HOW GODDESS DIONNE WILL DEAL WITH COCKY MORAN! by Hamlet Dionne or Goddess Dionne as She like to be called sat cross-legged in the armchair of the office of The nightclub owner and drug trafficker 'Cocky' Moran in Birmingham Dionne the Black Scorpion was dressed as usual to kill. She was wearing thigh length boots with 6" heels and a tight leather basque that exposed Her enormous Black mammaries.She wore a tight studded collar around Her neck and long skin tight leather gloves exposing Her huge muscular arms.Around Her waist She wore a whole armoury ,including handcuffs, knuckledusters and knives .She was every inch a One Woman Army and fighting machine! Dionne had come to his office to collect protection money to forcefully close4 down the nightclub and others owned by him and to ensure that Moran would hand over all of the turnover of his businesses to to Her the Black Scorpion. She also would make sure by force That he would show total obedience and submission to Her only, wills. She was a member of the Black Scorpions/she was also a lfetime Dominatrix who had become a leading crime fighter. .She had been a tough vicious and strict Dominatrix in London for ten tresses had now turned her powerful fighting skills to becoming a Boss lady and a Crimefightr Herself. As a skilled Dominatrix She knew the nature of submission and how to force her victim to submit to Her. She saw Herself as the Supreme Female Deity and She dealt with slaves who were worth Her precious time dominating ad controlling. She expected no0thing else but total subservience and now She was a crime fighter she would obtain it by extreme force. She was a true Amazonian Queen standing at 6 feet tall in her high heels ad she knew she could use her overwhelming strength to obtain exactly what she wanted. Ever session she has as a Dominatrix was aborted what pleased her ad what she wanted. She was not there to fulfil her slice's perverted fantasies. If anyone should ever show her disrespect they would soon feel the full force of her terrible with and anger. She demanded complete worship beneath her massive curvaceous thighs ad she was prepared tousle extreme violence to demonstrate her unrivalled strength and sheer power any anyone who da4d to defy rheas a dominatrix and now the Big Boss Lady she demanded absolute servility ad humiliy.yes she was a beautiful powerful sadistic Goddess and yes she was a bossy sadistic bitch who did not suffer fools gladly. She believed we all have a place o this eat given by Go and hers was to command and subjugate slaves and scum like moram.She was a true bossy brutal ball busting black bitch and proud of it and the more her victim begged for mercy the more terrible extreme violence she would use! as# She had strode past the 2 goons who were standing by the door as if She owned the place not frightened of anything at all knowing that She was quite capable of beating them to a pulp . She had in Her leather gloved hand the letter that had been sent to all the businesses in the ara including Moran himself by the BBL Mistress Pleasuredome Herself.She read it feeling so proud to be the BBL's Associate! Dear Subject From today you are My Property and subject and I am Mistress Dionne The Big Boss Lady. I am your Queen and Ruler. I own you body, spirit and soul. You are as much My Property as My clothes or My boots. You are effectively no longer a person. You are a Slave and Object. My Queen Dom has begun. It is a My Rule established on earth. The past has gone a New Order has begun.. I Goddess Dionne rule with Love and Fear simply because I am superior to you in every way. I am an invincible fighter and a lifelong Dominatrix who has demonstrated beyond doubt that I always win. I am superior to you as a subject in every way, mentally and physically. When you are in My presence you are effectively in the presence of Royalty and of a Goddess. You will stand to absolute attention in My presence and only move or speak when ordered to. You only exist at all on this earth because I allow you to. From today you will lead a 'Godly Sober and Righteous life' If you do you will survive and I will show you Love and Mercy. If you do not I will torture you to death! So be warned! YOURS IN DOMINATION GODDESS DIONE THE BLACK SCORPION At the same time She had in Her hand his reply written in his semi literate way as a person who could hardly read and write at all as he wrote in the Cockney accent he spoke in. 'Who the f---k do you fimk u are Dionne ?I ain't noones f---g property specially a f----k woman and a black whoar! You aint gonna ger no money outta me you f---k bitch! The letter was scrawled on a dirty piece of paper. What a completely Semi literate pig he was! She had read all about his criminal pas. After dropping out of school at age 11, Warren was cautioned for various pieces of petty crime, before stealing a car aged 12.[7]# Brought before the# Juvenile Court, he was placed under a supervision order for two years. A year later he appeared before the local# magistrates' court# for burglary, and was ordered to spend 24 hours at an attendance centre. Aged 15 in 1978, he was sentenced to three months in a detention centre. Aged 18 he was sent to# borstal# for assaulting the police, and in 1981 arrested during the# Toxteth riots. In March 1982, Warren was sentenced to two years in jail for attacking a# prostitute# and her client; the case revealed that he was running a scam where he# blackmailed# a prostitute and her client known as rolling.