ANDRULLA KASSIDY AND GABRIELLE ARRIVE AT THE HOTEL AND THEN CONFRONT SOME ROWDY AUSTRALIAN TOURISTS IN BANGKOK by Hamlet Andrulla Kassidy and Gabrielle got off the train at Hualampong Station in Bangkok. They were conscious everywhere of the heat, the crowd and bustle. Yet as the three Women walked along the platform the crowds gave way to Them as it was clear that they were bigger and taller and almost certainly stronger than everyone else as the crowd. Gabrielle turned round to Them. 'Looks as if these Thais are so scared of Us! Many of them work in My Nation as menial workers(MW)and they have to do as they are told or else! They are all real wimps compared to Our size and strength aren't they?' ' Well We'd better get a taxi to Banglamphu .I've got My Guidebook here and it says there are many con artists operating at the station. We have to realize that anyone who comes up and offers help or information on hotel services or taxis is almost certainly a con artist however official they might seem There is a well established custom to fleece all new arrivals so be careful no one's going to con Us! Also be careful of dishonest tuk tuk drivers!' 'What's a tuk tuk?' asked Kassidy showing that She knew almost nothing about Thailand unlike Gabrielle who had researched everything thoroughly in the Guidebook in Her usual meticulous Norselandic way. 'Well they're a kind of taxi named after the noise of their engines that is terrible. They are usually very colorfully painted and go around corners faster than any car. They can be an exhilarating way to get round as long as We don't fuss about the fumes. They only charge about B50 for a short journey. Let's get one!' As They were walking along a little man came up to them. He was totally amazed by Their size and build as was almost everyone who passed them. 'You want tuk tuk I take you big Girls where you want!' 'Right!'said Andrulla.' We are very big Girls and We want to go to Banglamphu. My Black Friend and I want to go to New Joe's Guesthouse and My Blonde Friend wants to go to the Siam Oriental.' 'Certainly I take you there!' 'You'd better not overcharge Us and you take the direct route. I've got a map of Bangkok so I know exactly how to get there!'said Gabrielle beginning to scare the life out of him. The Three Women walked outside and sat in the tuk tuk the first time they had been in one in Their lives. The tuk tuk was the Southeast Asian version of a vehicle known elsewhere as an auto rickshaw or cabin cycle. It was a widely used form of urban transport in Bangkok and other Thai cities, as well as other major Southeast Asian and South Asian cities. It was particularly popular where traffic congestion is a major problem, such as in Bangkok. Resting on three small wheels (one in front, two on the rear), there is a small cabin for the driver in the front and seating for three in relative comfort in the rear. They are very maneuverable and can turn around in one lane of traffic with room to spare. The driver shot forwards through the traffic jams of the city. It was clearly a city with a headlong pace covered with high rise concrete and glass and it appeared to them as a vast concrete flatness with the most terrible traffic chaos of buses and tuks tuks, a city that was covered in pollution that made the heat and humidity even worse and noise was almost unbearable. Gabrielle in Her usual methodical way had a large map of the city in Her hands and had worked out the exact way to the hotel. The driver sped at full speed down Charden Krung or New Road as They beheld the first beautiful Buddhist temple They has ever seen the Wat Mangkon. The driver then sped even faster as they headed for the Democracy Monument. Within a few minutes They were outside the Siam Oriental where Gabrielle was staying. Gabrielle got out and threw B 50 in coins in the face of the driver. 'I can tell you were going to overcharge Us! I've read all about you tuk tuk drivers in My Guidebook. Don't try meddling with Us Norse Women or with My two Friends! We can beat you weedy Thais to a pulp do you understand?' She shouted in his face. 'Yes Miss.' he whined knowing quite well what the reputation of all Norselanders was and that you never meddled with Them at all! 'Right take My friends here to New Joe's Guesthouse and hurry up! They're tired after Their journey from England!' She turned to Andrulla and Kassidy. 'I'm just going to check into the hotel and then have a rest. Shall We meet up at 6? I have found out some good places to eat from My Guidebook!' 'Certainly We'll meet you at 6!' said Andrulla. It was not long before They were outside the guesthouse. It was a very simple hotel on the main street. Outside was a small fat man who was probably the manager who looked completely overawed as by Their sheer power as They walked out of the tuk tuk. Andrulla walked up to him completely dwarfing him with Her gigantic size and muscles. 'Hello My name is Andrulla and this is My Friend Kassidy .A booking was made for us from the airport. We are both very tired and would like to move into Our rooms now!' It was quite clear his English was very poor. 