ANNIKA THE NORSE GIRL by Hamlet KRISTINA HER FRIEND ANNIKA'S JEALOUSY Stephen was laying the tables for dinner at the Clarendon Hotel in Deal, not able to concentrate on his work at all. Yet his mind was all over the place and he was so confused. He just could not focus on what he was doing. All he could think about was his Norselandic girlfriend Annika and nothing else. He had just been playing the famous aria Porgi d'amor, from The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart over and over again in his room at home, one of the most beautiful love songs ever written. He was constantly thinking not just of Annika but of the words of that song as he hummed the tune to himself. Porgi, amor, qualche ristoro, O Love, give me some remedy Al mio duolo, a'miei sospir! For my sorrow, for my sighs! O mi rendi il mio tesoro, Either give me my darling O mi lascia almen morir. Or at least let me die. Being someone who was interested in studying and was about to study Philosophy at the University of York this year he thought about his love obsession. He knew that literature and poetry had often described love as a kind of madness, and the medical profession took a similar approach. According to the Hippocratic Medicine view, passionate love would almost always fade or turn into 'love melancholy' "" this was a form of depression or sadness.� Passionate love was the love in the "honeymoon phase", the beginning of new love, but it burnt itself out after a year or two, compassionate love was what occurred after passionate love faded, it was a stronger bond of companionship.� In both cases, lovesickness could be experienced if love was lost or unrequited. In 1915,� Sigmund Freud� had asked rhetorically, "Isn't what we mean by 'falling in love' a kind of sickness and craziness, an illusion, a blindness to what the loved person is really like".� Long before Freud, in 360 B.C.E, Plato stated, "Love is a serious mental disease," and Socrates added that "Love is a madness".� Love sickness wasn't just a form of expression for those head-over-heels, but has been studied as an actual illness. He had invited Annika to come to see his parents this evening and they had invited her for dinner. He was full of inner conflict as part of him was almost shouting into his brain telling him clearly that this was a mistake, that there was something ridiculous about the whole decision to invite her. This was a voice shouting into his mind that this evening would be a complete and total disaster, just like his first date. His mind went back to the first date he had ever been on back in Zambia when he was 17 and had just left school . He had remembered how his parents had sabotaged the whole evening whether intentionally or not. He had asked a white girl there whom he had met at a party to go on a date with him. He remembered how his mother had constantly put doubts beforehand in his mind by telling him that he would not be able to have an intellectual conversation with her at all, that as a man he had to entertain her and she did not have to entertain him, that when she was young men had to be amusing and witty and if she was bored with him she would never see the man again, He began the date full of fear that it would be his responsibility how the evening turned out to be Meanwhile Annika was ready to meet Stephen's parents. she looked absolutely stunning with her long flowing blonde hair her face covered in deep mascara and her huge cleavage with her enormous breasts overflowing from her skin-tight jacket. She decided to stun his parents by wearing shiny black leather as she stood admiring herself in the mirror standing nearly 7 foot tall, Suddenly there was a knock on the was her school friend Kristina. She knew that Kristina hated her relationship with Stephen and wanted it to end at all she stood there by the door looking almost as impressive dressed in a low fitting bra and thigh length boots. Hello Annika I see that you are now going to meet this foreigner's parents. I thought you might like to know that I saw him talking to a foreign woman in the hotel bar and he was laughing about this Norselandic girlfriend saying she was was bigger than a man. I overheard all their conversation ' Hallo Annika, jeg ser at du naa skal moote denne utlendingens foreldre. Jeg tenkte at du kanskje kunne tenke deg aa vite at jeg saa ham snakke med en fremmed kvinne i hotellbaren, og han lo av at denne Norselandske kj�resten sa at hun var stoorre enn en mann. Jeg overhoorte all samtalen deres ' Annika grabbed Kristina by the arms and shouted in her face. 'It's not's not true. Tell me Kristina It's not true!' she shouted in her face so that the whole hotel could hear. 'Det er ikke sant. Det er ikke sant. Si meg Kristina Det er ikke sant! D 'Calm down Annika. So, you're really jealous, as that famous English writer Shakespeare wrote Beware of jealousy, it's a green-eyed monster that makes fun of the victims it devours. The woman who knows her boyfriend is cheating on her is happy, because at least she isn't friends with the woman he's sleeping with. But think of the unhappiness of a woman who worships her partner, yet doubts his faithfulness. She suspects him, but still loves him.' Ro deg ned Annika. Saa du er virkelig sjalu, som den beroomte engelske forfatteren Shakespeare skrev Pass paa sjalusi, det er et groonnooyet skr�msli som gjoor narr av ofrene den sluker. Kvinnen som kjenner kj�resten sin som jukser henne, er lykkelig, fordi hun i det minste ikke er venn med kvinnen han sover hos. Men tenk paa ulykken til en kvinne som tilber partneren sin, men tviler likevel paa hans trofasthet. Hun mistenker ham, men elsker ham fortsatt. ' Any comments to