[7] After Warren was released from jail, local police commented that he had turned his life around, a# bouncer# at a Liverpool nightclub. It was here that he learnt about the drugs trade - bouncers have the power to control who comes into and out of a venue. He learnt the drugs trade from controlling dealers' access and then befriending them, giving him an inside education.[1] By the time he was 20, Warren had become a drug supplier and later trafficker. In 1983, he was jailed for five years for# armed robbery.[7] and was prepared to break his criminal empire forever.He had come to the Midlands from East London from Bethnal Green where he was a gangster running drugdealing and a protection racket himself. He specialised in collecting from Bangladeshi and Chinese restaurants and forcing them to become drug addicts .She realised he was a thoroughly nasty piece of work and would specialise in getting his goons to hold the hands of his victims in boiling hot cooking oil if they did not pay up. From the proceeds of his crimes he had bought up a nightclub in Whitechapel called Caesar's Den. The place was a real den of iniquity ! Customers would be charged extortionate prices for drinks and often drinks would be spiked and once the customers were comatose his goons would search their pockets and remove their wallets and purses. Drug dealing was rife and Moran had become heavily involved in drug dealing .He was also ruthless in dealing with rival nightclubs and any nightclub within 5 mile radius faced the prospect of being firebombed. It had happened to a rival nightclub in East London called Dianas where he had got his goons to chuck a Molotov cocktail through the window at 3 AM. The place was burnt to the ground within a few hours. Needless to Say Moran denied all responsibility and in fact sent flowers to the funeral of one of the security guards who died in the blaze! From there Bransson had moved out of London and had bought a huge mansion just outside Daventry He saw that there were rich pickings in the Midlands .Soon he had established six nightclubs in Northampton Leicester Nottingham Coventry and now he had acquired 2 in Birmingham the largest of all being the Worlds Palace where Dionne was now sitting ready to confront him . He used the same methods he had used in London only he was now even more of a criminal. Customers would be regularly beaten up by his goons and then robbed of their money. rival nightclubs would be firebombed in one case in Leicester with 20 of the customers being burnt alive. Yet fortune always went with Moran and She and the BBL were determined to put an end to his criminal activities forever .He would meet a terrible fate She was quire prepared ro put him through a most appalling death at Her hands or if necessary by suffocation under Her mighty Black arse. Even though customers were ripped off every time in his clubs and faced being beaten up and robbed thousands flocked to his clubs as they were extremely palatial compared to any other clubs in the area. What's more drug addicts would also flock to his clubs as the drugs were so cheap compared to elsewhere. Even though Moan was guilty of so many crimes he was never arrested for his crimes. West Midlands Police had tried to arrest him only to find that he used one of the best criminal barristers Sir Archibald Fitzwater who specialised mn getting criminals like him off on a technicality.She would definitely have to deal with him too! Dionne saw the door open and Moran enter. He was a short fat greasy specimen wearing jeans and a bright red shirt. He could not believe his eyes as he saw this huge Black Glamazon sitting in his chair in his study! 'Who the f--k are you? Get out now before oi av you frown owt!'he shouted in his broad Cockney accent. She stood up and then stood tight over him with Her high heels .She was at least 2 feet taller than him. He beheld in horror and awe Her enormous muscular arms that were built like tree trunks and made his look so weak and wretched 'I've come into collect My protection money and I want a cheque for I ##million which I estimate to be the turnover odfall your filthy businesses!' 'You aint getting no money from me!' he said sweating knowing quite well She could use far more force than he was ever capable of . 'I'm gong to leave here with the money What's more this is the beginning !The BBL and I are going to put an end for good to your evil criminal activities. I will take over all your businesses and make you destitute, in fact what i would love to do is to face sit you to death under My huge Black arse! 'Who do you fink you are?' 'I'm Mistress Dionne the Black Domme and I'm going to deal with you very severely indeed! What's more not only are you an evil criminal you are also a semi literate moron who can't write or spell!' She held his neck in Her leather gloved hands .with another move She grabbed him by the neck and shoved his letter forcefully down his throat. 'I'm going to torture you until you are screaming you bastard and I'm going to work all over your body starting by giving you a good choking!' His whole face went bright red as the whole letter was pushed right down his mouth. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!