DISCUSSION ON NORSELAND by Hamlet CHAIRED BY ANDREW WEILL (AW) PRESENT; GEORGE GALLOWAY (GG) MP FOR BRADFORD WEST MARGARETHE MARIASDOTTIR (MM) COUNSELLOR NORSELANDIC EMBASSSY LYN BROWN (LB) MP FOR WEST HAM LITIA MOHENI (LM) LONDON CORRESPONDENT PAPIA HONOUA HUGO SWIRE MINISTER OF STATE FOREIGN OFFICE AW We devote this evening to a special edition of Question Time to the perennial issue of Norseland and Papia. Now one of the main criticisms of your country Madame Representative is that operates the world, arresting terrorists overthrowing regimes through the Justice League, Royal Overseas Judges and the Warrior Nuns. MM The point is that we in Norseland are engaged in what we believe is the war against terrorism and crime. It was for this purpose that the British Norselandic Treaty was signed. As well as child abusers and gangsters, the other criminals the Warrior Nuns have or confront are the atheists in Britain who preach there is no God and that we are just animals descended from other animals. The worst of these is Richard Dawkins He has truly deserved being brought before the Catechision Court for his crimes. 'Richard Dawkins, as you may know is an English ethnologist, evolutionary biologist and author. Dawkins is an atheist, a vice president of the British Humanist Association, .He is well known for his criticism of creationism and intelligent design. Iin his 1986 book The Blind Watchmaker, he argued against the watchmaker analogy, an argument for the existence of a supernatural creator based upon the complexity of living organisms. Instead, he describes evolutionary processes as analogous to a blind watchmaker.' 'He has since written several popular science books, and makes regular television and radio appearances, predominantly discussing these topics. In his 2006 book The God Delusion, Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion ' fixed false belief' 'Dawkins is an outspoken atheist and a supporter of various atheist, secular, and humanistic organisations. Although he was confirmed into the Church of England at the age of thirteen, he started to lose his religious faith when he discovered Darwin. He revealed that his understanding of evolution led him to atheism and is puzzled by belief in God among individuals who are sophisticated in science. ' 'Dawkins became a prominent critic of religion and has stated his opposition to religion is twofold: Religion is both a source of conflict and a justification for belief without evidence. He considers faith""belief that is not based on evidence""as one of the world's great evils Dawkins suggests that atheists should be proud, not apologetic, stressing that atheism is evidence of a healthy, independent mind. He hopes that the more atheists identify themselves, the more the public will become aware of just how many people actually hold these views, thereby reducing the negative opinion of atheism among the religious majority Inspired by the gay rights movement, he founded the Out Campaign to encourage atheists worldwide to declare their stance publicly and proudly. He supported the UK's first atheist ',advertising initiative, the Atheist Bus Campaign in 2008, which aimed to raise funds to place atheist advertisements on buses in the London area.' . This pompous prick has been brought to justice before he spreads any more poison! He has been cross examined by Professor Sister Eva Havelstad a Professor of Apogetics at the University of Kristianskobing one of the most briliant minds in the world today who will be instructed to ruthlessly cross examine him and rip all his arguments to shreds before the world as a transcript of the trial will be relayed to every country on earth.' 'The most lenient sentence could be passed on him is Suspension by which he would be given freedom to return home to Oxford as long as he recanted his erroneous views and promised never to repeats them on oath .He would be constantly monitored by the Nuns who could arrest him at any time, breaking into his home whenever They chose. to be taken back to the Convent for incarceration.' 'He will have to wear a hair shirt for a six month period of Probation in Constant pain and walk around with a large badge saying 'I RICHARD DAWKINS IS A WRETCHED SINNER AND DESERVE THE PUNISHMENTS OF HELL FIRE! Which had to be worn at all times in public as a sign if humiliation and disgrace.' 'The most common punishment to be pronounce though is called Reconciliation in which he as prisoner would be sentenced to a rigorous period of punishment. That would include severe whippings and thrashings until most of his skin was removed as well as a period of hard labour at the Convent carried out under the supervision of the Nuns. GG Furious I would love to respond to every point this woman has made. The fact of the matter is that Prime Minister Tony Blair should never have signed the BNT those years ago. It was one of the most appalling acts of surrender by any British Government ever carried out whereby in return for Norselandic investment in this country and the building of a nuclear power station by Norselandic regime Norselandic so called organisations can operate with impunity in this country. It means that no person in this country is free from these organisations if they believe he is a terrorist. It means that my friend here Ms Hoiemi faces being arrested by the ROJ for anything she states here In this programme and is very brave to come on this platform. As for Professor Dawkins we should demand that he is released immediately from this so-called Convent and that the British Government should immediately revoke the BNT. MM I am warning Galloway that if he continues with these slanderous remarks that I will personally deal with him myself AW I would like top turn to the Minister Mr Swire.Please could you explain why the present government does not abrogate the BNT? Afere all why does the Government not allow this freedom o other countries? Is it not just a question of Norselandic investment in this country that in return for norselandic investment that we are prepared to give up our sovereignty in return for investment. HS The BNT was negotiated by the previous Labour government and has been upheld by the present Government and has brought considerable benefits to the British economy in the form of massive investment that has brought jobs and has revived the British economy. As for professor Dawkins we believe it was a mistake for the WNs to arrest him and I am in constant contact with the Norselandic Government for his release. Uproar in audience