surrendering your life to my power and total control. I will be visiting you at your home on MONDAY 28TH OCTOBER AT 8AM EXACLTLY I will be accompanied by my Associate Trainee Health Ranger (THR) Christina Solberg. We will be carrying out a through Cleanliness and Diet Inspection (CDI). Your flat must be pristine clean when we arrive or else, we may have to perform a severe Corporal Punishment Session (CPS) Before we arrive, you will observe the following diet rules; 1.You will tidy your kitchen completely! Your kitchen should be the focal point of your home and the centre of your life. It is the place where you fuel your body with fuel to survive. Your kitchen should be the critical space in your house, A tidy kitchen is essential and means a tidy mind and tidy body. If your kitchen is in order so will your life be in order. Today you will put your kitchen in order. Throw away all rubbish, useless papers, and everything you have been hoarding in the drawers including shopping lists etc. DO IT NOW! 2.Get rid of all junk foods! Your fist step towards healthy eating is choosing heathy ingredients. Throw away all convenience foods, sugary drinks, chemical snacks, foods with unpronounceable ingredients you cannot understand and all junk food including burgers,chips,crisps pizzas, white bread, cakes and sweets completely! If I see a single junk food in your kitchen there will be serious trouble and you will face an immediate CPS from me and Madame Christina! Yours in Loving Domination MADAME GEMMA STOLTENGAARD SENIOR HEALTH RANGER ROYAL HEALTH CLINIC FULLERBY