ANNETTE FORCES STEPHEN TO SIGN A CONTRACT OF LOVE AND SERVITUDE by Hamlet I lay on the ground for the last of the wanking Positions for the gang banging I was receiving from the all powerful Black Ghanaian Glamazon Annette. I could be seen from the road as I lay there prostrate knowing that I had to experience the full force of a face sitting. My face would go right up Her arse until I would be nearly totally suffocated. She had told me in no uncertain terms that it would really hurt and that I would be crushed almost like a pancake. She had also told me that I had to obey Her every single command or else would face the full power of Her incredibly powerful leather gloved hand smashing across my face! I had lay there totally helpless under the massive weigh of Her leather clad body as I had gazed up at the starry sky overhead and could see passengers from Stratford station East London walking past me as I was clearly visible to everyone as I lay there totally at Her mercy on the ground. It was just as She had taken my prick in Her steel like hand ready to wank me once more until I came over the leather, that She had heard the voices of two peeping toms as they had watched the waking Session in full view that was far better for them than watching any pornographic film! She had heard their Cockney accents as they had spoken about this blackbird tossing that 'geezer off". She had attacked them both with full force and they had made a desperate but totally futile attempt to escape from Her.She had grabbed them both by the neck calling them both a couple of f---g peeping toms. It was a terrible sight to see Her in a total rage as She had slammed Her right fist right into the rib cage of the first one as a loud cracking of his broken ribs and a screams could be heard right by Stratford station itself. She has dealt with the other fat specimen easily too as She had him pinned against the tree unable to move an inch as Her fist Had slammed with incredible power into his face as She totally ignored his desperate pleas for mercy. Blood had come pouring down his nostrils in a torrent as She was enjoying Herself gloating at his pain and suffering as She always did when She gave anyone a beating. Being a big tough security guard it was what She did for a living. I had no option but to just lie on the ground watching the beating feeling the cold wind against my prick and balls that also felt do sore after the merciless wanking She had out me through. A small crowd had gathered to watch the spectacle of me lying on the ground half naked. She had become furious too at the prospect of these strangers gazing at me exposed on the ground. They soon realized that if they carried on staring they would face exactly the same treatment themselves as those peeping toms who were lying on the ground screaming in torment! She walked up to me and stood light over me as I lay there half naked on the ground underneath Her boot heels. 'Right Stephen this is the last position I'm going wank you in .I'm to face sit you now. It will be painful for you as I will be wanking you at the same time. You must realize that from now on you will be My partner for life and will have to accept whatever I do to you!' With that She opened wide Her huge leather coat and leather skirt. Within a few seconds Her whole arse was covering my face completely enveloping it. My head just went right up her arse as if I was going right down a long tunnel. The heat was soon becoming unbearable as all I was conscious of was the smell of Her arse as She bore down more and more heavily. The heat was becoming like the very heat of Hell and like Hell it was pitch dark. I realized I could not breathe at all as I was desperate to draw air but all I was conscious of was an immense darkness and Her whole massive arse crushing my face as I could fell my nose almost breaking under Her sheer power. At the same time I could feel my prick and balls being totally violated as She moved Her leather gloved hand up and down my prick in a series of relentless movements. At the same time She dug Her nails deep into my ball sac giving me the feeling that any minute I could pass out and it was only the intense pain of the wanking that kept me conscious. Eventually She lifted her gigantic body off my poor crushed face as I lay under Her feeling totally beaten with all the life drained out of me my face covered in sweat cum juice as I was almost vomiting struggling as hard as I could to breathe. She took he'd of me and lifted me off the ground 'Come with Me Stephen to My car. You have just been through an intense wanking Session and I knew you are aching and sore all over. Yes I know how sore you will be feeling for the rest of your life as My sex slave whose role is to be screwed and wanked at My pleasure!' She held me by the hand as I walked along in the direction of the car feeling so dazed and sore and aching all over. I felt so totally helpless holding Her hand as if I was just a little baby complete dependent on Her. She opened the car door me and forced me down hard onto the back seat and with Her powerful hand She ripped down my trousers. As She spoke to me She carried on fondling my prick and balls and kissing me all over my face until I was drenched with Her saliva. 'Stephen I want you to know that I really love you. I want to be your Partner for the rest of your life. I want to take care of you and protect bayou just like My little baby boy!' 'I know you have never experienced real love in all your life especially from a woman. We will move in together. You will sell your house in Stratford and come and live with Me nearby in Stratford.' 'I have a Contact of Love and Servitude here that stipulates all the conditions of our relationship rather like a marriage contract. I will be the Domme who will own you as My property and you will be My sub. We will be so happy together and we will really live happily ever after!' As She spoke She kissed me all over my face licking and kissing every inch of my face until it was completely covered in Her lipstick and saliva. At the same time She carried on wanking me furiously until I was so sore and aching all over as tears came down my eyes in a flood.Her massive body pinned me down on the back seat so that I could not move a single inch. She suddenly thrust a piece of paper in my face. 'This is a Contract of Love and Servitude (CLS) Stephen. You will sign it now!' 'But Annette I don't know what it contains, couldn't I read it first?' 'Stephen I have very powerful hands as you well know. If you don't f----g sign this piece of paper this second I will slap that face of yours into oblivion and you won't be a very pretty sight ever again for the rest of your life!' I began shaking with fear knowing white well the dreadful damage She could do to me. She screamed in my face. 'SIGN IT NOW STEPHEN OR ELSE!!!!