Cerise - the fight begines by Hamlet Cerise took Jim out to his dirty garden.He was cringing in fear as IShe held tightly by his neck-I have never seen such a look of fear on anyone''s face! Judge domtella then stood before him in his front garden in all Her leather magnificence.She ordered his wife whom She called Fagash Lil to stand to attention with her arms on her head.She then ordered her children , whose names were Lucy and Neil, to stand to attention next to their mother.They would watch the beating of Jim and this was the last time the Balinger family would ever be together. She then ordered Fagash, Lucy and Neil to move and clear the rubbish in the garden.They moved really fast and piled all the rusty bedsteads and junk into one corner of the garden .they knew that She meant business and that Her orders were to be obeyed without question. As they were working away a crowd had gathered outside.Christopher Cerise's lover and sex slave has told the people in the street tthat a fight was about to take place and their enemy Jim was to get a good hard beating.It was quite clear that they were overjoyed with the prospect of the evil Balinger family getting exactly what they deserved.I saw a banner being unfurled'WE ALL LOVE YOU MADAME CERISE '. Domatella approached him and grabbed him by the neck. 'Well Jim it looks as if you're not very popular.Why do you think people hate you so much?' She stood there in Her leather magnificence really towering over him.The sunlight made Her look even more impressive. Jim now looked so wretched and puny in comparison.Suddenly he fell down to the ground. 'Please Judge Domatella I can't take a fight.I know Madame cerise will win -she's a Supsista and an experienced fighter and I'm not.I beg your forgiveness.I promise you I'll move out with my family and well never trouble anyone ever again.Please I'm so sorry for what I've done-I apologise to all these people.Please ask Madame cerise not to beat me for Gods sake I can't take it!' Shouts of COWARD came from the crowd that was growing larger every minute. Cerise then dragged Jim off the ground by his neck. 'Jim you're just a f---g coward! You pretend to be tough when noone stands up to you ,but when a Black scorpion and Supasista like Me stands up to you you beg forgiveness.Well it's too late now you've come to the end of the road.Yes I am a brilliant fighter.The difference between me and you is that Im a super strong athletic Black Scorpion and you're a fat ugly wimp with a big beeergut.Now you're going through 10 rounds whether you like ot or not and there's no escape!' Domatella told her she was going to be a referee.The Fight would be decided by the first one to win 10 rounds-it was obvious to everyone that it was going to be no contest!There would be no submissions .Every round would end in a countdown for 10.I was not going to make it easy for Jim to submit at the end of every round. Cerise then turned to the crowd. 'Right my fans you are about to see a brilliant fighter in action me The Black Dominatrix.Some of you may have taken Self Defence Classes from me before so pay attention.Remember to win a fight as I'm about to do, requires strength, agility and intelligence all of which I possess.You are about to watch the destruction of an evil man as well as learn about fighting.Is everyone paying attention? YES MADAME CERISE ! a roar came from the crowd, 'Jim lets get fighting.The First Round will begin.Now Im giving you the opportunity to fight back.I could have just given you a good hard thrashing so I'm being generous to you.Now I'd like you to try to hit me' He did not know what to do-he just stood there almost paralysed. Shouts went out from the crowd.COWARD COWARD YOU'RE AFRAID OF A WOMAN! 'Well Jim you are supposed to be such a tough guy.You're so used to intimidating and harassing these people.Why don't you hit Me?' He mumbled something like 'All right then'.He suddenly took a lunge at Her .It was the most feeble looking blow She had ever seen-She could have done better at the age of 7.She just stood slightly out of the way and he went flying across the garden, his head hitting a rusty bedstead. She dragged Jim up by his neck and forced him to stand in front of the crowd. 'WELL Jim that was the most pathetic attempt at a punch I've ever seen.Im going to have to show you how to really punch properly.' She turned to the crowd. 'i hope everyone is watching,to punch properly you aim at a tender part of the opponents body such as the solar plexus down here.Then you put your fist into the clinching position and bring it right back.you then move in fast putting the weight of yourr arm hard into your opponents stomach.Like this!' CRRRRSAAACCCKKKK Jim let out one of the loudest screams She had ever heard. YAAAAHHHHHHHHH He doubled up and literally flew across the garden landing in a heap by the wall. Moira counted to 10. ROUND 1 TO MADAME CERISE A loud cheer came from the crowd which now appeared to be larger than ever, Domatella shouted out the order. 'Right Fagash-get va bucket of water' She obeyed me at once and threw it right over her husband, Jim got up dazed just about able to stand up, Ccerise held him by the throat. 'Right Jim since you are useless at fighting perhaps you're better at wrestling.Would you like to hold me come on' Jim was not steady on his feet at all.He made a vague attempt to hold Her .as soon as he did She twisted his arm right round his back until She had twisted it right round his other shoulder.She could hear his bones cracking as she knew she had broken his arm. YAHHHHHH he yelled in absolute agony-he had never experienced pain like this in his life. He fell on the floor in a heap writhing in pain. Domatella counted down ROUND 2 TO MADAME CERISE !