NORSELANDIC-PAPIAN RELATIONS by Hamlet DISCUSSION ON NORSELANDIC-PAPIAN RELATIONS CHAIRED BY ANDREW WEILL (AW) PRESENT; GEORGE GALLOWAY (GG) MP FOR BRADFORD WEST MARGARETHE MARIASDOTTIR (MM) COUNSELLOR NORSELANDIC EMBASSSY LYN BROWN (LB) MP FOR WEST HAM LITIA MOHENI (LM) LONDON CORRESPONDENT PAPIA HONOUA HUGO SWIRE MINISTER OF STATE FOREIGN OFFICE AW We devote this evening to a special edition of Question Time to the perennial issue of Norseland and Papia. Many of you in our viewers and some in the audience. Suffice to state Norseland is a nation in the Pacific Ocean about 50 miles north west of Hawaii. Norseland and Papia both share an island that is commonly known as Pacifica. There is an ethic difference between the two countries in that Norseland is a country based on emigration from Scandinavia in the 17th century, whereas Papia is based on the indigenous Polynesian population. Assertions have been made that Papians are treated worse than Africans in apartheid South Africa or present day Palestinians in Israel. It is alleged that active discrimination is practised in which Papians exist to do menial work for their Norselandic rulers. Papia has been described as a reservation or a Bantustan rather like Transkei or Kwazulu in apartheid South Africa. A recent attempt has been made to install Papia as a member of the United Nations, supported by Norseland, which has been refused by the Security Council, on the grounds that Papia is not an independent country. What is more an agreement has been reached between the British and Norselandic Governments called the British Norselandic Treaty (BNT) signed by PM Tony Blair in 2002. The BNT effectively meant that Norselanders in Britain were free from British law, but were in effect subject to the Norselandic Police the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges). Also it meant that the anti terrorist force the Justice League and the religious Force the Warrior Nuns, could operate freely in the UK without any restrictions from the British Government. The most recent example has been the kidnapping of the university professor Richard Dawkins from Oxford to the WN Convent in Kent to stand trial for atheism. He is still a prisoner and attempts to release him are still being made by the British Government. AW I want to turn to GG.What are your views on the recent kidnapping of Professor Dawkins and what should be the response of the British Government? GG. Well it's quite clear that Norseland, rather like Israel, is a terrorist and semi fascist state, which operates with impunity throughout the world. The time has come to condemn the Norselandic Government and to impose sanctions against it and to exclude it from normal world contact. We cannot tolerate this rogue state any more that uses its forces against independent states like Libya resulting in the death of Qaddafi .It means that Norselanders like are not subject to British Law in exchange for commercial advantages for the British economy. Professor Dawkins lies in the Convent possibly facing severe punishment. We should be demanding the expulsion of the Norselandic embassy; the expulsion of the JL, the ROJ and the UN should reject membership of the UN by Papia, as we know that this is a Bantustan, a puppet state. What is more there is a demonstration outside the Norselandic embassy this weekend organised by the PSC and I urge everyone here to take part in the demonstration and to express their opposition to this terrorist state! Loud applause from audience AW Can we start with the fist question. -the lady in the red dress. LADY Hello this is my fist time I have ever asked a question er here. I would really like to know what Papians actually think about all this I have actually been to Norseland and am actually a member of the NAS(Norselandic Admiration Society). I really do like Norseland especially the men. I would like to direct my question to the Papian lady .I can't pronounce her name by the way. May I ask you what do you think of the condition of Papuans today in Norseland and the world? Over to you Ms Moheni ! LM Well I do appreciate the whole problem. We Papians obviously do not want to be treated as second-class citizens either this county or in my own country. At the same time we accept the superiority of Norseland over us in every way. Technologically and in every other respect have not actually bee to Papia for nearly 10 years. As for the UN--- GG May I interrupt here? By the way you really do look glamorous Litia with that sarong you/re wearing! We must realise that Papia is essentially a colony of Norseland, is not a independent country , that the President Lahini is just a Norselandic puppet.and that Papians abroad like Ms Moheni live in constant fear of beig killed or kidnapped by the JL or the RPJ.This is a appalling ituation that must be remedied now!! LADY I just er wanted to say that I have been to Norseland on a package holiday and my tour organizer said that really Papians are really very happy and they have a much higher standard of living than in any other Asian or South American country. I think what we must all need to understand is that Papians are a naturally peace loving and submissive peole who just want to live peacefully, and only want a place to sleep and enough to eat! (Commotion in the crowd) GG This is he sort of racist twaddle we all have to hear on programmes like this. The young lady does not believe that Papians are not oppressed purely on the basis of a visit she made to Norseland run by the NAS an organization run by the regime.Of course they portray Papians as happy sImple people just like the apartheid regime portrayed Africans as being happy and contented. This is nonsense and we must realise that Papians are resentful of their Norselandic oppressors just like the Africans overthrew apartheid and the Palestinians will eventually overthrow their Israeli overlords (Loud applause) AW I would