THE BOSSY BANK WOMEN 7 by Hamlet MADAME SPITEFUL DEALS WITH A BAD DEBTOR Christine lay in bed gazing at her lovely and curvaceous naked body.The day had at last come round for her first Mission and she was so excited.She may not have been as strong as the other 2 but she made up for it by having such a gorgeous well bulit body.Still she practiced in the gym every day perfecting her fighting skills determined to impress her wonderful Boss and Manager Madame Spiteful! Suddenly the door bell rang.It was the Black Woman Enforcer Marcia who stood at the door really impressing Christine with her incredible muscular Black body.Like Lucinda she had to accept the fact that however hard she trained she could never be as brilliant a fighter as Marcia whom she called Marcia the Invincible..She also accepted the simple fact that never in her life could she be as strong or as powerful as her Boss the increible Madfame Spiteful. 'I just wanted to make sure you're up Christine as today is the day of your first Mission with Madame Spiteful.Make sure you're there on time as she never tolerates lateness! I had a wonderful time with her yesterday beating up 5 bastards to death.I watched her beat up 4 bastards and then torture and beat the evil Joe Sciven to death.He got exactly what he deseved.Anyone who defies the Bank of Domination and her deserves to die!' 'I also just wanted to show you a picture of myself and Madame Spiteful in today's Brentwood Advertiser.' 'Certainly Marcia I would love to see it!' They both sat next to each other on the bed .Marcia's huge Black body towered over Christine's body that was still very muscular but could never compare with Marcia's'. The advertisement appeared on the second page in full colour.It showed Madame Spiteful and Marcia standing over the prostrated bodies of Sciven and his 9 friends.It read: THE BANK OF DOMINATION THE WAR AGAINST CRIME The Bank of Domination is engaged in a full scale War Against Crime.This picture shows in graphic detail what happens to criminals and all miscreants.The penalty is Death! I will also not tolerate fithy pubs .The Cock in Shenfield Road will be demolished on my orders to make way for a new multi story car park to improve parking facilities in the Brentwood area. I will NOT tolerate crime and what I and my Enforcer did to these criminals I am prepared to do again.If you are a mugger a rapist or any other criminal I and my Enforcrs will hunt you down.We are invincible and will not rest until alll crime is totally eradicated from this area. I will also treat bad debtors as criminals as they were in the old days.If you are in arrears with your mortgage or loan I will deal with you severely.Also if you willlfully or persistently fail to open an Account with the Bank i will treat you as a criminal too. I am a BD Manager and my word is Law! MADAME SPITEFUL THE MANAGER WARNING YOU ARE PERSONALLY AT RISK OF YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY IF YOU UNREASONABLY REFUSE A GENEROUS OFFER MADE BY MADAME SPITEFUL THE MANAGER OF THE BANK OF DOMINATION 'That's a great picture of you Marcia you and Madame Spiteful You really look wonderful together.I can't wait to go out on my first mission with our wonderful Boss!' 'Well hurry up Christine and get dressed as Madame Spiteful wants to see you at 8 am in 45 minutes and she will not tolerate lateness at all!' Christine leapt out of bed and ran into the shower as Marcia left.She washed her gorgeous body all over.She put on make up and lipstick to make herself look really stunning for her Manager.Finally she put on her shiny black leather BD uniform that looked so impressive next to her White skin! She walked out with Marcia and Lucinda the 3 Enforcers ready to start work and to deal with customers and criminals.As usual they passed by my flat to make absolutely sure I was out of the flat on my way to work. Marcia drove to the Bank.Christine was getting nervous as she awaited her first Mission. She knocked with fear on Madame Spiteful's door. 'Come in Christine darling!' Christine walked in nervously and beheld Madame Spiteful's magnificent leather clad body standing before her.Both of them looked lovely that morning in their gorgeous bodies blonde hair and black leather. Madame Spiteful walked over and gently caressed Christine.She thought her the loveliest of the 3 Enforcers.As I had said before she was a firm believer in sexually harassing Staff whenever possible! 'Well Christine our Mission today is to tackle the serious problem of bad debtors.As I have told you my predecessor Mr Baker was totally bloody useless and did nothing about bad debtors at all!In fact many people stopped paying their loans and mortgages altogether and just cancelled thir standing orers knowing that the HSBC as it was then would do nothing about it!I am determined to do something about that useless bastard starting by stopping his Bank pension for a start!' 'I have decided to make an example of one bad debtor.His name is James Richards.He took out a loan with HSBC and has only made one repayment the bastard!I would like to first of all show you a copy of the letter I have written to him. THE BANK OF DOMINATION 31 HIGH STREET BRENTWOOD ESSEX Dear Mr Richards It has come to my attention that you took out a loan with the HSBC for £3000 for home improvements and you have only made one repayment.I take this extremely seriously .I have calculated that with interest as well as late payment fees etc .You now owe £5000.I demand that you pay this sum immediately. You will present yourself to the Bank at 8.30 am on THURSDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER to discuss this very serious situation with me in person. Yours sincerely MADAME SPITEFUL THE MANAGER WARNING FAILURE TO KEEP THIS APPOINTMENT WILL RESULT IN A RISK TO YOUR POSSESIONS AND PERSONAL SAFETY The bastard has failed to reply.However I have had a response from his solicitor. Snellgrove & Smith 10 Wallace Road Brentwood Essex Dear Madame Spiteful I am in possesion of your recent