ASTRID THE AVENGER AND DIDERIK THE DEBAUCHER IN CALIFORNIA by Hamlet Astrid the Avenger, Buccaneera and Valkyrie rode towards Los Angles the main city of Spanish California at full speed on her white charger with her Partner and Lover Diderik the Debaucher, The year was 1818 three years before the Mexican war of independence in 1821 when California would become part of the new nation of Mexico She knew that the greatest challenge of her life lay ahead. As they rode onwards, the peons working in the fields gazed at her and Diderik in awe and wonder. She was a truly magnificent sight dressed in a leather stetson long leather cape, leather jacket, leather gloves and thigh length boots. He too was truly a wonderful sight on his powerful white charger that he rode with incredible skill, his huge Member bulging visibly beneath his skin tight leather trousers. Just the feel of it beneath his massive thighs made him feel excited and more prepared than ever for the forthcoming fight and debauching that lay ahead! He had long flowing blonde hair tied that made him look as gorgeous as any Norse Woman Diderik lived up it his name as a terrifying Debaucher of Spanish women only in most cases the Spanish women readily submitted to his gigantic Norse Cock so much bigger than any of their Spanish men. Astrid and Diderik were Buccanneera who originated in the Bothnian Islands that lay off the coast of Californa (They do exist and are called the Chanel Islands) The origins of the Buccanneera went back tp the 18th� the century when there was extensive settlement from Pacifica now� Norseland� � that lay over 1000 miles away The Bothnian Islands were originally a Spanish colony Las Islas Canalas.The Settlers� the Norse Folk� mainly� � settled in the islands of Santa Cruz and� Santa Catalina� where they developed agriculture� and� created towns and settlements.� . They used the islands� as bases for attacking the Californian mainland in particular Los� Angeles. They� formed groups called� Buccaneera� also known as� Swordmastresses,� that like everything else in Pacifica consisted� mainly of Norse Women or� Valkyrie.� They were expert Swordfighters and would terrify the local inhabitants, just� like� their descendants Vikings did over a thousand years before� To the� Buccaneera, like the Vikings� the raids were a normal and desirable consequence of the pressures on a growing� society especially� the lack� of natural� resources in the Islas� Canolas� and of the religious beliefs of the Norse People that held that their religion the Christianaist religion and ways of life� were� superior to all other� peoples.� � What made the� Buccaneera� raids� so notable� were� their success� due in large part to the superiority of� their Long Boats and fighting skills and that pervaded right� across� the whole territory of California...� � In the mind of the Buccaneera Raiding was very distinct from theft. Theft was abhorrent. According to the Norse mythology as told in� the Snorra� Edda, theft was one of the few acts that would condemn a� Valkyrie� to a place of torment after� her� death. On the other hand, Raiding was an� honourable� challenge to a fight, with the victor retaining all of the spoils.� � A story from the� Egila� Saga� Nieuv� Skalla-Gr�mssonar� illustrates this distinction. While raiding a coastal farm near Santa� Barbara,� Egila� and her� Buccanneera� were captured by the farmer and his family, who bound all of the Raiders. In the night that followed,� Egila� was able to slip� her� bonds.� She� and� her� � Swordmastresses� grabbed their captors' treasure and headed back to the ship. But along the way,� Egila� shamefully� realized� she� was� acting like a thief, saying, "This journey is terrible and hardly suitable for a Warrior. We have stolen the farmer's money without his knowledge. We should never allow such shame to befall us."� � So,� Egila� returned to� her� captors'� house, set it ablaze, and killed the occupants� ruthlessly� as they tried to escape the fire.� She� then� returned to the ship with the treasure, this time as a Heroine� and� Swordmastress� . Because� she� had� fought and won the battle, she could justly claim the booty she captured .� � Raiding was a desirable occupation for a young Woman or� Valkyrie, although a more mature Woman was expected to� settle down and raise a family and teach her children the Noble Arts of fighting and Gym� Kata� Raiding increased a� Woman's stature in Norse Folk� society. A successful Raider returned home� to Pacifica� with wealth and fame, the two most important qualities needed to climb the social ladder.