omatella 3 by Hamlet The phone rang. It was Carillo the leader of the Juarez cartel at the other end 'Buenos dias.? Que es�? 'It's Me Judge Domatella of the Justice Leaugue and I'm coming to get you Cariillo !I'm going to attack your HQ with My Colleagues Judge Domatella and Black scorpion Cerise. We're going to attack you and kill all your guerrillas. Then I will personally put you to death after breaking of every one of your fingers just like you broke off the fingers of Dr Breivik My Fellow National. Don't you think you can escape because there's a a Skandi helicopter gunship will be sent with supersonic tracking d to track you down wherever you go There's no escape Cariillo Even if you cross into Guatemala I will hunt you down!!' 'Who are you gringa?? Que est� usted? ! Usted no puede matarmi!' He didn't speak much English! 'I don't think he quite understands! Perhaps You can have a word Alicemalicia.' 'Certainly Domatella!' She spoke to him in Spanish. ' iWe are after you Cariillo and when We means to kill someone We kills them it's as simple as that! Also its true there's a Skandi helicopter gunship ready to track you down and wherever you go Cariillo you will be tracked down!' ' SoMOS despu�s de que usted Cariillo y cuando pensamos matar a alguien Nosotros �los mata es tan simple como esto! Tambi�n su verdadero all� es una nave armada de helic�ptero Skandi lista a detectarle y dondequiera que usted vaya Cariillo usted ser� rastreado �abajo! ' The Skandi named after the Norse Goddess of Vengeance was the most advanced aircraft in the world .It could track anyone down even if they were hiding in the ground as it was equipped with the most advanced photographic systems the world had ever known.It could take a full scale photo of a person even if they were hiding in a hole. It carried the memory of that person in its database so that as soon as it detected that person a signal would go off at once. This particular Skandi was piloted by Justice Chyenne Bloodvaster and She was determined too to capture Cariillo at all costs even if it meant parachuting on the ground and capturing him personally ! Alicemalicia then spoke again to Cariillo. 'By the way CariilloIf you harm the Doctor again I will personally not only remove one of your son's fingers, I will give him 6 crops across his arse and will carry on thrashing him until there's no skin left on him. On the other hand if you release the Doctor I might release your son.' 'A prop�sito CariilloIf usted da�a al Doctor otra vez voy a personalmente no s�lo quitan uno de los dedos de su hijo, le dar� 6 cosechas a trav�s de su el culo y continuar� a azotarlo hasta que no haya ninguna piel dejada en �l. En el otra mano si usted libera al Doctor yo podr�a liberar a su hijo. ' 'Please no hurta my sona Judga Alicemalicia ! !Tenga misericordia por favor! !Est� mi solo hijo!' Cariillo was getting more terrified than ever. Not only were the three of them after him and Cheyenne ready to capture him. but Alicemalicia was ready to thrash his son to death if necessary Was there no escape from 'estas chuchas nors�as' these Norsi Bitches!' They were now ready to depart for the city itself. Domatella and Cerise wanted to see the sights of Ciudad Juarez � but there would be time later after She had dealt with Cariillo .As They walked through the Arrivals lounge everyone was stunned at the sight of these Three tall leather clad Glamazons These macho Mexicans had never seen any thing like this in their lives! They were met at the VIP lounge by Colonel Garcia of the Paramiltary Police. He was so fat with a large stomach and was a chain smoker .Alicemalicia had nothing but contempt for him, regarding him as totally incompetent and not prepared to do nothing about the guerrillas. She had caught him drinking on duty and had warned him that if She caught him drunk again She would give him a damned good Face Slapping. He in turn called Her �la vaca nors�a 'the Norsi Cow in private of course and regarded Her as a complete pain in the arse and resented the way She treated him as a subordinate in his own country! What was worse being a macho Mexican he resented the fact that She was much bigger than him. Were these Norse Women actually women or what! What had annoyed him even more was that She had marched into the Police headquarters in Ciudad Juarez � and had ordered him to hand over Javier Cariillo's son to Her or he would face some serious CBT(Cock and Ball Torture)! When he had hesitated She had put Her leather gloved hand down his trousers making him scream with pain. She had personally dragged Javier out of the jail, thrown him over Her haranguer motorbike and then taken him to the JLJHQ (Justice Leaugue and Judge Headquarters) in Ciudad Juarez as Her prisoner where she had put him through serious NRB (Norselandic Rope Bondage) until he could not move a centimetre and then dumped him in a cell. She went straight up to Garcia in Her usual threatening way. 'Well Garcia these are My Two Colleagues Judge Alicemalicia Viscioisson and Judge Tanya Mastersson. They have just arrived in the country to free Dr Breivik and to kill all the members of La Fuerza. They are then going to deal with the drug cartels in Ciudad Juarez and Chihuhahua.. 'We will be doing the work that your Police and Army have failed so miserably and to bring law and order to this country at last! You will cooperate with Us fully in Our Mission won't you and do as We tell you?' 'Err yes Judge Viciousson ' 'You'd better address Me correctly Garciaor you know what I will do to you.' She moved right against him pushing Her powerful leather clad body against his. He was terrified that the next second Her leather gloved hand would be down his trousers and he would have to experience even more CBT! 'YES MADAMA JUDGA VICIOUSSONA!! Comments to