ANNIKA TELLS ME I HAVE TO SEE THE STRICT MS TOUGHAARD by Hamlet Annika put down Her mobile phone and spoke to me. Sweethaeart I was speaking to My very strict teacher Ms Toughaard.I am afraid She is very angry with me for seeing you without Her permission. I am afraid we are not really supposed to be going out with islanders. I began to feel really depressed. 'Does that mean Annika I can't see you anymore?' 'Don't worry Stephen sweetheart. I said was very sorry Ms Toughaard I thought we could have more freedom now we were in England. I promised I would be back in the hotel before eleven pm.I also promised to introduce you to Her tomorrow. I told Her you were very clean respectable person I assured you and I knew She would like you.' I felt so reassured as I was so depressed that our relationship was going to end and knew I would miss Her so much. 'She said normally She would order me back to the hotel immediately and give me a damned good cropping for not telling Her but as we are in England and we are on holiday on just this occasion She would show me mercy. I have to return to the hotel by 11pm or I would get one stroke for every minute I am late! You must understand Stephen She is our teacher and Supervisor and is very strict.' 'I said thank you so much Ms Toughaard and asked Her to please forgive me for My misdemanours and I begged your mercyI told Her. that I really like him and want to spend my time in England with you and begged Her to .please have mercy on me!' 'She said that as I was a very good pupil. She would forgive me this once. all However She told me quite clearly that all intercourse with you is strictly forbidden ! That means you obviously we cannot have any type of intercourse. However don't t worry I will do everything else to you including giving you lots of deep throat kisses as well as screwing you senseless with my strap on and wanking you all the time. We will have a wild time together and this will be a relationship like no other you have ever experienced.' 'Ms Toughaard has also told me will report to Her immediately after school with you at one pm at my hotel She will decide whether you are suitable as a partner for me .Don't worry I am sure you will pass the interview with Her .Just make sure you are cleanly dread and clean before you meet Her. Also make sure you treat Her with respect and be treat Her with respect and obedience at all times. If She decides you are not suitable for you She will thrash us both of you and forbid me to see you ever again. She has told us to enjoy our meal even though we are eating foreign food and make sure we are on time to see me tomorrow! ' 'I said Thank you so much Ms Toghaard you are such a wonderful teacher!' We then ticked into our curry as Annika was thoroughly enjoying the change from Norselandic food.. As I was eating She moved over to me and held me by the crotch. 'Sweet darling Stephen. I am so happy we have met and I look forward to being with you as my partner. Your relationship with me will be so different from those English women those stick insects or 'stokk insektor' as we call them. I love that American comedian Cocoa Brown whom we love in Norseland and is now a Norselandic citizen really laughed at them in Her comedy sketch where She holds up a stick and asks how can anyone find this attractive? Also we love the American Black comedian Mo'nique who also laughs at weak skinny women.' 'You are now in a relationship with a big powerful Norse Girl much stronger than you who will be in charge in our relationship, I am an expert on sex and will guide you and take control all the time. I will know what you want and understand and will be your lover and your Mother.' She kissed me again on the lips again giving me the full Deep Throat Kiss. GERE'S TO OUR RELATIONSHIP SWEETHEART! Any comments to