MANITA ANOWA AND HER BLACK SCORPION COLLEAGUES AFRIKA AND VERONICA ARRIVE OFF THE COAST OF SYRIA by Hamlet Anowa the Nigerian Powerhouse had at last arrived at last on the Queen Andromache that was lay just off the city of Latakia on the Syrian coast . It was now the second largest Carrier in the world next to the QGS Princess Xena. It easily outclassed its rival the US Dwight D. Eisenhower with a length of 400 meters compared to 333, a width of 90 meters (77) a speed of 45 knots (33).it had 120 super deadly Cheetah aircraft compared to 85 all of which were superior in speed and fighting power ready to sink any other carrier to the bottom of the Mediterranean. It was 50 stories high rising like a gigantic floating skyscraper above the Ocean She was looking really amazing dressed in a black leather bra, leather studded collar, tight leather gloves, skin tight leather shorts and tight calf length boots with high heels that revealed Her huge rippling muscles and thighs and Her wonderful muscular body. Suddenly the Berchta aircraft had hit the deck of the Carrier with an almost deafening noise and shot down the runway that seemed to go on forever .At last it came to shuddering halt on the deck .Anowa could see the starry night over the Carrier and the Mediterranean in the distance. The local time was midnight. The Berchta aircraft had en suite facilities of an enormous sofa, shower, TV, DVD and video player and a king size bed. It also had a full fitted gym to the side where Anowa could practice at any time to develop Her stupendous muscles and make. Herself even fitter. She was not able to believe that She was on the fastest plane on earth that could travel the speed of sound and would land on the Carrier Queen Andromache in just four hours time even though it lay on the The Justice League and the Black Scorpions were ready strike city of Latakia the principal port city of Syria, as the first step in the Norselandic intervention in the Syrian civil war . In addition to serving as a port, the city was a manufacturing center for surrounding agricultural towns and villages. According to the 2004 official census, the population of the city was 383,786. the 5th largest city in Syria . Anowa would be working together with a member of the JL Justice Manita Murderhaard a world renowned and feared crime fighter who was the most amazing sight and really lived up to the image of the Norse Women being the toughest and biggest people in the world not just the largest Women of all. Although She was not as tall as Anowa, Yet She was in many ways bigger and even more muscular and wider in build. She had short blonde hair tied tightly in a pony tail and had a permanently fierce expression on Her face that would definitely instil fear in any enemy. She was always dressed in a skin tight black leather cat suit that revealed every single curve in Her muscular body including Her massive arms and Her huge breasts. with a leather hat, gloves and thigh length boots with 10 centimetre heels that made Her look so formidable enough to scare any opponent. What was more She even frightened Anowa Herself by Her sheer presence and sense of power. Around Her waist She wore a whole armoury of weapons including two guns, a long cat o nine tails with steel thongs at the end , a row of knuckle dusters as well as a whole collection of knives that went right round Her waist Anowa would be working closely with Her two Black Scorpion colleaugues Amazing Afrika and Lethal Veronica. Black Scorpions an organization exclusively of Black Women dedicated to the complete eradication of crime all over the world that worked with the Justice League . . Amazing Afrika actually was taller than Anowa being a brilliant fighter and wrestler. She was looking really stunning dressed in a black leather bra, a leather studded collar, skin tight leather shorts and tight calf length boots with high heels that revealed Her huge rippling muscles and thighs and Her magnificent muscular body. She was actually half Somali Herself Her mother was American and Her parents had met when her father was studying medicine at UCLA in Los Angeles where Afrika now lived .He had given Her the Somali name Afrika Omaar a name She was still so proud of .He had worked in a hospital in Mogadishu and been killed in the coup in 1969 when She was only 4 years old. She had been taken back to the USA by Her mother who had hardly any money as all their property was seized after the coup. When Her mother arrived she had managed to find a job in a local primary in Los Angeles school as a dinner lady. They moved to one of the roughest neighborhood of all to Watts a largely Black area. Afrika grew up to fight to survive. She began to be extremely tough Herself. She excelled in all sports at school especially running and basketball. She began to develop a passion for fighting and loved to wrestle . As She began to take up karate and wrestling She soon began to win every fight beating up boys to a pulp especially . She ran a local gang the 'Sadista Sisters' that in many ways resembled the All Saints the gang of which Anowa was the leader that consisted exclusively of Black Girls that ran one neighbourhood and would use extreme violence on any other gang standing in its way, specializing in ripping faces up to shreds with razor blades something She now specialized in. She was soon known as 'Almighty Afrika' and no one would dare tangle with Her not even the toughest criminal who knew She was an excellent fighter who was an expert in ripping people's faces apart with the razor .She carried one at all times in Her waist and was an expert in taking out eyes and noses apart. She was also intellectually very bright sharing Her father's passion for studying. She went to UCLA after coming first in Her class from Her high school. She obtained a 2/1 degree in medicine. She soon obtained a job in the casualty department at a community hospital as a doctor . It was the sight of all those people coming in with injuries as a result of fights especially gang fights that made Her determined to use Her incredible fighting and bodybuilding skull to for a good cause destroy crime altogether. She had heard all about the Black Scorpions and decided to contact the Leader Ramona to join Them.It was not long before She was contacted by�� Ramona and sent on Her first assignment to deal with crime in Somalia and to restore order there in conjunction with the JL. . Veronica Schotte was a very big Black woman . She was now over 6' tall with powerful muscles and very bighips. She a real high cheeked Ebony Curacao an beauty. Her amazing proud erect physique made Her look taller than She really was. In every way She was extremely athletic, muscular and positively excelled in every single sport imaginable had won every track, field and gymnastic events easily outclassing every one of Her opponents. She was also an excellent footballer beating men every single time who could not even get nearer as She was so fast and agile. She had also developed Her fighting skills excelling particularly in wrestling and fist fighting to the was known to be invincible and would adapt the name the Wrestling Goddess. She had also attained black belts in both karate and taekwondo at the age of only 16.She was now learning the most dangerous martial art in the world Norselandic Gym Kata by which one could kill one's opponent in two deadly blows! Throughout the school She lived with Her widowed mother in Rotterdam the second-largest city in the Netherlands . She was incredibly well developed for a real high cheeked Ebony Curacaoan beauty. Her amazing proud erect physique made Her look taller than She really was. In every way She was extremely athletic, muscular and positively excelled in every single sport imaginable winning in every track, field and gymnastic events easily outclassing every one of Her opponents. extent that She was known to be invincible and would adapt the name the Wrestling Goddess. She had also attained black belts in both karate and taekwondo at the age of only 16.She was now learning the most dangerous martial art in the world Norselandic Gym Kata by which one could kill one's opponent in two deadly blows! From Her school She had attained the well deserved name of Lethal Veronica. Like Anowa and Afrika She had joined the Black Scorpions to rid the world of crime and terrorism.She was an admirer of Norseland and from an early age had joined the Norselandic Admiration Society longing to go to a Nation where womem were the dominant sex. A voice me on the Intercom of the carrier ; 'Greetings Anowa.Manita Afrika and Veronica. This is Very Senior Commander Melissa Bloodspiller the Commander of the Queen Andromache! You have arrived off the coast of Syria Your birth place!' 'WELCOME TO THE QUEEN ANDROMACHE! Any comments to