'Welcome to our newest guesthouse, built in 1995, with 60 rooms of good standard. From here, incoming goods do most of the administration, and our service desk can help you into all cases of need. Our accommodation rank from single rooms , more either with fan or air condition. All our rooms have private bathroom, and a balcony where you can catch the waking up off Banglamphu!' She was now getting fed up with listening to his broken English. 'Look here cut the crap and show Us Our rooms! I can read all this shit in your literature!' Kassidy walked right up to him thrusting Her breasts into his face. Why don't you take English classes shihead?' He was naturally terrified of both of Them as he showed them to Their two rooms. The rooms were basic and comfortable. Andrulla could not wait to have a sleep as She stripped off Her leathers and fell into bed exposing Her mighty muscular body as She lay naked on the sheets. She dozed off into a long refreshing sleep, which She so desperately needed .It was however not long before there was a knock on the door. It was the owner of the hotel again. 'Sorry Miss to bother you but there is big yellow haired Lady at the reception for You!' 'Right arsehole tell Her I'll be ready in about ten minutes and tell My Friend Kassidy though don't be surprised if you get a slapping for waking Her up!' She shouted through the door. She walked over to the shower and thoroughly washed Her gorgeous body all over as She admired Herself in the mirror in the distance. Her muscles now even larger than ever before. She then changed into Her leather basque hot pants and calf length boots. This time She decided to look even more stunning by wearing a studded collar and long leather gloves. To complete the effect She carried a pair of handcuffs around Her waist. As She walked in the corridor She met Kassidsy. She too was looking stunning dressed totally in red leather with a leather basque and hot pants exposing Her stunning Black body. Just like Andrulla to make Herself look even more stunning She wore thigh length boots that really made Her look so tall and majestic. They were met at the door by Gabrielle who too looked really impressive too in shiny lack leather wearing skin tight leather bra that really exposed Her huge breasts, skin tight leather trousers, leather gloves. knee length boots with 6" heels that really made Her look the complete Glamazon She was! 'Oh hello Andrulla and Kassidy You really do look stunning ! I don't know about You but I'm really famished!' 'God I could eat two horses and the riders!' said Kassidy feeling so starving. 'Well as You probably guessed I've been looking again in the Guidebook and have found a place called Simumm Bar and restaurant ,it's not far fro here. I thought We could have a drink and then I want a really huge meal! ' said Gabrielle. They walked out of the hotel into the main street of Banglamphu the Thanon Khao San.This was the main area where backpackers would flock to which was reputed to have the best nightlife in the city. The main street was crammed with restaurants, shops and bars and clubs some of them decidedly dodgy and rough. The bar itself lay the other side of the main street .It was a faintly small place but dark inside. As They entered all the eyes of the crowd looked straight at Them as They were so much taller and bigger than anyone else. 'Shall We try the local beer Changs I've heard its very strong!'said Gabrielle. 'I'd love to I'm so thirsty I could drink a whole lake' said Kassidy in Her loud voice conscious of all the stares as She was the only Black Woman there. They sat down to drink on a small table together. Yet as They were sitting down They became conscious of screams in the corner of the bar. 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!PLEASE HELP ME!!! 'What the Hell is that noise?' said Andrulla. 'I don't know but I'm going to have a look!' said Gabrielle. All three of Them walked over to the corner of the bar. In front of Them They could see four big heavy men confront what looked like a woman. They looked even closer and could see that the person was naked and it was actually a boy. It was in fact a Lady Boy a boy dressed to look as pretty as a girl. The tourists all Australian were ripping his clothes off in front of everyone in the bar and really enjoying themselves. Gabrielle walked straight up to them furious at their behaviour. '.I would suggest you leave him alone now you Aussie pricks!' One of the Australians with a huge beer gut went up to Her breathing beer fumes in Her face. 'So you're a Norsi bitch I can tell by your accent !You Norsis are f------g everywhere! Why don't you f------ off back to Norseland blondie ?' 'Yeah vy don you leaf us alown and go bark to Norseland?' said the other trying to imitate Her accent. 'I'd love to fight these arseholes. I'd like to take on two of them and beat the shit out of them! said Andrulla absolutely livid. 'And I'd like to take on one and beat him senseless and crush him under My big booty! 'said Kassidy desperate for a fight. 'Yes and I'd like to beat the other one black and blue for calling Me a Norsi bitch and imitating My accent!' said Gabrielle red in the face with rage and yearning for a fight. Andrulla walked up to two of them displaying Her enormous stature to them. 'WHICH OF YOU ARSEHOLES CAN I TAKE ON FIRST?' Any comments to