THE BOSSY BANK WOMEN - 1 by Hamlet THE BEGINNINGS Hello my name is Stephen and I would like to tell you all about my friends the Bossy Bank Women. My stories are based on their experiences which they have told me all about.I have never been part of their experiences you will understand.However they have asked me to write them all down or rather ordered me to as they're all really big tough girls as you will imagine.Anyway I feel flattered that they have chosen me with my writing skills to describe them.It was an offer I could not refuse! They call themselves the Bossy Bank Women because they all work together in a Bank HSBC.I live in the same block of flats as them in a town called Brentwood in Essex. They are all friendly to me.God help anyone who gets the wrong side of them!Their names are Marcia, Lucinda and Christine. I thought I would describe all 3 of them to start with. The first one is called Marcia.She is a huge Black girl nearly 6 foot 6 inches tall.She has huge biceps.She is actually a champion body builder.To make herself look even more stunning she has died blonde hair.She has huge muscles and adores body building.She also loves wrestling and is the tallest of all of them.She went to school at Brentwood Secondary with Lucinda and Christine and like them was a Prefect and brilliant at sport especially swimming and judo. All the other children especially the boys were really scared of her.She had no fear of teachers at all.She would especially go for naughty boys and would specialise in taking a bad boy out of the classroom and shoving his head down the toilet just to humiliate them completely.It was said at school no one messes with Marcia! The next one Lucinda is Coloured coming from mixed parents- her father was Black and her mother Cypriot.She is a huge girl though not quite as big as Marcia.She is a brilliant athlete and like Marcia loves bodybuilding.She became self defence champion at school having learnt self defence in her spare time.She taught the children at school to fear her as she was known as Lucinda the Invincible! She specialised as a Prefect in corporal punishment and used to carry a ruler with her at all times.She once administered a caning to this boy who used to peep at the girls' showers and he was in agony for the next month! The next girl Christine is White. .She is not quite as big as the other two in height but makes up for it by being really vicious.She has huge muscles and is a fanatical bodybuilder training daily to make her body perfect.She has a lovely face with long tanned legs and arms and blonde curly hair. At school she was Prefect like her two friends.She would specialise in arm locks and in ball busting.She busted one boys' bollocks so badly at school that he has not recovered since.Like her friends she is a great athlete being a champion swimmer and diver.She still practices body building. In fact it's almost impossible to keep her away from the gym! All three left school together and remained as friends.They knew that what they had in common was their perfect athletic skills and physical build that made them stronger than almost everyone else.They all believed together that they should use their strength together as a force for good to combat wrongdoing and bad behavior of any kind.They were all three lovely kind people provided one behaved and was not a criminal in any way. They all applied for a job straight from school with HSBC in Brentwood.They all started off as cashiers.Naturally given their strength and power they found this job quite boring.They made up for it by being very strict and assertive with customers.They also made up for it by taking part in sport fanatically.They would go to aerobics, karate , bodybuilding and gymnastics together 6 nights a week.They all lived in a block of flats where they would rule the rest of the residents with a rod of iron!That is how I know them as to them I'm a model resident. They would expect all the corridors to be kept pristine clean.They would not tolerate noise of any kind after 10 PM.What's more they were ruthless in dealing with bad residents.Once there was a terrible man who never cleaned the corridors, played music late at night and was abusive to the other neighbours.The Bossy Women as I will call them decided enough was enough.They broke into his flat at night.Marcia smashed him in the face until he was a mass of blood, Lucinda broke up his flat piece by piece and Christine busted his balls.They were wonderful!At the end they just threw him out onto the street and he has never been heard of since! As far as the Bank was concerned their break came about a few months ago when a new Chairman Lady Breakneck took over as Chairman of HSBC.She was a ruthless business woman who had been named Business Woman of the Year.She wanted HSBC to be renamed the Dominant Bank as it would be the biggest and most powerful Bank in the world. She believed in a totally new approach to Banking that it should be ruthless and aggressive.As soon as she took over she got rid of the entire Management Board including almost all the men.She sincerely believed that in the Financial services women were far more effective than men.She announced massive redundancies