Cerise and the Papians by Hamlet Cerise the Black Scorpion had received a message from Her close friend and close confidant Christopher. She had met hIm and became fiends after making advances to him and giving him a good screwing on the train. She rang him back to ask him what was the problem...He said that he had found out that the Police and Social Services were having real problems with a problem family the Balingers who lived in the same street as him. The father Jim Balinger was a builder and was a real problem. His family were described as neighbours from Hell' The father who was a builder had threatened his neighbours a Papian family with violence. .He had thrown rubbish Into the garden and had even thrown a brick through his window. The 2 children had made a Papian family's life hell and the father had called the wife a 'f---g Papi'.The Police did not know what to do. 'It's all right Christopher -don't be afraid sweetheart Please tell Me what's on your mind darling' 'It's just that there's a Papian family in the area called the Uapatitis who live in the same street as me. I have found out from reading the papers and talking to friends that they been subject to the most terrible racial harassment from a neighbouring family called the Balingers .The Uapatitis are lovely people very sweet and gentle. Their children are apparently being bullied at school and called' Papi scum'. They have had rubbish put through the letterbox and' Get out you Papi bastards' written on the front door. They have tried calling the Police but they just say that there are no witnesses and their children are under age. Please could you do something Madam Cerise- This harassment is now getting rife and the Police do nothing about it! Also I have been harassed by this family for saying Good Morning Mr and Mrs Uapatiti and been called a f-----g Papi lover by the children who are completely out of control.' 'What you have described is absolutely appalling Christopher .I am actually very cross with you for not telling me earlier Harassment to Papians is Totally illegal in Norseland where I have come from and am an Honourary Citizen The Law protects Papians from harassment and this is enforced ruthlessly by the Judges who will put anyone who upsets Papians or harasses faces death, unless of course the harassment is justified and is called punishment. The Norselandic Security Services The Royal Overeas Judges and the Black Scorpions are responsible for them like parents to children. The point is that Papians are such a gentle and peaceful people and will not retaliate.' 'I will contact Judge Domatlla Baunsgaard . She is My Supervisor and I have reported to Her already .As you know all Norselanders and Honorary Norselandic Citizens like Me have Supervisors whose job it is to look after them and take care of them when they are abroad.I'm sure She'll be very annoyed when She hears of it!I'm going to phone Her now!' Cerise phoned Judge Domatella at once. 'Domatlla it's Cerise your client .I want to ring you about a case of racial harassment.' 'Certainly Cerise I'm so glad to hear from you.' She told Her all about the sufferings the Uapatiti family had been hrough.Domatella was appalled. 'We do know about this harassment Cerise. The trouble is that up to recently the British Norselandic Treaty only protected Norselanders.However our Premier Patricia Ingvoll has renegotiated the BNT with the British Prime Minister Cameron to include Papians as well which is what it should have done all along as they share the same island as Us and are Our subjects . We in fact own them in loving domination and Papia too.' 'I will come round at once and deal with those bastards and if necessary take them out of the country and put them to death!I agree with you that the British Police are useless when it comes to dealing with harassment. They are so concerned about the rights of the criminal and ignore the victim.I'll be round tomorrow at 8AM after I've done some research on the Judge Database.' Cerise decided to ring Jim. 'Is that Jim' She said 'It's Me Madame Cerise I'm a Black Scorpion and member of the Supasistas.I'm coming round tomorrow and we're going to have a long session together' 'What you talking f---g talking about'he replied in his Cockney accent 'It means I'm coming around and I'm going to break every bone in your f---g body you evil bastard.I've heard all about you-you're a public nuisance to a Papian family the Uapaitis. From tomorrow your useless days will be over because I'm going to challenge you to a fight and after that you will never be able to even walk again.Do you understand ?' 'You can't threaten me-what if I'm not here tomorrow?' 'You'd better f--g well be there because if you're not I'm going to chase you until I find you and when I have found you Ill make sure you're a cripple for the rest of your life!There's no escape from Me.I'm a Supasista and Black Scorpion if you want to know -you can run but you can't hide! 'OK Ill be there' he said with obvious fear in his voice pretending to be tough. 'You'd better be because I cant wait to fight you! YOU'RE IN DEEP TROUBLE BALINGER!!! Comments to norselandic@hotmail.com