ANDRULLA'S AND KASSIDY'S FIRST EXPERIENCES IN BANGKOK by Hamlet The plane at last came to a standstill on the runway of Bangkok's Don Muang airport. The announcement came on the intercom. 'Ladies and Gentleman we hope you have enjoyed your flight with British Airways from Gatwick to Bangkok. Please take all your possessions with you. The local time if you can adjust your watches is 3 PM and the temperature is 29C 84F.'' Andrulla and Her Friend Kassidy both stood up exhausted to reveal Their wonderful muscular bodies for all the passengers to leer at.They both looked so stunning especially as They were both so scantily clad in skin tight leather hot pants basques and calf length boots, with the only difference being that Andrulla was dressed totally in black leather whereas Kassidy was dressed in red. Andrulla had to summon up all Her resources as She was full of such apprehension about the forthcoming holiday in a strange country. All that Kassidy and Her had done was to buy the air tickers which They had both bought cheaply through a special offer. Nothing else at all had been arranged .They had nowhere to stay tonight in Bangkok and They had no idea how to reach Trang that was over 300 miles away in the Deep South where they were going to stay with Andrulla's Thai pen friend Arun whom She had never met. Still this was all part of the excitement of the holiday having nothing planned . Both of Them were so tough and resourceful and They were sure they could find a hotel and Their way to the south. 'Come on Kassidy! We're going to have to find somewhere to stay tonight. Also I'm starving. I really can't wait to try eat some Thai food especially as that airline food was so disgusting!' 'I can't wait too Andrulla dear. My arse is so sore after sitting down all that time. I really need to get something to eat and some rest!'. They were soon out of the plane and were in the arrivals lounge They then reclaimed Their luggage. Andrulla had been warned that there was a considerable amount of theft here and there was also a danger that drugs could placed in the baggage so both of them made absolutely sure They held onto Their luggage at all times. Their next task was to find some accommodation as both of Them were really tired suffering from jet lag and so hungry too. They looked in the distance and could see a booth specializing in hotel bookings. As They walked along They noticed how the locals stared at them as if They were almost from another planet .These Thais was so small and diminutive by comparison especially the women. The only large foreign women they ever saw were of course Noselanders. Both Andrulla and Kassidy were in fact members of the NAS(Norselandic Admiration Society). Being big tough Women They really admired Norseland as the world's Matriarchy and Police Woman. In fact Andrulla through Her contacts in the NAS had a Norse Woman pen friend who was a member of the ROJ (Royal Overseas Judges) Nikki Foller. She was the ROJ responsible for southern Thailand and had an appointment to meet Them both at the ROJ headquarters in Bangkok tomorrow. When Norselanders travelled to Thailand and the Philippines the top They were not subject to the jurisdiction of the Local police at all. Under the treaties made between Norseland and Thailand They were subject to the Norselandic Police the R OJ.These generally took a lenient view as They are on holiday in a foreign country. They would only arrest a Norselander if She/He murdered a Thai woman or committed serious criminal damage.Otherwise the view of the ROJ is for them a good time, rape, debauch and pillage as much as They like just like Their Viking ancestors. These are Oslanders and that is what they deserve and if any Thai tries to stop them the ROJ will arrest the Thai .What is more the Government will take military and economic action against Thailand including sending in the Justice League (the equivalent of the SAS or the SWAT) and bombing Bangkok if necessary if any Thai police try to prevent a Norselandic tourist enjoying Herself/Himself on holiday! As a result if the influx of Norselandic tourists into Thailand the town of Phang Nga north of Trang has been taken over by Norselanders.It was full of Norselandic bars and restaurants.The streets are patrolled by the ROJ.The local women have effectively been turned into sex slaves for the Norselanders who use and abuse them.The Norse Women were worse than the Men and take part in the rape and pillaging with the Norse Men, having contempt for the Thai women and holding them down forcefully while their Norse Men debauch them. Naturally the local population are terrified of this Viking invasion and generally flee the area in the summer months and allow the Norselandic gangs to take over. The area is terrorized by biker gangs, sometimes all Female such as the Valkyra Sisters and mixed gangs called the Thoras, who roam the countryside looking for Thais to debauch.The ROJ do nothing and sometimes take part Themselves! They only do something if a local person is killed which has not actually happened yet. One of the favourite past times for a Norselandic couple is to take a lady boy back to their hotel and give him a damned good screwing.The Norse Woman will hold him by the neck and hair while the Norse Man shoves his huge cock up his mouth spunking inside him. That will teach him not to look like a woman! Norse Women have complete contempt for Thai and Oriental women generally and like nothing more than tying one up holding her by the hair while Her Partner screws her remorselessly.It is all part of the Sex Holiday! Andrulla and Kassidy could not wait to meet more Norselanders while They were in Thailand. In fact They both yearned to become Black Scorpions an organisation of Black Women based in the USA dedicated to the eradication of crime. As Andrulla was Coloured and Kassidy was Black and both such tough Women They would be ideal members. They wanted to go on Missions with the ROJ and JL anywhere in the world at all. Andrulla approached the hotel booking office There was a rather nervous looking man behind the counter. He looked up in awe at boy of them gazing at their huge muscles and protruding breast completely overwhelmed by Them. Andrulla walked right up to the counter almost pushing Her gigantic mammaries into his face. 'My Friend and I would like either a double room or two single rooms at an inexpensive hotel in the centre of Bangkok. We want to pay less than B350 a night.' (I £ = B70 $=50). He carried on looking at Her cleavage underneath Her black leather basque quite transfixed almost unable to concentrate at what She was saying. She was getting quite fed up being tired and hungry just like Kassidy. With one move She pulled him up by the collar in Her mighty leather clad bodybuilder's hands 'I said arsehole We want a room in a hotel tonight! If you don't hurry up and find Us a room I will go onto your database and find one Myself!' 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!' he groaned loudly as Her razor sharp nails dig into his throat. She eventually put him down throwing him down onto the seat with one hand as he began to cry in pain and humiliation. His hands were now shaking as he tapped into keyboards 'Yes I find very nice place called New Joe's Guesthouse. Very popular with tourists!' 'All right how much?' 'Only B350 for double room per night (£5)' 'OK We'll take it. Tell Me exactly how to get there.' He pulled out a map of the city, his hands shaking after the experience he had just faced at Her hands. 'Quickest way you get train to Hualamphong Station only cost B50; hotel is in area called Banglamphu on Trok Mayom St. You get taxi from station only cost B70.' 'Right We'll take it. It had better be all right as I'll probably see you again and I never forget a face!' 'Come on Kasssidy!' 'LETS GO THERE!!' Any comments to