� � The loot that� Buccaneera� � desired was anything of value that was compact enough to carry on-board their� Long� Ships� back to the Islas� Canalas� The Islas Canalas soon had a majority Norse� population� the few Spanish being� forcibly ejected from� the� islands. With� Pacifica attaining� independence� in� 1815 and changing its name to Norseland� a whole series of towns and� forts� has been� built� notably Lulea in Santa� Catalina� and� Vesterhavn� .By� 1817� Norseland after a victorious war with Spain took control of the islands and renamed them the� Bothnian� Islands ethnically cleansing the islands of the whole Spanish population.� � � Gold and silver� was looted from� California� � as� well as clothing and food, all valuable items. Captured livestock was often slaughtered on the spot to provide fresh food for the Raiders.� � .� The first recorded� Buccaneera� raid� occurred in the year� 1799, against the� Mission of San Luis Rey near Oceanside California.� � Missions� and� cathedrals� were� frequent targets of� Buccaneera� Raiders� not because the Raiders� were particularly anti-Catholic,� but rather because that's where the money was. The tithes collected by the church concentrated the wealth in the monasteries during this period. The Raiders recognized that fact and took advantage of it.� The� Buccaneera� would take great pleasure out of looting the Missions and generally� Raping� and� Pillaging as much as they could. The friars� could be raped by the� Swordmastreeses� using the strap on which had been developed in� Norseland� as a means for women to debauch� Spanish men� in the most� ruthless way, Spanish women would be debauched by the hundred by the� Swordmastresses with� their� enormous� Cocks. The� friars and the women� and� the� local peasants could then be chained together to be taken back to the� Bothnian� Islands and� � to work as slaves.� At the same� time� the� Buccaneera� could be a force to stand for the rights of the local� peasants� against� the tyrannical misgovernment of the Spanish officials. Spain had been conquered by France under Napoleon and was gradually losing its American empire In particular a brilliant� Buccaneera Tessa� Avaheim� emerged called The Queen of Swords an invincible fighter who fought for the common peasants against the tyrannical Spanish� officials� and effectively emerged as the Ruler of California by 1820� � Astrid's Mission in the year was to capture the Alcalde and take him as a prisoner to the newly established Nander Detention Centre in the Bothnian Islands that lay only 20m Kms off the coast of California where he would face a lifetime of torture and hard labour. Astrid. looked even more stunning dressed exactly like her Lover Diderik with platinum blonde hair. The only real difference between them in appearance was that his gigantic bulge was between his legs whereas herds was in her chest. She spoke to Her Lover in Norselandic as she kissed him passionately. 'Come on Diderik Darling! Let's go to the Alcalde's Mansion in Los Angeles! 'I want to make him my personal prisoner torture him and take him on a Long Boat to Nander Island.' 'Kom igjen Diderik Elskan, la oss gaa til Alcalde's Herragarddur i Los Angeles. Jeg vil gjoore ham til min personlige fange til aa torturere ham og ta ham med paa en lang baat til Nander Eyja. ' 'He has a wife Inez who is desperate for a Norse Cock I want to watch you debauch her mercilessly in six positions. I just love to see you debauching Spanish women. After screwing her in every orifice of her body we will burn down the Alcade's Mansion! We will drive these Spanish wimps out of California just as we drove them out of the Bothnian Islands and turn them into our slaves!' 'Han har en kone Inez som er desperat etter en norroon kuk. Jeg vil se paa at du avkaster henne naadeloost i seks stillinger. Jeg elsker aa se deg oodelegge spanske kvinner.' 'Etter aa ha skrudd henne inn i hver aapning av kroppen hennes, vil vi brenne ned Alcades herregaard! Vi vil kjooore disse spanske vimpsene ut av California, akkurat naar vi kjoorte dem ut av Botniske ooyene og gjoore dem om til slavene vaare! 'Come on my sweet Elskan Diderik!' 'We will show no mercy! Kom igjen min soote Elskan Diderik!" 'Vi vil ikke vise naade! 'LET'S OVERPOWER AND RAPE THESE SPANIARDS AND PILLAGE THEIR LAND AND PROPERTY!! LAATT OVER KRAFTEN OG NAUDDGA DES SPANIARDER OG PILLASJE DITT LAND OG EIENDOM!! Any comments to TO BE CONTINUED