OGUNA PREPARES TO PUNISH GRAHAM FOR TRYING TO LEAVE THE HOTEL WITHOUT PAYING TO ESCAPE FROM NORSELAND by Hamlet � Graham the American tourist stood to attention in SHO (Senor Hotel Officer's) Oguna Hugevanger's The Hotel Manager's Office at the Hotel Valhalla in Lildestrom, Norseland. She stood there towering over him whip in hand after he had failed miserably to escape from Her Nation. She had caught him trying to escape from the Hotel attempting to get back to the USA on the next plane with his suitcase in his hand. She had forced him to stand to attention with his hands on his head staring in front of him at the obligatory portrait of The Queen Goddess that was found in every single home and every single office in Her Nation. He had hated every single minute he had spent in this 'god dam f-----g country' and had made a desperate attempt to take the first plane out of the country to the nearest US territory he knew which was Hawaii just to the south. Once he was over American airspace he would be free at last from this Female Dominated Matriarchal 'lunatic asylum'! He had left the Dinner Party at his Sponsor Marleena's flat sore and aching all over after the remorseless screwing he had been through at the hands of Christine a 16 year old Girl and Her Mother Peggy. They had actually screwed him senseless completely with their rubber strap ons making him a tough ex football player utterly humiliated. Peggy had to put bandages up his anus he was so sore and bleeding at the end of the terrible ordeal. He was so sore afterwards he did not even have the energy to eat the gigantic meal that Marleena's Daughter Ayesha had cooked for him especially as his mouth was aching so much from the ordeal he had been through with the strap on going down his throat that he could not get any food down at all. He had to be force fed by Ayesha while Christine stood over him mocking him relentlessly potting Her boot heel in his groin making him scream with pain and pushing the food all over his face. Christine had also told him that She was going to come round to his Hotel the next day early in the morning about 6 AM when he was going to be put through a full scale Gym Session at the GFC (Gym and Fitness Centre) with Her and SGI (Senior Gym Instructor) Nicolette Bangamqvist.They would humiliate him even more and from he would emerge a complete and total physical wreck! What was even worse was the news he had been given was that his wife Honey whom he had always regarded as a complete tart and a bimbo, was going to spend the rest of her time in Norseland away from him at the flat of Rolf Peggy's Partner as his sex slave. She would face being screwed relentlessly which was after all what she had come to Norseland for. He had already watched the humiliating spectacle of her being screwed by Rolf and Markus Marleena's Partner over the dinner table in every position imaginable. Even though it had obviously hurt her to have two steel like throbbing Norse Cocks going into her at once with full force, she was clearly totally thrilled and excited by the whole experience. It was after all the reason she had joined the NAS (Norselandic Admiration Society) back in the USA in the first place. It was while he easy being driven back to the Hotel by Marleena that he made his plan to escape from this 'god dam country' altogether and return to the good old USA and eventually to his home in Oneonta N.Y. State where he was a Biology lecturer at SUNY (State University of New York). His plan was to rush into his hotel room and pack his suitcase as quickly as possible. He would then walk to the nearest station and then would take a train to the City of Vikingsborg lay just to the north. He would take the first plane back to the USA. As long as it went in the USA did not matter where as long as he could escape from this Matriachal Hell Hole!! He had rushed into his room at breakneck speed to pack his bag throwing everything he could into it not caring if he left anything behind. He had run along the corridor in the pitch dark and there was not a single person around. Yet the worst had happened to him! He had slipped on the stairs and had gone crashing down suitcase in his hand and had landed in a heap at the bottom in the landing. He had looked up to the smell and sight he now dreaded, the all familiar mixture of perfume and leather, a smell that he would carry with him in fear for the rest of his life. He looked up and it was none other than the Hotel Manager Oguna! He had already had an experience with Her when She had confronted him when he had shouted at Honey in his hotel room and had ordered him to be quiet in a voice that brooked no disobedience. She was the biggest Woman he had ever seen in his life even bigger than Marleena and Peggy and that was certainly saying something! She was wearing too the all familiar terrifying outfit, the sight of which he now feared that all these Norse Women wore of a tight leather jacket, leather skirt , high heeled boots and leather gloves, a sight that now filled him with abject terror whenever he saw it. In Her hand She held a long whip with steel thongs at the end of it ready to beat the living daylights out of any awkward guest like him or any Papian or Filipino MW (Menial Worker) who got out of hand in any way. The