letter. I would be grateful if you would show some allowance for my client as he has been very sick with depression and has been unable to make repayments.He has however recently returned to work and can offer you £10 a week .He will consider making higher repayments should his financial situation improve at any time. I would be gtateful if you would refrain from using physical force against my client.Apart from the fact it is illegal ,my client is of a very nervous disposition. We look forward to meeting you on the 4th September Yours sincerly Peter Snellgrove I have responded to this aresehole as follows: Dear Mr Snellgrove I am afraid I did not like the tone of your letter at all.Your client could have responded to my letter earlier but has ignored me something which I will not tolerate under any cicumstances.I am sorry if he has suffered from depression but that does not mean he should not have contacted me immediately he had problems repaying the loan. The offer of £10 a week is totally and completey unacceptable.I demand total repayment of the loan or else. As for physical threats I am quiite prepared to use any physical threats at all against your client or you should normal persuasion not work.Do not dare tell me a BD Manager what to do! Yoiur client had better turn up on the 4th or he will be in very serious trouble indeed! Yours sincerely MADAME SPITEFUL THE MANAGER 'Well Christine these bastards should be here in about 10 minutes.I will be completey ruthless.I will demand a payment on account of £2000 and a futher 3 monthly patments of £1000.I also intend to punish this bastard by making him stay the night and suffer Rope Bondage in the Interview Room which I will later make my Dungeon!' 'That's wonderful Madame Spiteful.Bad debtors deseve to be punished severely!What's more I can't wait to get my hands on that supercillious arsehole the solicitor!' 'You will ChristineIn fact you can deal with him while I deal with Richards!' There was a knock on the door.It was David the cashier who also worked as Madame Spiteful's Secretary. I'm terribly sorry to bother you Madame Spiteful but there are 2 people here to see you.May I show them in?' He was such a complete weed and was clearly terrified of her. 'Show them in David and then get out of my sight and return to your work! 'she said to him in her imperious tone They came in togeter.Richards was a failrly small man who looked clearly depressed.Snellgrove was a big fat bastard looking so pleased with himself.He walked forwards to her. 'Well we've come at last to discuss the situation with you.I hope you will be resaonable.' She grabbed him by the neck 'Look Snellgrove you're in my Bank and you do as I say!First of all you and Richards will address me as Madame Spiteful The words come after every sentence you utter.Secondly you only speak when you're spoken to.Thirdly you agree to my terms or else.Is that understood you arshole?' She towered over the fat bastard in all her black leather wonder.He had no choice but to agree totally. 'Yes Madame Spiteful' 'Right you two sit down on that sofa!' she ordered. They did as they were ordered.Madame Spiteful sat next to Richards while Christiine sat next to Snellgrove. 'Right Richards you will sign this agreement in which you agree to pay £2000 now and £3000 over 3 months.Sign it now!' He hesitated not knowing what to do. 'Richards you'd better sign it or you won't be in possesion of your testicles!' With that she moved her leather gloved hand hard down his trousers.He groaned in pain OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Snellgrove then butted in . 'Look here Madame Spiteful as a solicitor I'd like to read that agreement before he signs it!' With that Christine's leather encased razor sharp nais dug into his neck. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 'Look here you pompous prick the rule is that you speak only when you are spoken to.Madame Spiteful do I have yiour full permission to give this pompous piece of shit a damned good slapping?' 'Certainly Christine give him 3 hard slaps!' She stood over him.he looked up at this big tough girl dressed in shiny black leather who was less than half his age.He hesitated at first. 'Get up now and put your hands on your head!' He had no choice but to obey. She pushed her hand up and down his face not knowing when she would strike.What she lacked in physical strength compared tp the other 2 she made up with torture techniques.She was determined to show her Boss what an excellent Torturess she was. 'Right you bastard you count every one or you get it again!' Suddenly her hand went crashing across his face SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!! OOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Almost at once her hand went crashing across the other cheek SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! 'Keep your face still 'she yelled! SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Blood shot up from his face and nostrils as he fell on the floor screaming in agony. 'Get up you bastard and stand in the corner with your hands on your head!' He did as he was told at once after experiencing her tremendous power. That was a wonderful display Christine you will make an excellent Enforcer!' She turned round to Richards .She still had her hands down his crotch. Read this agreement and sign now !' The agreement read I James Richards agree to make an immediate payment to the Bank of Domination of £2000 and a further 3 payments of £1000.The Bank will do anything it requires to take the money including selling all my possesions and my house. I also agree as a result of my misdemeanours to submit to any torture and bondage that the Bank will inflict on me as full punishment for all my misdeeds SIGNED MADAME SPITEFUL THE MANAGER He hesitated at first but one tug at his cock anmd balls he signed at once 'Right Christine!' said Madame Spiteful as she dragged Richards up by his hair. 'LET'S TAKE THESE BASTARDS TO THE DUNGEON!' Any comments or suggestions to