ANNIKA THE NORSE GIRL FRIEND by hamlet ANNIKA TAKES ME OUT TO A BANGLADESHI RESTAURANT ON OUR FIRST DATE I was sitting opposite my new Norselandic girlfriend Annika.I had only known Her for just over an hour and yet Here we were together in a Bangladeshi restaurant in Deal Kent the Milaad Tandoori . What was more She had asked me out and what was even more surprising She was going to pay for everything saying that in Her Nation it was considered insulting for a woman to be paid for as if She was a prostitute. She said She was starving hungry and longed to try Bangladeshi food. She looked at the menu. Just as She was about to order the phone rang. It was Her friend Kristina who was quite clearly keeping an eye on us and treating our date as a bit of a joke as neither Her nor Her friends had ever associated with a foreigner or oslander before. 'Annika it's me Kristina how are you getting on with that oslander?' 'Annika det er meg Kristina hvordan faar du paa med at oslander?' She could hear Her school friends laughing in the background. 'Look Kristina just leave us alone for God's sake! He's a lovely person very attractive and we're about to eat in this Bangladeshi restaurant which I'm going to enjoy and will of course pay for. I know he almost certainly does not have a forty five centimetre cock like Hans and Jarre but unlike you I don't always judge men by the size of their cocks!There is more to life than being penetrated by a cock and more to sex than just intercourse! I love Norse Men but it's lovely to have a change just as it's good to eat curry and have a change from that Norselandic food! 'Se Kristina bare forlate oss alene for gud skyld! Han er en herlig indiv veldig attraktive og vi er i ferd med aa ete i dette Bangladesh ligger restaurang som jeg kommer til aa nyte og vil selvfoolgelig betale for. Jeg vet han nesten helt sikkert ikke har et foorti fem centimeter hanen som Hans og Jarre men i motsetning til deg jeg ikke alltid doomme mennesker ved deres kuken!Det er mer i livet enn aa bli penetrert av en hanen og mer til sex enn bare umgaange;! Jeg elsker norroone menn men det er Herlig aa ha en endre akkurat som den; sed god aa spise karri og har en endring fra Norse mat! 'I'm sorry Annika I didn't mean to upset you. I really hope you have an enjoyable time with Stephen as he seems a very pleasant person. I really love the way you dealt with his boss! Jeg beklager Annika jeg gjorde mener ikke aa forstyrre deg.Jeg haaper virkelig du har en hyggelig tid med Stefan han synes en veldig hyggelig person.Jeg elsker maaten du behandles med sin chef!' 'Oh him I loved putting my hands down his groin and telling him that i wanted to go out with Stephen now and if he continued to bully him he would lose the possession of his testicles! '!Oh ham jeg elsket aa sette hendene mine ned sin lyske og forteller ham at jeg oonsket aa gaa ut med Stefan naa og hvis han fortsatte aa mobbe ham han vil miste eiendom hans testikler!' I'd love to beat him senseless Annika Why don't we take him outside .you can twist his testicles Hans can smash him in the nose Jarre can break his ribcage with his mighty fists and I can throttle him and break his neck! Jeg ville elske aa slaa ham med Annika hvorfor ikke vi ta ham utenfor .du kan vri hans testikler Hans kan knuse ham i nesen Jarre kan bryte hans broostkorg med sin sterke never og jeg kan gass ham og bryte nakken!' 'We must do that tomorrow it would be such fun! Anyway I. Am really hungry and it's rude to talk Norselandic when Stephen can't understand a word!' Vi ma gjoore som i morgen vil det vre saa morsomt! Likevel sultne og det er uhooflig aa snakke Norse naar Stefan kan ikke forstaa et ord!' She turned round to me. 'I'm so sorry darling it's my friend Kristina she's fascinated by our relationshio and really likes you! I believe She would like to debauch you and I would actually love to give you a damned good spit roasting in our room! 'She laughed She turned to the waiter ordering him as if he was Her skivvy. 'Right we'll have a buffet. We will begin with two starters , a fish dish, a beef dish a lamb dish two rice dishes, a mushroom dish, a tomato dish, three naans and six papadums.I will tell you in detail exactly what we want but first of all we want drinks. We will have two shandies now! He had never met such an assertive woman in his life. HURRY UP WITH THE DRINKS I'M PARCHED AND STARVING!! Any comments to