Akella the Avenger by Hamlet As Akella the Avenger rode towards Los Angles the main city of Spanish California at full speed on Her white charger with Her partner and lover Dag the Dagger, She knew that the greatest challenge of my life lay ahead.As They rode onwards, the peons working in the fields gazed at Her and Her Partner Dag the Dagger in awe and wonder. She was a truly magnificent sight dressed in a leather stetson long leather cape leather jacket thigh length boots . He too was truly a wonderful sight on His powerful white charger that He rode with incredible skill His huge member protruding beneath His skin tight leather trousers Bike. Just the feel of it beneath His massive thighs made him feel excited and more prepared than ever for the forthcoming fight and debauching that lay ahead! Dag lived up it his name as a debaucher of Spanish women only in most cases the Spanish women readily submitted to his gigantic Norse Cock .He looked really stunning in shiny black leather with a black leather Stetson a leather face mask ,skin tight leather jacket and leather trousers and knee length boots. He had long flowing blonde hair tied in a pony tail. Their Mission was to capture the Alcalde and take him as a prisoner to the newly established Nander Detention Centre in the Bothnian Islands that lay only 20m Kms off the coast of California where he would face a lifetime of torture and hard labour. Akella. Looked even more stunning dressed exactly like him with platinum blonde hair. The only real difference was that His gigantic bulge was between His legs whereas Her was in Her chest. She spoke to Her Lover in Norselandic as She kissed him passionately. 'Come on Dag Darling let's go to the Alcalde's Mansion in Los Angeles. I want To make him my personal prisoner torture him and take him on a longboat to Nander Island he has a wife Inez who is desperate for a Norse Cock I want to watch They debauch Her mercilessly in six positions. I just love to see you debauching Spanish women.After screwing her in every orifice of Her body we will burn down the Arcade's Mansion! We will drive these Spanish wimps out of California just as we drove them out of the Bothnian Islands and turn them into our slaves!' Kom pa Dag Aalsklingla oss dra til Alcalde's Herskapshusi Los Angeles. Jeg vil gjoore ham mitt personlige fange tortur ham og ta ham paa en storbaat til Nander ooya han har en hustru Inez som er desperat for en norroon Hanen jeg oonsker aa se paa de forfoore henne hemningsloost i seks stillinger. Jeg bare elsker aa se deg forfooren spanske kvinner. #... Skru henne i hver aapning av kroppen hennes vil vi brenne ned Arcade's Mansion! Vi vil drive disse spanske pyser ut av California akkurat som vi drev dem ut av Bothnian ooyene og slaa dem i vaar slaver!' 'Come on My sweet Darling Dag the Dagger and Debaucher!' 'Kom paa min soote Kj##re Dag den Dolk og Forfoore !' 'We will show no mercy! "Vi vil Vis ingen naade! 'LET'S KILL AND RAPE THESE SPANIARDS AND PILLAGE THEIR LAND AND PROPERTY!! LA OSS DREPE OG RAPS DISSE SPANJOLEN OG ROOVE DERES EIENDEL OG EIENDOM!! They both lived up to the picture that was given of them by the Spanish writer Erlandez in his book 'Las Buccaneeras' 'I saw the Norse Folk and the warriors the Buccaneeras when They had landed and camped near San Francisco. I have never seen such stately Women though of course their Men are tall and muscular but not as tall and muscular as the Norse Women who are commonly known as Valkyrie. They are as tall as palm trees ruddy cheeked and all with long flowing blonde hair They are all dressed totally in shiny black leather with thigh length leather boots with razor sharp heels.'. Each Buccaneera carries an axe and knife and around Their waists while the Women the Valkyrie carry whips with steel thongs. Around Their necks They wear beautiful gold and silver chains. They are incredibly brave and valiant. When They attack another people like us Spaniards They do not cease until They have utterly annihilated them They are in effect invincible. They rape and plunder the vanquished and make them slaves They treat their slaves well and also they wear exquisite leather clothes, because They put great effort in trade. They have many towns and settlements . They have a most friendly attitude towards foreigners and strangers who seek refuge. They are very muscular and bold in attack and incredible horse riders.' In the fight itself, the most important factors They use are intimidation and aggression. The purpose of intimidation is to win the battle for Them before the fighting even starts. If their foes are sufficiently intimidated, and they are convinced that they can't possibly win, then they won't try very hard. Indeed as in surrender without a fight. But even if the opponent doesn't surrender at once, They've sapped his will to win. Intimidation is of prime importance to these Norse folk . They think up new ways to intimidate, and watch the way other people do it. They can never be too intimidating. They can intimidate their enemies three ways, physically, intellectually and sexually. Of course, the best intimidations are both. Their Women in particular the Valkyrie physically intimidate their opponents , They let him see Their arms or Their legs, They show him how They can crush an apple in Theyr grip, They show him how They can heel- kick Their stiletto even through armour plate. Intellectual intimidation is a bit harder.. To sexually intimidate an opponent, They flaunt their massive breasts at him, They toss Their hair, They stroke the front of Their thighs. To combine these, They can reach up with Their arms to behind Their head, which simultaneously shows off Their big biceps, letting him see that his are much smaller, and it makes Theyr breasts more prominent. Verbals are good, and very easy to do. They taunt their opponents and taunt his physical strength, and his sexual prowess. They laugh at his ridiculous member compared to that of a Norse Man. Words like "limpdick" and "softprick" are good, but any kind of insult against his manliness works, A more subtle form of intimidation, is to say that They've never castrated a man, and They don't think They ever would. Or to say that They really hate hurting men, and They only do it when They're forced to. In other words, They create the possibility in his mind by Their denial. Weapons are good for intimidation. I doubt if They can get any better than a whip; They normally use use a 16-foot bull-whip. They wear it round Their waist as a belt, and take it off and retie it, They fiddle with the handle (made from an important part of a bull), They might even take it off and give it a crack. They never know what might happen. A sharp knife is a good weapon They carry. They carry one called Castrator.which They use extensively to castrate a man.. They also take it out and sharpen it, clean their fingernails, or cut an apple. It doesn't matter, as long as it's visible, and intimidating. Watching another man licking Theyr feet is pretty intimidating. A Buccannera Valkyrie will often have one of Her admirers around, and They can always ask for this small service. Their Femininity is intimidating. After They've swung Their sword and cracked Their whip, brush Their hair or put on a dab of perfume. After They've beaten an opponent to a pulp, They might for fun kiss him gently and rock him to sleep in Their arms! . A public humiliation is so much more satisfying in particular a 'gang bang' whereby a whole row of opponents is mercilessly debauched They are always aggressive before the fight. They love to take out Their swords and wave it around, even if They know They aren't going to use it. They like to take out my fighting knife, Castrator, and give it a bit of a sharpen. If They wear a whip round Their waist, They take it off, crack it a couple of times, then retie it. Why wait for him to strike the first blow? Once the fight is on, They go for Their opponents as hard as They can. They've won fights while their opponent was still asking plaintively about the rules... "Twice armed is She whose cause is just, but thrice who gets Her blow in first." And once he's down, They don't step back and let him get up. They get down there with him and wrap Their thighs round something. It doesn't really matter what, anything a Buccaneera Valkyrie puts between Her thighs is going to get broken. His head is a good choice, because then he can't see or hear, it feels like They're cracking his skull, and if They get the backs of Their thighs against his shoulders, it simultaneously feels like They're pulling his head off. His stomach is good, except that some stomachs are simply too big to get round. But if They can, then They can rub his navel against his spine. The third main possibility is his chest. With either of the last two, They can control his breathing, and then go about breaking his ribs to a pulp!