Asa story by Hamlet I don't know if you've thought but how the Asa stories should develop, but it could be like this. She arrives in Sri Lanka and has to report to her Norselandic Supervisor a Norse Woman who is a member of the ROJ (the Royal Overseas Judges). Asa has just been debauched on the plane by two Norse Men who follow her all over the country. She goes to an excusive resort (do you know any or I could find one on the Internet?). These the two Norse Men debauch her continuously. They have to leave her at the resort to return home, where these terrorists who could either be Tamil Tigers or a Sinhalese terrorist group are spying her on. They kidnap her and demand a huge ransom from the Sri Lankan Government .One of the members of the Government agrees to pay it so he can have Asa in his harem that he operates for tourists. The Norselandic Government are furious when they hear this. They are already heavily involved in the reconstruction of the country after the civil war through the RAC (Royal Aid Corps). They send in the ROJ to rescue her and kill all the members of the terrorist group. The ROJ then turn their sites to the Government killing this Minister who has been colluding with thee terrorists. The Norselandic Premier decides overthrow the Government and make Sri Lanka a part of the Norselandic Matiarchal Empire appointing a Regent to rule over the coutry. The ROJ and the JL (Justice Leaugue) as well as a group of Black Women, who are Norselandic Citizens, the Black Scorpions take over the whole island within a few days. The Tamils in particular are so pleased to be liberated from Sinhalese rule and welcome the JL/ROJ/BS as liberators. The RAC(Royal Aid Corps) rebuild the country , particulary the north from the damage of the civil war and build roads, homes, schools etc. The population, enjoy a much better standard of living, but of course in return are made the slaves of the Norselanders and their women become the sex slaves of the Norse Men just like Asa and the Papians, while the superior Norse Women rule over the country with an iron fist raping ad pillaging just like their Viking ancestors!