Akella the Avenger by Hamlet As Akella rode towards Los Angeles on her at full speed on Her white charger bike, She knew that the greatest challenge of Her life lay ahead.As She rode onwards, passersby gazed at her and Her partner in awe and wonder. She was a truly magnificent sight dressed as she was completely in a black leather stetson, face mask, leather cat suit, leather gloves and knee length shiny Pvc boots. She was truly a wonderful sight on that powerful white charger along with Her partner Dag.Just the feel of it beneath Her massive thighs made Her feel wet and more prepared than ever for the forthcoming fight that lay ahead! Dag too was truly a wonderful sight on His powerful white charger that He rode with incredible skill His huge member protruding beneath His skin tight leather trousers Bike. Just the feel of it beneath His massive thighs made him feel excited and more prepared than ever for the forthcoming fight and debauching that lay ahead! Their Mission was to capture the Alcalde and take him as a prisoner to the newly established Nander Detention Centre in the Bothnian Islands that lay only 20m Kms off the coast of California where he would face a lifetime of torture and hard labour. They both lived up to the picture that was given of them by the Spanish writer Erlandez in his book 'Las Buccaneeras' 'I saw the Norse Folk and the warriors the Buccaneeras when They had landed and camped near San Francisco. I have never seen such stately Women though of course their Men are tall and muscular but not as tall and muscular as the Norse Women who are commonly known as Valkyrie. They are as tall as palm trees ruddy cheeked and all with long flowing blonde hair They are all dressed totally in shiny black leather with thigh length leather boots with razor sharp heels.'. Suddenly She had to stop the motor bike as a blinding flash of light lay ahead of Her. 'Akella they have seen flashes of light and Visions like this before.They are about to establish the Queen Dom of Righteousness here in California .After that the Queen Dom must be extended to other areas in the world.It is not enough that it is established here.If it is a true Queen Dom of Righteousness it must be established everywhere.' 'It is a righteous battle against Evil and they will be victorious.They will win this Holy Battle and emerge absolutely triumphant just as they were victorious as all the Buccaneera have been .They are my chosen Instrument Akella to fight this Holy War against the Spanish empire. They will emerge from the fight absolutely unscathed except for one graze.' 'I want they to torture those evil men the Alclalde to death in the most gruesome way they can showing no mercy.' 'Don't worry Akella they and Dag will win and win so easily.I will be with they in theyr Righteous Cause!' She remembers just how terrified these Spanish were of the Norse Buccaneera after she too had read the book the Buccaneera by Erlandez . The Buccaneera are always aggressive before the fight. They take out their swords and wave them around, even if they know they aren't going to use it. They like to take out their fighting knives, Castrators, and give it a bit of a sharpen. If they wear a whip around their waists they take it off, crack it a couple of times and then then retie it. Why should they wait for the opponent to strike the first blow? Once the fight was on, they go for him as hard as they can. They have won fights while their opponent was still asking plaintively about the rules. Even better, they ask about the rules, and when they say that there aren't any, they go for him like a whirlwind. Don't wait around. "Twice armed is she whose cause is just, but thrice who gets her blow in first." And once their opponent down, they don't step back and let him get up. They get down there with him and wrap their thighs round something. It doesn't really matter what, anything a Buccaneera Valkyrie puts between her thighs is going to get broken. His head is a good choice, because then he can't see or hear, it feels like they're cracking his skull, and if they get the backs of their thighs against his shoulders, it simultaneously feels like they're pulling his head off. The opponent's stomach is good, except that some stomachs are simply too big to get round. But if they can, then they can rub his navel against his spine. The third main possibility is his chest. With either of the last two, they can control his breathing, but with the chest they have to be careful about breaking a rib. Preparation. It's vital to prepare, long before the battle. They never know what weapons they'll be fighting with, so keep their sword handy and their fighting knife sharp. Some people disagree about wearing armour, saying that if they fight nearly naked they get such a big advantage. The trouble with that theory is that they might encounter a gay or misogynist, and then flaunting their assets isn't going to help them much. They prefer to compromise on this, and wear leather armour. It isn't as protective as, say, chain mail, but it's so much lighter and doesn't impede their mobility, and Thor knows, Valkyries need all the mobility they can get, because of the way our joints work. Obviously a leather jacket won't ward off a thrust with a pointed weapon, but it will help a lot against a cut with an edged weapon, and take a lot of the sting out of a blow with a blunt instrument. So they wear a zip-up leather jacket, and a long, long skirt, but very full and slit up the sides so they don't lose mobility. They wear the horned helmet, of course. I they tell people it's just for effect, but the iron cap could save me from a terrible headache and I've used the horns in the past to gore with. The Buccaneera Valkyrie always wear high heels. People think that's odd in a fighting woman, but actually it's very sensible. They[re not infantry, they're *mounted* infantry, so they don't have to march long distances, They've practiced this - they can drive that spike heel through plate armour. So that means they're out of action, totally. And if they don't expect this, it's a devastating surprise, and if they do expect it, then they've got four things to worry about; two arms, and two legs. They carry a few other weapons, they never know what they might need. Their belts are actually a sixteen-foot bullwhip; they mostly use it for sexual intimidation, but at a pinch they could always use it for real. The slide they use to keep their hair in place looks like it's made of leather - well, it is, but inside it is Cat's Claw. This is a slim, sharp dagger. It's only a few inches long, but that's enough to slit a stomach or cut a throat. Sometimes they wear an attractive silver comb in my hair, or even a pair of combs. They aren't actually silver, they're stainless steel, and the teeth are *sharp*. They also like to wear a pretty blue ribbon in my hair. This is a meter long, two inches wide, made of LEATHER and works great as a garrotte. I usually carry a few concealed weapons as well. For obvious reasons, I won't tell they what and where. They know they're going to be insulting and taunting their enemy. There's no reason why they should have to make them up on the spot. So, when A Spaniard e says something lame like "Bitch" or 'perra', they can come back with "If I didn't know they were incompetent, I'd have guessed they were impotent." and while he's trying to work out what that means, go on with "Their face is quite pretty. It's a pity they're a man. Or are they?". Make up their own, make a long list of them, and when they need a few hurtful lines, they just trot them out. They can also prepare other useful lines in advance, like "She swings her sword in a great arc, nearly taking off his head." and so forth. 'Come on Dag Darling let's go to the Alcalde's Mansion in Los Angeles. I want to make him my personal slave and torture him and take him on a longboat to Nander Island. He has a wife Inez who is desperate for a Norse Cock I want to watch you debauch and screw Her mercilessly in six positions. I just love to see you debauching Spanish women.After screwing her in every orifice of her body we will burn down the Arcade's Mansion! We will drive these Spanish wimps out of California just as we drove them out of the Bothnian Islands and turn them into our slaves!' 'Kom paa Dag aalskilng la oss dra til Alcaldes herrgaard i Los Angeles. Jeg vil gjoore ham min personlige slave- og tortur ham og ta ham paa en storbaat til Nander ooya. Han har en hustru Inez som er desperat for en norroon Hanen jeg oonsker aa se paa du fordaare og du kan bruke skruring henne hemningsloost i seks stillinger. Jeg elsker aa se de debauching spanske kvinner. Etter aa skru henne i hver aapning av kroppen hennes vil vi brenne ned Arcades herrgaard! Vi vil drive disse spanske pyser ut av California akkurat som vi drev dem ut av ligger langs den svenske Bottenhavs ooyene og slaa dem i vaar slaver!'