two Papian MWs who worked in the Hotel Marko and Lusia and the Filipino maid Edna lived in constant terror of Her hand across their faces and Her whip across their naked brown arses! She had picked him of the floor by the ear with one hand screaming at him demanding where he was thinking of going at this time of night. He had made some lame excuse about just going out for a walk which She of course did not believe as who would he be going out for a walk with a suitcase? She had told him that he was in very serious trouble indeed and that She would take him into Her Office and then call his Sponsor Marleena and then his Social Officer Alexis. Finally he would be reported to his Judge Marissa who would have the ultimate decision on what to do with him, which might even involve being strangled to death by Her with a leather chord. He would also be reported to Christine who would be furious with him for daring to stand Her up as She was going to collect him to take him to the GFC tomorrow. Altogether he was in for some very serious punishment from five Norse Women! Oguna held him by the throat in Her leather gloved hands as he stood there to attention ready to receive the terrible punishment that was due from Her as She menacingly clutched the whip.' 'Right Graham you're in very deep shit! Not only did you try to escape from My Nation illegally without permission from your Sponsor Marleena and your Social Officer Alexis. You have also tried to stand up Christine who was due to collect you from My Hotel tomorrow to go to the GFC. ' 'You have also committed the totally unforgivable crimes of attempting to leave My Hotel without paying the bill which constitute the serious crimes of fraud and theft. Do you understand the seriousness of your crimes Graham?' 'YES SHO HUGEVANGER!' he wailed facing a terrible Tongue Lashing from Her as She literally spat in his face. 'You are now going over My Whipping Block to face 6 strokes of My whip across that bare arse of yours! I will then report you to Marleena and Alexis who will punish you even more. Then I will report you to Christine whom I know loves to beat and humiliate you in every way She can. Finally I will report you to Judge Marissa as you have broken the Laws of Our Nation .You might even end up being executed by Her tonight! Do you understand the very seriousness of your crimes and misdemeanours? 'YES SHO HUGEVANGER!!' With that She ripped his trousers down in Her mighty hands to reveal his semi naked frame and threw him with one hand over the Whipping Block. 'GET YOUR ARSE RIGHT UP IN THE AIR!!!' Please send any comments to Norseland@hotmail.com CHRISTINE THE NORSE GIRL HUMILIATING SOME TOURISTS OGUNA PREPARES TO PUNISH GRAHAM FOR TRYING TO LEAVE THE HOTEL WITHOUT PAYING TO ESCAPE FROM NORSELAND Graham the American tourist stood to attention in SHO (Senor Hotel Officer's) Oguna Hugevanger's The Hotel Manager's Office at the Hotel Valhalla in Lildestrom, Norseland. She stood there towering over him whip in hand after he had failed miserably to escape from Her Nation. She had caught him trying to escape from the Hotel attempting to get back to the USA on the next plane with his suitcase in his hand. She had forced him to stand to attention with his hands on his head staring in front of him at the obligatory portrait of The Queen Goddess that was found in every single home and every single office in Her Nation. He had hated every single minute he had spent in this 'god dam f-----g country' and had made a desperate attempt to take the first plane out of the country to the nearest US territory he knew which was Hawaii just to the south. Once he was over American airspace he would be free at last from this Female Dominated Matriarchal 'lunatic asylum'! He had left the Dinner Party at his Sponsor Marleena's flat sore and aching all over after the remorseless screwing he had been through at the hands of Christine a 16 year old Girl and Her Mother Peggy. They had actually screwed him senseless completely with their rubber strap ons making him a tough ex football player utterly humiliated. Peggy had to put bandages up his anus he was so sore and bleeding at the end of the terrible ordeal. He was so sore afterwards he did not even have the energy to eat the gigantic meal that Marleena's Daughter Ayesha had cooked for him especially as his mouth was aching so much from the ordeal he had been through with the strap on going down his throat that he could not get any food down at all. He had to be force fed by Ayesha while Christine stood over him mocking him relentlessly potting Her boot heel in his groin making him scream with pain and pushing the food all over his face. Christine had also told him that She was going to come round to his Hotel the next day early in the morning about 6 AM when he was going to be put through a full scale Gym Session at the GFC (Gym and Fitness Centre) with Her and SGI (Senior Gym Instructor) Nicolette Bangamqvist.They would humiliate him even more and from he would emerge a complete and total physical wreck! What was even worse was the news he had been given was that his wife Honey whom he had always regarded as a complete tart and a bimbo, was going to spend the rest of her time in Norseland away from him at the flat of Rolf Peggy's Partner as his sex