SENIOR JUSTICE SHEBAs by Hamlet DIONNE THE ROYAL ASSASSIN AND BLACK SCORPION Senior justice Sheba Sorensson stood at Bangui airport Central African Republic Bangui M'Poko International Airport� was an� international airport� located 7� km (4 miles) northwest of� Bangui, the capital of the� Central African Republic She was .waiting for Dionne the Black Scorpion to arrive from London and join Her as the effective new Ruler of CAR that would be the part of the Norselandic Empire of Righteousness! Dionne had just been appointed a Royal Assassin whose duty it was to kill terrorists as any world dictator who defied Norselandic Supremacy. Her Supervisor operated from the Justice League Headquarters in Stefansholm Senior Justice Alana Baasbanger, who would give Her a list of assignments that would involve assassinating criminals dictators and terrorists throughout the world particularly Muslim countries that were seen as the sworn enemies of Norse land for their attitudes to women. Her Mission was to free a member of the Royal Aid Corps Dr Elvard Hamarskjold who had been captured by the S�l�ka� (also called the� S�l�ka CPSK-CPJP-UFDR) This was an alliance of militias[]� in the� Central African Republic� that overthrew the government on March 24, 2013.� S�l�ka� leader� Michel Djotodia� has claimed himself President of the Central African Republic.� Nearly all the members of S�l�ka were Muslim. Her Mission would involve Her Personally killing the leader Michel Am-Nondokro Djotodia by strangulation with a leather chord � (born 1949?) .He was a� Central African� politician who has been President of the Central African Republic� since 24 March 2013, following the overthrow and flight of President� Fran�ois Boziz�.[]� He was a leader of the� S�l�ka� rebel coalition in theDecember 2012 rebellionThe Central African Republic (CAR) had been plagued by almost constant unrest in recent decades and remained one of the poorest countries in the world. Life expectancy was only 47, and just under half of the population are able to read. With numerous armed groups operating throughout CAR, internal displacement and refugee movements were common. In 2010, the number of internally displaced persons rose to some 192,000 people. CAR was also surrounded by unstable neighbours - Chad, Darfur, South Sudan, and Democratic Republic of Congo. Refugees from these neighbouring countries reside in camps, primarily near the border. The weakness or absence of government security, health, education, and agricultural services had created a complex humanitarian emergency. In December 2012, an alliance of rebel groups seized control key towns throughout the north of the country, accusing CAR President Francois Boziz� of failing to comply with the terms of a peace treaty signed in 2007. The escalation of violence has restricted the access of humanitarian organisations to reach those most in need and caused further displacement of vulnerable communities. It was vital that order was restored the S�leka militia be totally destroyed and an emergency programme of aid controlled by the Royal Aid Corps be instituted to completely revitalise the country.At the same time all the exports of diamonds and all the diamond wealth would go to Norseland. As usual Sheba exuded complete and total power dressed as usual in shiny black leather with Her long leather trench coat and Her knee length boots and black leather gloves.. She really did believe that She was destined to be a Ruler by nature as it was clear that the local Centrafrican people were scared of Her wherever She went. It was not just the sheer size and build of Her in that I was clearly bigger in build than any woman and almost all men .It was also that Her expression and countenance portraying total power and authority. Letters had now gone to all the businesses of Bangui telling them in no uncertain terms that Sheba was their Mistress and Dionne was Her Associate .they would be told in no uncertain terms to cease their connections with the militias and instead to pay her 10% of their income. She had kept a register of all the residents of Bangui who had not responded so that Dionne and Her could deal with them in the most merrciless way possible. God there were going to be sore arses and broken teeth and Dionne and Her would enjoy every minute of it! She knew Dionne to be a brilliant Dominatrix and fighter. There was nothing Dionne enjoyed more than to bust Her opponent's face all over getting an orgasm as She did it. Sheba had been round to Her dungeon and watched Her beat the living daylights out of a client when refused to pay Her. By the time She had finished with him every part of his face was broken totally as he had no nose left, all his teeth were broken and he had two black eyes as blood was streaming down his face .He left Her house screaming in agony as She kicked him right down the street! It was not long before I beheld Dionne's huge statuesque figure as She strutted out off the plane. She was dressed just like Her in a long black leather trench coat and high heeled boots .At Her side was a whip and handcuffs as if She wanted everyone on the train to knee She was a Dominatrix As They greeted each other Sheba realised that though She was taller than Her slightly Dionne was wider and in saHer ways even stockier and more muscular than Her. They greeted each other kissing each other on the lips in full view of all the passengers who looked in awe at both of Them. 'So lovely to see you again Dionne!' 'I'm so happy to be with You Justice Sheba! It's so good to start a new life with You!' 'That's wonderful! What's more We will be doing what We are both so good at beating the crap out of criminals and enjoying every minute of it!' 'That's true Dionne and what's more it will be real domination instead of the playacting been doing most of Your life!. We will be beating up people who will resist Us and who don't want to pay protection money to Us' 'I can't wait Sheba I wish We could start now' said Dionne almost getting an orgasm at the very thought of it.!Also I can't wait to get My hands on those militias who have kidnapped Dr Hammarskjold! LET'S GET THE BASTARDS!! Any comments to