making almost all the male staff including the Middle Management redundant.She totally changed the appearance of Branches getting rid of cashiers almost completely.She was not prepared to employ people who did jobs machines did far more effectively! At the same time she changed the nature of the wok in Banks totally .She believed Bank Staff should be employed selling the Bank and chasing bad Debts and overdrafts.Yet most of all she believed that in the competitive world Banks should be looking for customers.They should do so by politeness and persuasion to begin with.However if this did not work force and if necessary extreme violence would have to be used. She also believed that the Bank should be involved in the fight against crime.Crime was affecting Banking badly with millions of pounds being lost through Bank robberies.Lady Breakneck believed that Bank staff should be trained to deal with bank robbers instead of leaving it to the Police who usually came too late anyway.She also believed that the Bank should lead the fight against burglary as millions were being lost through paying out insurance.Mugging meant people were injured and unable to work which meant that millions was lost to the Bank as these people went sick.The Bank would have to take the upper hand in defeating crime! The ideal opportunity had come! A new job in the Bank would be created called an Enforcer.A Note came round asking all Staff to apply.The note was as follows. All Staff are asked to apply to become ENFORCERS.The job of an Enforcer is to 1.Chase all bad debts especially mortgage arrears. 2.Persuade all individuals and businesses to open Accounts.Force is to be used where friendly persuasion does not work. 3.Fight crime at all times by arresting and dealing with criminals and take part in the Bank's War Against Crime Mission that means the Bank contributes over £1 million a year in fighting crime. All applicants must be; Physically fit and have at least one sporting qualification or bodybuilding qualification. Have fighting skills including karate, taekwondo at black and yellow belt and be physically strong. Female though males will be considered in extreme cases. Salary Starting £30000 a year with £300 commission for each bad debt recovered and £400 for each new Account opened. This is a wonderful opportunity for Staff to be really involved in Customer Service and to deal with present and potential customers! Once selected you will have to follow a rigorous Training Programme involving Sports, Martial Arts and Banking Law leading to a recognised Qualification, Send your application to your Manager now! LADY BREAKNECK CHAIRMAN The 3 girls looked at the Note 'God this is a wonderful opportunity! Let's all apply together! We can get out meet customers, have a great time persuading and if necessary beating people.We can use all our physical skills and have a great time.The pay is great to.If we can open 5 Accounts in a week we will be on £2000 extra a week.' said Marcia. The girls agreed to send their applications in to the new Manager who had just been appointed .Her name was Ms Peggy Spiteful. Lady Breakneck had made a clean sweep of all the Managers and and got rid of the tired old Mr. Baker and replaced him by a dynamic new Manager . Like all the other Managers Ms Spiteful was very strict and dominant.She was a bodybuilding champion just like the 3 girls only even bigger and more experienced.She had a magnificent body.She was tall with short blonde hair.She had come into work one day dressed in a leather bikini with the HSBC logo on it.She carried a leather crop with her at all times to show she meant business! On the day of their interview the 3 Women had to present themselves to Ms Spiteful standing to attention showing her the fear and respect she warranted.Her room had been totally refurbished.She had a shiny hew desk.She was wearing the new HSBC uniform that the girls now wore of black shiny leather - leather jacket, skirt and high heeled boots.On the wall was a portrait of Lady Breakneck looking really intimidating in her leather trench coat with the HSBC logo on the side. 'Well I want to give you some very good news.I have looked at your application and you have been successful.I have discussed you at length with our Chairman Lady Breakneck and she thinks you would make perfect Enforcers.Well done!' She kissed all 3 of the Women on the lips.She really did demonstrate her muscles as she held all 3 tightly. 'I want you to go out there on Monday on your first Mission and kick arse!I don't care what it takes. I want you to bring in millions for the Bank.I will be accompanying you on some of your Missions.I can't wait to get my hands on some bad debtors and to force some rich bastatrd to open an Account!I don't even care if we kill people to make them open Accounts.We will just get all the money from their Estate.I want you to be the best Enforcers in the country.I will not accept failure.If you don't reach your targets you can expect to face my crop or worse!' I want us 4 to be known throughout Brentwood and beyond as the BOSSY BANK WOMEN. 'Today is Friday.Your first Mission will be on Monday.Do you understand?' They all called out as one. 'YES MADAME SPITEFUL!'