DIONNE BEATS THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF TWO GOONS AND THEN PROCEEDS TO CONFRONT THE NIGHTCLUB OWNER by Hamlet Bransson the once proud gangster and nightclub owner was vomiting in the corner at the other side the room after Dionne had shoved the letter he had written down his throat. Dionne could see the other goon lying in a bloody mess in the other corner. The two remaining goons had to pretend to be tough in the presence of this Black Glamazon the biggest Woman they had ever seen in their lives. Suddenly one of the goons pulled a gun at Her. ' Yow Black bitch oim giving you one chance ger out now!!' he screamed in his broad Midlands accent. Dionne pretended to be scared. 'You really do frighten Me with that gun! It looks as if you've won. I'd better go now. I will tell My Boss the Big Boss Lady Mistress Pleasuredome that She'd better give up taking over all Bransson's clubs and making him destitute!' 'Turn around and leave now befow oi plug yow yow Nigger bitch!' he yelled at Her. She walked towards him. He looked right up at Her as She exposed Her vast mammaries to him. He gazed up in awe at Her magnificent curvaceous figure. Soon She was standing right in front of him and She stood nearly one foot taller than him With no warning at all Her foot shot out and slammed hard between his legs right into his crotch .The goon dropped the gun immediately as he screamed out in agony from the pain and complete nausea of his smashed testicles. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! She grabbed hold of the arm that he had held the gun in and with one terrible move wrenched it hard behind his back .She carried on twisting as She drove her foot deep into his armpit as he was now beside himself with pain as his screams could be heard right across the nightclub as he lay on the floor Her boot toe driving into his arm socket with terrible power. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! She carried on twisting ignoring his pleas for mercy as he fell on the ground in abject agony. 'Arsehole did you really think you could scare Me the Black Domme with that gun of yours? What's more I don't take kindly to idiots like you calling me a Nigger Bitch though I do of course accept that I am a Bitch who will beat the crap out of you!' With that She pulled him up from the floor by the hair right up to his feet with all the power that She could muster in all Her huge strength. She then drove Her right fist deep into his belly. The crack of broken ribs could be heard right across the room as he fell down in front of Her bellowing for all he was worth in the most excruciating pain. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCKKKKKKKKK!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! As he fell to the floor She could hear three shots fire. It was the other goon firing straight at Her and narrowly missing. How dare he! She was bloody furious! She bounded toward him and the sheer terror he felt at this Black Glamazon hurtling towards him made him at full speed made him drop the gun in terror. She moved straight at him and with perfect balance and with enough room to swing Her right hand ripped ten lethal punches in rapid succession deep into his belly. Each one more lethal than the last. The goon was gagging and screaming in sheer torment as he fell on the floor in a pool of his own mucus. � AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! 'Look what a terrible mess you've made on My lovely new shiny black leather boots! You're really going to pay for this!' She pulled him up from the floor once more as mucus came out of his mouth in what seemed like a never ending torrent. She turned him sideways as he looked in horror at Her size knowing that he was in for even more punishment. She began to flick jabs at his nose and eyes as his nose began dripping blood and his eyes were beginning to swell and go black. His head was now rocking backwards and forward to the steady rhythm of Her all powerful fists. With no warning at all She changed tactics and buried Her left fist once more deep into his stomach. He folded in half gagging in appalling pain as She moved forward and brought the full power of Her right hook directly into his nose. She could feel the cartilage break totally as Her rock hard knuckles slammed with brutal power with deadly accuracy right into their target . SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! She decided to finish the goon off with five more deadly blows into his mouth braking almost every single tooth in his mouth as blood came spewing out right over Her black leather jacket. He fell in a bloody heap in front of Her boots both eyes complete shut, his nose crushed flat completely and his lips swollen to over four times their normal size! There ware now three goons lying in a bloody heap on the floor as She walked over to the nightclub owner Bransson who was also lying on the floor after She had rammed the letter he had written down his throat. He was now crying like a little baby petrified of Her after he had seen how She had dealt with his goons with deadly precision. She pulled him off the floor in Her leather-gloved hands as if he was just a piece of garbage. 'Well Bransson you lost miserably and I have won easily! You will now write a cheque for £100,000 payable to Mistress Pleasuredome the Big Boss Lady. You will then give Me £100 in cash for all My troubles in coming to visit a worm like you. I will then kick you onto the street into the dustbins as your clubs now belong to Mistress Pleasuredome as does all your property!' 'YOU'RE GOING TO BE DESTITUTE YOU F-----G ARSEHOLE!!' Any comments please to Norseland@hotmail.com .