slave. She would face being screwed relentlessly which was after all what she had come to Norseland for. He had already watched the humiliating spectacle of her being screwed by Rolf and Markus Marleena's Partner over the dinner table in every position imaginable. Even though it had obviously hurt her to have two steel like throbbing Norse Cocks going into her at once with full force, she was clearly totally thrilled and excited by the whole experience. It was after all the reason she had joined the NAS (Norselandic Admiration Society) back in the USA in the first place. It was while he easy being driven back to the Hotel by Marleena that he made his plan to escape from this 'god dam country' altogether and return to the good old USA and eventually to his home in Oneonta N.Y. State where he was a Biology lecturer at SUNY (State University of New York). His plan was to rush into his hotel room and pack his suitcase as quickly as possible. He would then walk to the nearest station and then would take a train to the City of Vikingsborg lay just to the north. He would take the first plane back to the USA. As long as it went in the USA did not matter where as long as he could escape from this Matriachal Hell Hole!! He had rushed into his room at breakneck speed to pack his bag throwing everything he could into it not caring if he left anything behind. He had run along the corridor in the pitch dark and there was not a single person around. Yet the worst had happened to him! He had slipped on the stairs and had gone crashing down suitcase in his hand and had landed in a heap at the bottom in the landing. He had looked up to the smell and sight he now dreaded, the all familiar mixture of perfume and leather, a smell that he would carry with him in fear for the rest of his life. He looked up and it was none other than the Hotel Manager Oguna! He had already had an experience with Her when She had confronted him when he had shouted at Honey in his hotel room and had ordered him to be quiet in a voice that brooked no disobedience. She was the biggest Woman he had ever seen in his life even bigger than Marleena and Peggy and that was certainly saying something! She was wearing too the all familiar terrifying outfit, the sight of which he now feared that all these Norse Women wore of a tight leather jacket, leather skirt , high heeled boots and leather gloves, a sight that now filled him with abject terror whenever he saw it. In Her hand She held a long whip with steel thongs at the end of it ready to beat the living daylights out of any awkward guest like him or any Papian or Filipino MW (Menial Worker) who got out of hand in any way. The two Papian MWs who worked in the Hotel Marko and Lusia and the Filipino maid Edna lived in constant terror of Her hand across their faces and Her whip across their naked brown arses! She had picked him of the floor by the ear with one hand screaming at him demanding where he was thinking of going at this time of night. He had made some lame excuse about just going out for a walk which She of course did not believe as who would he be going out for a walk with a suitcase? She had told him that he was in very serious trouble indeed and that She would take him into Her Office and then call his Sponsor Marleena and then his Social Officer Alexis. Finally he would be reported to his Judge Marissa who would have the ultimate decision on what to do with him, which might even involve being strangled to death by Her with a leather chord. He would also be reported to Christine who would be furious with him for daring to stand Her up as She was going to collect him to take him to the GFC tomorrow. Altogether he was in for some very serious punishment from five Norse Women! Oguna held him by the throat in Her leather gloved hands as he stood there to attention ready to receive the terrible punishment that was due from Her as She menacingly clutched the whip.' 'Right Graham you're in very deep shit! Not only did you try to escape from My Nation illegally without permission from your Sponsor Marleena and your Social Officer Alexis. You have also tried to stand up Christine who was due to collect you from My Hotel tomorrow to go to the GFC. ' 'You have also committed the totally unforgivable crimes of attempting to leave My Hotel without paying the bill which constitute the serious crimes of fraud and theft. Do you understand the seriousness of your crimes Graham?' 'YES SHO HUGEVANGER!' he wailed facing a terrible Tongue Lashing from Her as She literally spat in his face. 'You are now going over My Whipping Block to face 6 strokes of My whip across that bare arse of yours! I will then report you to Marleena and Alexis who will punish you even more. Then I will report you to Christine whom I know loves to beat and humiliate you in every way She can. Finally I will report you to Judge Marissa as you have broken the Laws of Our Nation .You might even end up being executed by Her tonight! Do you understand the very seriousness of your crimes and misdemeanours? 'YES SHO HUGEVANGER!!' With that She ripped his trousers down in Her mighty hands to reveal his semi naked frame and threw him with one hand over the Whipping Block. 'GET YOUR ARSE RIGHT UP IN THE AIR!!!' Please send any comments to Norseland@hotmail.com