JUSTICE ALICEMALICIA HUMILIATES A MEXICAN WAITER by Hamlet After They had completely and totally humiliated of the Mexican Paramilitary Police chief Garcia, Alicemalicia led Domatella and Cerise out of the Arrivals' lounge at Ciudad Juarez airport. In the distance They could see the city of Ciudad Juarez beneath Them now that the sun was shining and there were clear blue skies .In the distance too Domatella and Cerise could clearly see the Sierra del Madre stretching ahead. How glad they were to be in Mexico! Alicemalicia took them to the Judge Wagon that was parked outside It was built out of reinforced steel to prevent any guerrilla attack with bars on the widows and gun placements all around. She took them inside and They soon realised that this Judge Wagon was built like a tank and was impervious to even machine gun attack. They looked in the back and there was array of weaponry including bazookas. rocket propellers and machine guns There were calls three Hardanger motorbikes that were equipped with rocket propellers too that made Them a veritable Three Women Army! Alicemalicia went into the driver's seat while Domatella and Cerise sat behind behind Her. Alicemalicia knew Mexico so well and had travelled all over the country. As well as speaking fluent Spanish there was hardly a corner of Mexico She did not know as She drove the Judge Wagon forwards with such complete confidence. Soon they were in open country passing towns on the way Ahumada and Flores Magon that to Domatella and alicemalicia looked slightly run down and poor as They were used to the affluence and wealth of Their own Nation . Soon they were in the town of san Buenaventura It was still early in the morning and all Three of Them were getting quite hungry. Domatella and Cerise in particular wanted to sample some Mexican cuisine. This was a country where there were vitally countless places to eat .Every village would have a caf� and restaurant and Mexicans loved to eat all the time. As they walked out of the Judge Wagon the whole population of the town gazed in wonder at the sight of these Three blonde leather clad Giantesses and Glamazons as They strutted so confidently down the street. They found a cafe� on the main street of the town All towns in Mexico were easy to navigate as they were all built on the American grid pattern. The streets running north to south were called carerras or Cras while the streets going west to east were called Calles. Domatella looked at the street they were walking down. It was Carrera 3 .There was a small caf� next to a church on the corner.All Three of Them sat outside in the street while the local men especially gazed at Them in admiration and fear. As they sat down on that beautiful sunny Sunday morning a waiter came up it them. He had a fat gut like many Mexican males. He looked at Them as if They were creatures from another planet and could not believe his eyes. Alicemalicia ordered breakfast that in Mexico usually consisted of a comida corriente or set meal of coffee, fruit juice, churros a kind of sweet fried bread, a fried dish usually eggs and bread. She spoke to him in Her usual fluent Spanish. !'Buenos d�as se�or!?Como se llama usted? 'Me llamo Alvaro se�ora' 'Alvaro mi llamo Jueza Alicemalicia Firestone. Estos son mis collegas Jueza Domatella Spiteful y Cerise Masterrson.C�mo usted puede ver estamos nors�as.Usted puede llamarmi Jueza Alicemalicia.' 'Tenemos mucha hambre Alvaro y queremos desayuno ahora.Queremos un gran jarro de caf�, un gran jarro de zumo oranje, churros y huevos benedictinos con pan marr�n! Si usted trae nosotros el pan blanco yo mostrar� �l abajo su garganta!' '!Apresurarse y para clavando la vista al cuero o usted sentir� mi azote travea de su trasera!' '!Si Jueza Alicemalicia!' She had told Alvaro that they were very hungry and they wanted breakfast a large jug of coffee, orange juice .churros and eggs benedict served with brown bread. She had also told him that if he served Them white bread She would personally shove it down his throat! She had told him to hurry up and stop looking at the leather or he would feel Her whip across his backside .She believed that the only way that these Mexicans could be on time was by insulting them as they had no idea of time as this was the county of ma�ana where unlike in Norseland time did not mean anything. He ran off at full speed. All Three of them were getting really hungry and wanted to eat desperately as they watched the crowds going into early morning Mass. Eventually Alvaro arrived pushing a trolley along with all the food sweating.. Alicemalicia was furious as She grabbed him by the collar. He was shaking with fear. '!Yo pens� que dec� usted a apresurarse Alvaro su dolo Mexicana ! !Hemos esperado diez minutos! !Que est� equivocado con sus Mexicanos ! '!Lo siento Jueza Alicemalicia yo intent� muy duro pero est� muy dific�l por mi!! Perdona mi por favor! ' She dug Her nails into his throat as She literally threw him across the ground 'Sali mi vista antes yo batir� usted con mi azote!' He ran away at full speed terrified She was really going to, thrash him senseless with Her whip for taking ten minutes to bring the food! 'These f-------g lazy Mexicans get on My nerves! If one more of them causes me trouble I will thrash them within an inch of their lives!Those hotel rooms in Nuevo Casa Grandees had be ready or else!' They then ate their breakfast which was actually delicious as Domatella and Cerise were so hungry after Their long flight All the locals in La Dorada avoided Them after They had seen Alicemalicia confront that waiter. It was soon time for them to leave for Nuevo casa grandes. As They left Alicemalicia grabbed Alvaro's head and shoved it in the dirty plates. Domatella and Cerise laughed at his discomfort. She whispered into his ear '! Alvaro quiza el proximo tiempo estamos en El Dorada y venemos a su restaurante usted hacer� seguro usted servir� nosotros destro de cinco minutos porque si usted est� mas tarde usted limpiar� la mesa con su lengua! !Entiende usted !' '!Si entiendo Jueza Alicemalicia ' he whined as She pushed his face right into the remains of the eggs benedict. She had told Alvaro that the next time They came to his restaurant he would make sure he served Them within 5 minutes or he would clean the table with his tongue! They paid the bill that came to $9 altogether Soon these people would be using Norse Marks instead of dollars as Norselandic occupation was only a short time away ! Alicemalicia then kicked Alvaro had up the arse as he went flying down the street .She threw the money on the table. '!Toma ese su cerdo Mexicano!' 'Take that you Mexican pig! They left strutting to the Judge Wagon feeling so pleased with Themselves that They were effectively the Law in this country 'Come on Domatella and Cerise let's go to Nuevo Casas Grandes I can't wait to get to the Hotel where We are staying. The rooms had better be ready or else We will be cropping some arses!' 'We certainly will Alicemalicia!' Domatella agreed 'LET'S GO LADIES!' LA OSS DRA DAMER! Any comments to Norselandic@hotmail.com