LUKI THE PAPIAN NYMPHO by Hamlet Luki Uakahuhu the Papian woman had always suffered from being a nymphomaniac all her life She knew that hyper sexuality involved extremely frequent or suddenly increased sexual urges or sexual activity. Luki was a firm believer in female submission as far as Norse Men were concerned She was the complete opposite of the Norse Woman and Valkyrie as described in previous episodes.Female submission to her described a relationship in which She would submits to the dominance of a sexual Partner and Master a leather clad hulking Norse Man. The submission in her case was could be voluntary and consensual or could be obtained as a result of rape, which in her case would effectively involve total submission even though force would be used against her. The dominant Partner was always a Norse Man but could also be a Norse Woman The term female submission most commonly referred to a woman like her who derived sexual pleasure passively, incidentally, as a side-effect of the actions taken by her dominant Norse Partner. Submission could take the form of passivity or obedience in relation to any aspect of conduct and behaviour... Some sex acts required her as a Papian a woman to be passive while an active Sex Partner performed sex acts on her, and this may be seen as a form of submission. Obedience was a part of a sexual play or activity, and In fact, any act that was performed on a passive Papian woman, such as undressing her by a Norse Man, may be regarded as submissive behavior on the part of the woman.Submission was manifested in a multitude of ways whereby a she relinquished sexual or personal control to a Norse Man, such as acts of servitude, submission to humiliation or punishment such as erotic spanking, or other activities, at times in association with bondage.. The Papians were a peace loving dark skinned people related to the present day Hawaiians .They were similar in many ways to the Caribs in the Caribbean.Before the Norse Folk arrived they lived mainly by fishing and farming and mostly lived along the coast so that the interior of the islands and the mountains were almost uninhabited. The Papians offered almost no resistance to their White Conquerors.Not only were they naturally non violent and quite weak, they saw these big blonde White Folk,especially the Women. as being so much bigger and stronger and more advanced than them. Some resistance was offered by the Papians but it was brutally and ruthlessly crushed.What chance did these small, simple peaceful Polynesian people stand against the mighty muscular descendants of Vikings? .They were amazed by the sheer size of these Norse Settlers especially the Women who called themselves Valkyrie and were as hard and tough as the Men and in some cases much tougher. It has to be said that massacres took place in which thousands of Papians died. Thousands of Papian women were raped by the huge Norse Men, while even more Papian men were debauched by these mighty Norse Women or Valkyries as They were called..These Settlers raped and pillaged just like Their Viking ancestors, determined to conquer the whole of the island. The Papians were effectively turned into slaves, working on the huge plantations and farms and then in the iron ore mines. However unlike the Indians in America they did not perish through disease and being worked to the bone as the Spanish did to the Indians Although these Norse People as they called Them selves were extremely fierce and brutal ,They could be very kind and benevolent. They came from societies where there was a tradition of helping and caring for one's neighbour. After all They could have massacred all the Papians if they had wanted to in a few years and the Papians have to thank Them for Their benevolence in allowing them to survive!This was partly because the Norse Folk were a Female dominated society and Gynarchy in which control lay with the Women or the Valkyries.The longer they settled the more Female dominated the society became largely because they were so isolated from the rest of the world Luki remembered her fist gang Cocks and Leather Session. She had left Papia at the age of 7 with her mother Her mother realised the only escape from being humiliated all the time by Norselanders was to leave Papia and join the huge diaspora in the USA where Papians lived and worked mostly doing either menial work or opening small business in particular restaurants .They moved to the east side of Los Angeles Lakewood a heavily PapIan community Her mother opened a Papuan restaurant the Happy Valley which became very popular and eventually Luki took ot over and became the Manager of a chain after her mother died, becoming a top businesswoman Many Norselanders went to the USA searching out Papian women to debauch and you screw. Even though they had left Papia they were not safe from the long arm of Norselandic Law and still came under the jurisdiction of the Royal Papian Judges .Not only would the RPJ control their lives but would give their details to all Norse Men who were determined to screw Papian women and to make it clear that just because they had left Papia did not mean they could not be debauched and gang banged by gangs of tough leather clad Norse Men! TO BE CONTINUED COMMENTS TO NORSELANDIC@HOTMAIL.COM